View Full Version : nWo Question

12-03-2009, 10:18 PM
I never watched wCw but I keep hearing that the formation of the nWo was the biggest shock in wrestling history. Can someone explain in full detail what they mean by that? I have no idea about any of the guys involved with the nWo so please be very clear.

12-04-2009, 01:31 AM
I think the big shock was the Hogan heel turn.

12-04-2009, 03:04 AM
What was such a shock? Wasn't it possible that anyone could turn heel?

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 03:05 AM
The whole nWo was an outlaw group of 2 outsiders Hall and Nash,they came in to wCw from WWF jumped ship from WWF to wCw for more money basically wCw didn't have a storyline for them so they teamed them up it all led up on Nitro to Bash at the beach in a tag match Nash and Hall vs wCw (Sting,Luger and Savage) the outsiders said that they had a 3rd guy that was going to join them by the end of the match it was revealed in a shocking move Hogan that turned heel and Joined the then to be Announced nWo Hogan said on Bash at the beach that they where going to take over wCw and Eric Bischoff was revealed to be the mastermind behind the entire nWo,eventually the nWo ended up dismenteling into 2 diffrent groups because of Hogan and Nashs egos the nWo black and white and the nWo red and black wolfpac by mid 2000 the original nWo ended up breaking up forever but bought back by the end of 2000 and again in 2002 the 2002 edition was in WWF with all the original members

Hope that helped you understand a bit of the history of the nWo.

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 03:10 AM
Heres a clip Bash at the beach 96

12-04-2009, 03:31 AM
So essentially, Hogan was a huge face and no one saw him turning heel and no one expected him at all to be the third guy for the Outsiders? If that's it, I don't see what so special about them still lol.

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 03:42 AM
Yeah Hogan came to wCw in 1994 a face years went by where people got sick of Hulkamania so when he was asked to be the third man for the outsiders he said yes at that time it was such a big thing because he was doing all this shit for the kids then he turned heel people where like WTF it was kinda like DX in a way but without the nWo there would be no DX without the Horsemen there would be no nWo

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-04-2009, 03:50 AM
Ok here we go.........

Hall and Nash jumped ship to the WCW and they were projected as Outsiders from the WWF who were trying to take WCW over. They came in trashed people and badmouthed WCW and said they had a 3rd guy as well who would like to take on WCW's three best wrestlers. Hogan was off TV all this while and the fact that WWF had fake Diesel and fake Razor Ramon on TV only helped the angle. Now remember there was no internet at that time and people had no idea about the scripted aspect of wrestling.

Finally WCW had Sting, Randy Savage and Luger go up against the Outsiders who didn't reveal their 3rd guy till right at the end when Hogan came in. People expected Hogan, who was back on TV after a long while, to make the big save but instead he turned on WCW. What followed was anarchy, chaos and an awesome storyline.

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 03:52 AM
^Basically what i said but indeed Gunner

12-04-2009, 03:53 AM
I guess that's somewhat cool but I still don't see it as the "most shocking moment in wrestling history".

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 03:56 AM
At the time it was when WWF and wCw where at war and Hogan was the IT thing in Wrestling

12-04-2009, 05:09 AM
^^ You must have never seen wrestling pre-montreal screw job. That changed the way everyone looked at wrestling forever. But until that point Hogan hadn't been heel since his AWA days.

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-04-2009, 05:17 AM
If you still can't see it as shocking then DL old eps and if you still don't get it well then u got rocks in ur head :shifty:

A Blissful Ass
12-04-2009, 08:29 AM
^^ You must have never seen wrestling pre-montreal screw job. That changed the way everyone looked at wrestling forever. But until that point Hogan hadn't been heel since his AWA days.

Dude i have seen those days i was just Answering Eel i seen everything in Wrestling so much it's been done over and over again in Wrestling today

12-04-2009, 05:54 PM
If you still can't see it as shocking then DL old eps and if you still don't get it well then u got rocks in ur head :shifty:

I don't think I'd want to see that, plus no one has HQ episodes of wCw out so there's no point.

Kenpachi Zaraki
12-04-2009, 05:58 PM
meh you only need to ask I got a lotta links :P