View Full Version : TNA updates on RVD and Ken Anderson

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-11-2009, 06:23 AM
Credit: F4WOnline.com

- Those close to Rob Van Dam say that he doesn't have any "emotional attachment" to TNA. However, if he's offered big money with a light schedule, he would consider signing a deal.

- Ken Anderson to TNA now seems unlikely since he wants to focus more on an acting career. At one point, Anderson was looking to join TNA and prove that WWE made a mistake in letting him go.


A Blissful Ass
12-11-2009, 06:28 AM
I can predict RVD joining TNA soon might not be to soon but he'll join

as for Ken that's a shame he was an awesome wrestler

12-11-2009, 08:01 AM
thanks for this Krist