View Full Version : Top MMA fighters poll

The Mac
12-18-2009, 08:11 AM
Who is top heavyweight fighter? IMO... Frank Mir he is the most well rounded

Light heavyweight? IMO.... Machida he is almost unhittable and very accurate and most LHW dont know how to defend against judo

Middleweight? IMO it has to be anderson silva

Welterweight? IMO GSP

lightweight? Is there anyone that can beat BJ penn

Heavyweight? IMO Fedor he knocked out rogers.... nuff said... plus his only loss in career was due to a cut

Lightheavyweight? IMO Gegard Mousasi

Middleweight? IMO Jake sheilds... he hasnt loss in quiye sometime

Welterweight? IMO Nick Diaz but there wasn't really all that many to choose from

Lightweight? IMO Eddie Alvarez

U disagree?
leave your picks here

Let the discussion begin lol

12-18-2009, 06:21 PM
I pretty much agree from head to toe

Mir: my favorite fighter, he rarely leaves it up to the judges, and just decimated a top HW contender in Kongo. He is more motivated in getting his title back than ever before. He is trying to bulk up to try to at least neutralize Lesnar's power.
Machida: Love his styl. Smartest fighter in the UFC and unfinishable. Many people thought that he should have lost but Shogun didnt come anywhere close to finishing Machida at any point in that fight.
Silva: Moving on. Just unstoppable, and with hendo out of UFC it is certain
GSP: pretty much cleaned the division out.
BJ: Did you see what he did to Diego. That was a clear message that he is the best in that division but leaps and bounds

As for the out of UFC
Fedor: dont even need to talk about it

The only thing I dont agree with is Sheilds. Lets be honest 5 more seconds and Mayhem would have made him tap. He spent that whole fight on the top position and it was still a 48-47 decision. Hes good but I think that he is a bit overrated.

The Mac
12-27-2009, 12:04 PM
ya i agree but theres not that many great fighters to chose from out of the ufc