View Full Version : WWE Raw House Show Results (12/19/09) - Albany, Georgia

12-20-2009, 06:16 PM
I went to the house show last night in Albany, GA. I typed all this up on my iPhone during the show.

1st Match Chris Masters vs. Carlito
Good pop for masters, people not used to him as a face yet, decent heat for Carlito

Masters attempts the Masterlock 3 times and finally locks it in after Carlito attempts the back elbow of the middle rope

Winner: Chris Masters

2nd Match Alex Riley vs Primo
Riley does a "I'm a bully" promo and gets pretty good heat. Small pop for Primo. Primo wins with a splash from the top rope.

Winner: Primo

Jillian did the trivia thing and the family got the ringside seats but when she asked the kid who his favorite wrestler was he said Jeff Hardy, kind of funny.

3rd Match Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu
Vs two guys I did not recognize and did not hear their names. Yoshi and Goldust win with a kick to the heat from Yoshi

Winner: Goldust and Yoshi Tatsu

4th Match Jack Swagger vs. Evan bourne

Nice pop for Bourne, good solid heat for swagger. Kids were behind Bourne big time, probably because he looked like he could be in their social studies class with them. Bourne wins with the air Bourne

Winner: Evan Bourne

5th Match Miz vs. MVP
Huge heat for the Miz on the mic pre match. Miz wins with his ridiculously named finisher (I'm a huge Miz fan too but it really is a silly name)

Winner: The Miz

6th Match Santas little helper 6 diva tag match with Santino as the ref
Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly and Melina vs. Maryse, Alicia Fox, and another diva I couldn't tell who it was

The divas messed with Santino the who match, funny stuff

Not a very good match, crowd was only into it at the funny or racy stuff.

Melina's team wins

Winner: Melina, Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly


7th Match Kofi Kingston vs Legacy

Kofi wins with the trouble in paradise.

Winner: Kofi Kingston

8th Match Sheamus vs mark Henry

First off Sheamus is VERY VERY white, he has some major heat going. Surprise to see mark Henry in this match. Sheamus wins with the big boot.

Winner: Sheamus

9th Match Big show vs. Triple H in a street fight

Triple H wins with a sledge hammer shot.

Winner: Triple H

A Pretty good show overall. But honestly the best part was that I got to go backstage after the show. Sheamus and Ted Dibiase ride together and I saw Ricky Steamboat talking with Yoshi Tatsu and the tag team I didn't recognize from his match earlier. Also got to see Triple H up close as well. He's a lot leaner than he looks on TV, don't get me wrong still a big guy though. Thanks and keep up the good work with the site!

12-20-2009, 08:52 PM
thanks for the info. house shows are always interesting to attend