View Full Version : Ghosts, Supernatural, Aliens.What do you believe?

12-22-2009, 05:52 AM
I noticed an increasing number of "real" paranormal tv shows lately. You've got Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Haunted History, Ghost Adventures etc etc. I gotta say I'm not sure if I buy into this stuff. I've heard stories from reasonably mentally stable people about experiences, but have never had one myself. I think the tv shows would have too much access to special effects, so I'd have to be there in person before I'd think they're onto something.

Then you've got stuff on demonic possession,Chupacabras, Big Foots, Nessie, etc. And aliens. I do think there is most definately other life forms in the Universe. It's simply too big for only Earth to have life. So yes I believe that. I don't believe that we'll ever contact them at least not yet,I also doubt they look like the swollen headed green fellows so popular in tv. But I think life besides us is very plausible.

How about you? Do you believe there are things that might exist that science has not yet been able to explain? Have you ever had any experiences that you couldn't explain? Tell us your stories.

Black Widow
12-23-2009, 12:32 PM
i dont like the ghost crap lolits most deffinately put on for tv ghosthunters and most haunted are so laughable..

but i do like the alien and UFO stuff