View Full Version : Sojo bolt discusses her tna departure, tna's plans for her before her release

Black Widow
12-23-2009, 06:14 PM

The perfect Christmas gift heads your way...thanks to "Your Home Of Wrestling Radio." Former TNA Knockout, Josie (the former Sojourner Bolt), joined The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network for her first interview since parting ways with TNA Wrestling several weeks ago. Since then, she has captured the OVW Women's Championship for a record fifth time. As many members of The Mayhem Nation know, Josie was a part of the infamous "Dream Reunion II" Fan Fest in Kokomo, IN two years ago -- which was one of several shows that summer/fall that saw some shady promoters attempt to get the best of the talent & the fans. Josie recalls that day quite vividly. "That was one of the fanfests where they brought in all these legends & local talent. There was just people everywhere, and the fans were there; the fans came out to see us, and that was great. But about halfway through the show, buzz around the locker room was that the promoter wasn't going to paying anybody, and they were about to run out the back door with all the money. So backstage was kinda' of mayhem, and there was civil unrest back there, and sure enough, the promoter did try to run out the backdoor with the cash box."

Fast-forwarding to more positive affairs, after working down in OVW (and capturing the Ohio Valley Wrestling Women's Championship) for several months after "Dream Reunion II," Josie made her splash in TNA Wrestling as part of the $25,000 "Awesome Kong Challenge." She spoke of her debut in TNA last summer. "Honestly, it was all kind of a shock, because I concentrating on getting a WWE contract, and I made an appearance at Slammiversary in 2008 in the 'Awesome Kong Challenge.' I guess from the crowd response & how well that Pay-Per-View did, I was brought back in August to have another match with Awesome Kong, and that went very well. I was still working hard in OVW & was in talks with the WWE. Then TNA brought me out for Bound For Glory, and I worked a dark match, and t hat also went very well, so shortly after that, I was offered a contract. I was so focused on other things that when they offered me a contract, I was shocked."

TNA has always pushed the fact that their Knockouts division has something different then the WWE Divas...in that it's not the same "cookie-cutter" look from all the girls. Josie was asked about that & how it was working with the Knockouts. "Just about every girl in that locker room was a wrestler on the independent scene of some sort except for Christy Hemme (who came from the WWE) & later on Tara. Just about every girl in that locker room has a passion for wrestling, and we all used to sit around the locker room & talk how great of locker room we had. There's no place on earth that had a locker room like ours...a group of girls who absolutely love wrestling, and we all get along so well."

Josie left TNA last month, and she decided to give her first comments since leaving the company exclusively to "Your Home Of Wrestling Radio" to dispel any rumors about her leaving & why. "When I brought into the company, I was instantly made a heel, which is fine, because I was very comfortable being a heel. But once I parted with The Kongtourage, that didn't turn me face, and I was just another heel in the company. When I scheduled for a title run with Angelina after she won, that was put on hold when they signed Tara, and when they signed Tara, that was a coup for TNA & for the Knockouts, and they had to run with that. So running with that & signing new girls, I got lost in the shuffle of 'Well she's a heel, so we could use for anything, but we got all these new girls, and we need to get them debuted,' They really never saw me as a face, and I did talk to them about going face, but they were not interested. And as time went by, creative didn't have anything for me, so when my contract was coming to an end, I was like you're not using me now, and I'm under contract, let's ju st see what happens in the future, and if they use me, bring me back."

After leaving TNA, Josie went back to OVW (where she is currently the Women's Champion) once again. But many fans want to know, what are the chances of her going to the WWE in 2010 & joining the roster as a WWE Diva? "I honestly don't know. I haven't really thought about it. When I knew my contract was coming to an end with TNA, my first thought was joining the roster at OVW. Will I be going to WWE in 2010? Maybe. But I'm not really focused on that right now. I'm just having a lot of fun wrestling for a company I like wrestling for. But if the WWE wanted to offer me a contract, I would definitely look at it very hard...and I would sign with them."

More is contained in this exclusive interview with the former Sojo Bolt, as Josie gives her candid thoughts & comments on if there was any trepidation working with Awesome Kong during her TNA debut & thereafter, how the name "Sojourner Bolt" came to be, Rhaka Khan & the speculated drama that she brought with her during her time in TNA, having Jim Cornette potentially having some involvement in OVW in the new year, plus much more! We strongly encourage you to check out Josie's official MySpace page (located at http://www.MySpace.com/JosieBomb2) to see if she is headed to your neck of the woods after the holidays.

For more on Monday Night Mayhem, visit www.mondaynightmayhem.com.

By Monday Night Mayhem

12-24-2009, 10:40 PM
thanks for the post Ryan