View Full Version : Abyss' Christmas List Reveled

Shane McMahon's Ass
12-27-2009, 11:00 PM
In the latest edition of the Monster Blog, Abyss puts together his Christmas List of gifts and needs from around the globe. Here are a few things he has listed:

* To ALL the geniuses on Wall Street, a brain transplant.
* For Susan Boyle, the instantly famed Idol singer from England, an exclusive "radio" contract ONLY.
* For President Obama, a handy note pad, so he can remember SOME of what he promised during his campaign.
* For Kurt Angle, Slick Johnson, Christopher Daniels, and Tomko, a year supply of rogaine.
* For JB, my dearest friend, stock in TWITTER, since he lives on it all day long!
* To Iran and other threats to this country, Kabooooooooooom!!!! Enough said.
* For Raven and Dr. Stevie, some rest after the beating that Mick and I put on them at Final Resolution.
* For Tiger Woods, a new 8 iron to replace the one that was "lost".


12-28-2009, 07:41 AM
lol thanks for this Krist

12-28-2009, 03:04 PM
LOL merry christmas