View Full Version : Missy Hyatt Posts Blog About Death Of Steve Williams

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-01-2010, 12:51 AM
DJ @ MissyHyatt.net sent along the following: Hi, Missy also wrote a blog entry about Dr Death on her site if you wanted to use it:

RIP Dr. Death Steve Williams
Author: Missy

Steve Williams was one of the most universally loved people that I ever met in the wrestling business. Steve was one of the toughest guys that I ever met & never had to hurt anybody in order to prove it. I still remember the story on how Steve Williams & Rick Steiner in 1986 risked their lives in order to save a driver that was in a massive car wreck.

I’m very sure many of us can remember the countless great matches he had in UWF with Terry Gordy. The great battles he had for All Japan Pro Wrestling. I even remember Steve Williams gaining a rare pinball in beating The Road Warriors for the NWA Tag Team Titles on April 2, 1989.

I most fondly remember Steve for being a great human being. I hope his son Wyndom is aware that almost every wrestling personality that had ever met or worked with Steve Williams got nothing but great things to say about him. I’m glad that I met Steve one last time at the K& S UWF Reunion on March, 2007. My deepest sympathies go out to the family, friends, and fans of Steve Williams. I wish I could say more, but words can’t do any justice on what a great person Steve Williams was to the wrestling business.

I just got a bunch of links of Steve Steve Williams matches that I strongly encourage any old school or modern day fan to check out. Steve gave everything he had in the ring & certainly gave Cancer a hell of a battle. I miss you Steve!!!


01-01-2010, 07:52 AM
very sad R.I.P

01-04-2010, 06:08 AM
thank you