View Full Version : More Off-Air Notes From This Week's RAW With Bret Hart

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-05-2010, 11:21 AM
Thanks to Gregory Gabbard & F4WOnline.com

Raw opened with Bret Hart out of the gate and his reaction was tremendous live. I've not seen how it translates to TV, but live, one of the best pops I've ever heard, and I've been to many, many shows over the years, and this was a phenomenal show of respect from the crowd.

Not sure when the cameras stopped rolling, but after Vince left the ring, Bret got up and kind of stared him back to the locker room, then took in more applause from the crowd. Then some of the wrestlers really close to Bret... David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, Nattie Neidhart, Chris Jericho and Mark Henry came out to the ring, along with a few younger guys (MVP, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger) and they all stayed and mingled for a bit, before Henry and DH Smith lifted Bret on their shoulders and paraded him in the ring.

All the workers went to the back, except for the Hart Dynasty, who awaited Bret at the top of the entryway, as Bret made his way around the ringside crowd, talking with the fans and signing tons of autographs. He really seemed touched by the overwhelming support he got.

Bret finally made it to the top of the ramp and took in the crowd one last time as his music played and he and the Hart Dynasty went to the back.


01-06-2010, 12:41 PM
Awesome!!! I was supposed to be there as a birthday present but it fell through.