View Full Version : Oh Joy: Word For Word Transcript Of TNA Press Conference

01-06-2010, 04:53 AM
You can credit Marty Hotts for this recap

Post-TNA Press Conference with Russo, Dixie, Jeff

The 30 minute post-TNA press conference from last night can be seen at:

First Q&A guest is Vince Russo:

Q: How do you think the show went?

Russo thinks it's up for the fans to decide and not up to him.

Q: Do you feel slighted that Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are at TNA?

Russo says he came to TNA to do his job. Dixie Carter is his boss. He did his job tonight and he is not the least bit slighted

Q: Any stand out moments or moments you thought were particularly impressive?

Russo says that is not for him to decide but for viewers who watch the show.

Q: Were you tempted at all to do armchair quarterbacking?

Russo said no question he can armchair quarterback all night, but he doesn't get paid to do that so he will keep his opinion to himself

Q: Is there a certain rating you are looking for?

Russo said this was the first time TNA went head to head against Raw. Who knows what to expect. At the end of the day, the fans get the final say.

Q: Do you think the show tonight can compete with the WWE?

Russo pauses, and then said at this point, that is not his call.

- Don West plugs the Dixie Carter/Hulk Hogan $39.99 Tristar card. The host says they'd like to thank Don West. He was not scheduled nor do they have any questions for him.

Dixie Carter is next.

Q: How do you think the show went?

Dixie says she feels great. She says you can tell it was going to be a historic night for wrestling fans. She is very proud for the amazing talent and the company.

Q: Any particular stand out moment?

Dixie says it was one thing/surprise/amazing exhibit of talent after another. She says it was magic. Overall, she was very happy with what happened.

Q: Can you go back and talk about why you brought in Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff?

Dixie says she grew the fans one at a time. She says she felt it was time for them to get some "rocket fuel". They needed exposure so what other person to get but Hulk Hogan. She said TNA was the number one search on ESPN today and #1 Trending Topic on Twitter.

Q: What can fans expect to contrast the product from WWE?

She says we can expect to see lots of surprises. When Eric ripped up tonight's "format", you can expect that we will do things differently. It is time to try new things. She'd rather try new things and fail than never try and all. She said like Hogan mentioned, it's time for everybody to step up and take TNA to a whole another level.

Q: How do you measure tonight's success?

Dixie says it is already a success. The rating is not the major part but the company believes that they were to go on Monday night.

Q: Is there a particular number ratings-wise to anticipate?

Dixie says the network will be happy if they can hold the number they traditionally get on Thursday nights and would consider that a huge success?

Q: Do you think you can compete with the WWE?

Dixie says she feels they are already competing with the WWE. Today was the wrestling fan and giving the fans a choice. Dixie says she is sick and tired of people saying "Okay, I admit we are wrestling fans". We should be proud of it. We have wrestling putting over wrestling storylines over. She wants to make wrestling popular, hip and cool and make TNA a trending topic on Twitter all the time.

She closes by thanking the fans and says it is a very proud moment for all of them.

Jeff Jarrett is a third guest.

Q: Talk about the emotions tonight.

Jeff says he was speechless. From the opening to closing credits, everything was off-the-charts and he couldn't be happier.

Q: In your wrestling career, where does this night rank for you?

Jeff says you remember your first match, title win. He says as TNA when you secured the Spike deal, it was monumental. Then they went 2 hours, they had a live special a year and a half ago. Tonight, he said it truly is in company history. Over 7 1/2 years ago he said he founded it and they have come a long way with hard work from a lot of people

Q: Touching on some of the things you talked about tonight, if there are young fans aspiring to be professional wrestlers, what would you do?

Jeff says first and foremost, watch Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles' match. He said he's not sure when the folks up north stopped calling it professional wrestling and calling it sports entertainment. He said tonight was a 3 hour show about professional wrestling. He said they're not ashamed of it, they're very proud of it. You should try and be like Kurt or AJ.

Q: 7 1/2 years ago would you ever see you competing with Monday Night?

Jeff said they accomplished a lot. But for him to sit there and say on Monday of 2010, that you'd have Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall - part of the most famous faction in the nWo. To have all that talent under one roof live - it's unbelievable.

Q: To touch upon what Hogan said, how comfortable are you going back in the ring?

Jeff said last year he and Kurt had his battles; he had some with Foley. He said when he started his company, it's in his blood. You can have a lot of fun doing business, talking press conferences, but what you have the most fun doing and passion, is stepping in between the ropes.

He closes by saying he looks forward to doing more of these on Monday Nights.

Fourth guest is Desmond Wolfe. It became a kayfabe-type interview when he talked about Andrew Thomas not being a great referee. He said it is huge in England/United Kingdom. Talk moves to Kurt Angle and where he goes next. Desmond says he needs to avenge his loss to D'Angelo, but after that you have to look at the top guys on the show - Kurt Angle and AJ Styles. He set his sights on them.

He tells the question person to keep his eye on him while he's talking.

Question is where he sees himself compared to AJ. Wolfe says AJ is phenomnenal and when he wrestled him, it took him to his limit. AJ "flips and flies around". If Daniels didn't interrupt, he could have won. He said you can flip and fly all you want, but he will knock you on your arse. No more questions, Desmond says. He puts his sunglasses on and leaves.

Fifth guest is ODB. She talks about winning the "Knocked Up" champ. She says "I won it, bam... two times". Next question is who would you defend the title up against. ODB says someone new, she's up for a new challenge. If you can wrestle any woman in the world, she hesitated and said she would keep it a secret and would not tell. Any parting thoughts? She said she would like to say it was a pleasure working with Hulk tonight, jokes aside, it's about TNA right now - we don't need to compete with anyone else. When she was a fan, you never knew what was going to happen on Monday Night in either company. If someone gets fired, they can show up someone else. ODB says she is ready for Hogan but the question is "Is Hogan ready for ODB? Bam Bitch".

Sixth guest is Homicide.

Q: It was probably the strangest ending in an X Division match we hav e seen in quite some time. Can you talk about what happened out there tonight?

Homicide says he wants to perform and win the match. Jeff Hardy didn't mind his business. Welcome back and said that Homicide will get some beating on Jeff.

Q: Before the altercation with Jeff, can you talk about the match, the baton.

There are 7 bums, and he's the greatest wrestler in TNA. They're not athletic with him. He said the Terrordome, the others didn't survive.

Any other thoughts. Homicide said it was a great thing for Hogan coming to TNA. But for Hogan to remember is Homicide as he will make an impact in 2010. Homicide said the only competition he wants with TNA is the X-Division/No Limits. He said he only cares about the competition on TNA and getting back his belt back to Brooklyn.

Any final words for Jeff Hardy: he said he was going to win the Terrordome and that Hardy should watch his back.

The rest of the show ended with Matt Morgan/Hernandez and The Pope D'Angelo Dinero with some kayfabe-type interviews promoting feuds and their characters.

Source: WZ

01-06-2010, 07:20 AM
wow thanks for this Eel