View Full Version : ECW on SyFy Report for January 5th 2010

01-06-2010, 06:35 AM
We begin with highlights of CM Punk and Mark Henry since they will be meeting in the ECW Homecoming Tournament a-go-go.

We are live on tape from Louisville, Kentucky and your announcers are Josh ‘Did anyone remind Abe that he shouldn’t wear Kentucky colors tonight’ Mathews and Bryon ‘I thought you were going to tell him’ Saxton.

Christian comes to the ring and he has something to say. He says that it is fitting that they are in Louisville, Kentucky because they are in the homestretch for ECW Homecoming to see who faces him at the Royal Rumble

CM Punk interrupts Christian and he comes out with Luke Gallows. Punk says that while he is positive that what Christian had to say was important, nobody can say anything more important than what Punk has to say right now. Punk wants to know why Christian is grinning since he hasn’t really said anything. Christian tells Punk that last night he saw something that he would never see with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels hugging in the ring. He is now seeing something he never wanted to see and that is CM Punk back on ECW. Punk says that being back on ECW is something Christian better get used to. Punk says that Christian’s title is why he is here. Homecoming is about former champions and stars coming back to get a chance to win the ECW Title. Punk says that he will win tonight and next week to face Christian at the Royal Rumble and win the title. Punk says that he will prove that by winning the ECW Title, he is better than everyone. He says that he is everyone’s savior. He says that he is a natural born leader. Punk says that ECW is home to the brightest, youngest, and newest stars. Punk says that he will be the shepherd and a role model for all of them. He will show them how to live the straight edge way.

Christian asks if the straight edge way means that you look like you haven’t taken a shower in two weeks. Christian says that Punk might be speaking too soon because of the people who have qualified already and he mentions that Shelton Benjamin will be facing Chavo Guerrero to try to qualify. Christian asks Punk who he is wrestling and then he says that Punk will be beaten by the World’s Strongest Man. Christian says that Punk won’t smoke, drink, do drugs, or face him for the title at the Royal Rumble.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that the Europe graphic still works in 2010.

Match Number One: Shelton Benjamin versus Chavo Guerrero in an ECW Homecoming Court Qualifying Match

Chavo with punches to Shelton and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Benjamin sends Chavo into the corner and he punches him until the referee stops him. Benjamin with a back elbow for a near fall. Benjamin misses a charge into the corner and then Chavo goes for the Three Amigos but Benjamin blocks the third one and hits a German suplex and bridge for a near fall. Benjamin punches Chavo and then he sends Chavo to the apron but Chavo with a kick to the knee as he tries to negate Benjamin’s aerial moves. Chavo continues to work on the leg. Chavo with a slingshot senton onto Shelton’s leg for a near fall. Chavo continues to work on the knee. Benjamin with a kick followed by a dragon whip but he still favors his leg. Benjamin with punches and a back body drop. Chavo with punches but Benjamin sends Chavo into the air and gets a near fall. Chavo with a single leg crab but Benjamin countes. Chavo with a satellite head scissors and then he goes up top for the frog splash and he rolls through when Benjamin moves. Benjamin hits Paydirt for the three count.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin

We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look back at the final match for Tommy Dreamer in any ECW entity followed by Dreamer’s comments.

Zack Ryder comes out with Rosa Mendes. He says that we have seen enough of the fat loser blubbering. He says that Tommy Dreamer is dead and gone. He says that they should talk about the man who is still here. He did something bigger than winning ECW Homecoming or winning the ECW Title. He stopped the heart of ECW and changed the tone of the show. ECW is now about one man . . . Zack Ryder.

It is time for a Raw Rebound.

Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov are walking in the back in split screen as we go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Ezekiel Jackson with William Regal versus Vladimir Kozlov

They stare at each other before locking up. Kozlov with an arm drag and he wants Jackson to come at him. Kozlov with a waist lock take down into a front face lock. Kozlov releases the hold when Jackson makes it to the ropes. Jackson with a punch but Kozlov with a kick that sends Jackson to the floor. Kozlov with a series of kicks but Jackson blocks it and then he works on the leg. Jackson with a forearm and then he puts Kozlov’s leg in the ropes. Kozlov with a forearm but Jackson returns to the leg with a kick. Jackson tries to use the apron but Kozlov fights him off. Jackson slams Kozlov’s leg into the apron and then into the ring post. Jackson continues to work on the leg with an elbow drop. Kozlov kicks Jackson off but Jackson returns to the leg and Kozlov tries to fight off Jackson’s attack. Jackson drops Kozlov’s knee onto his shoulder. Jackson works on the leg. Kozlov sends Jackson to the floor and then he kicks Jackson and slams Jackson. Kozlov follows that with an Irish whip and running clothesline followed by another Irish whip and shoulders in the corner. Jackson with a kick to Kozlov followed by a lariat. Jackson with a brainbuster to Kozlov followed by the uranage for the three count.
Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

After the match, Regal verbally berates Kozlov while Jackson holds Kozlov and then he sends Kozlov face first into the mat.

Mark Henry is in the locker room and Tony Atlas stops by to say hello. Tony says that they should relive old times and he could accompany Mark to the ring. Mark thinks about it but he hears Tony laugh and Mark says no. Tony says that he is there for Mark and he laughs us into commercial.

Match Number Three: CM Punk with Luke Gallows versus Mark Henry in an ECW Homecoming King Tournament Qualifying Match

Punk avoids Henry and cowers into the ropes. Punk with a waist lock but Henry pulls Punk’s arms apart and hits a hip toss. Punk with a series of kicks to Henry but Henry stays on his feet. Henry grabs Punk’s leg on a kick and then he throws Punk over the top rope to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Henry with a clothesline but Punk rolls to the floor to stop Henry’s offense. Henry goes after Punk on the floor but Punk with a drop toe hold to Henry and Mark goes into the ring steps. Punk with a kick to Henry when he rolls back into the ring. Punk with a series of knees to the head. Punk gets a near fall. Punk with punches to Henry as he continues to wear down the big man. Punk with a neck breaker for a near fall. Punk with a figure four head scissors on Henry. Punk gets a near fall on Henry after a few kicks. Punk pulls down the knee pad and he continues with knees to the head. Henry shows no effect from the last set of knees and he Marks up and connects with head butts that rebound Punk off the ropes and then Henry with clothesline. Punk gets splashed in the corner. Henry with a forearm to the chest and then he gets ready for a running splash into the corner but Punk moves out of the way. Punk with the running knee into the corner and he tries for the bulldog but Henry pushes Punk away. The referee is out of position and Luke kicks Henry in the head and Punk with a roundhouse kick for the three count.
Winner: CM Punk

Josh and Byron run through the eight men in the Over the Top Challenge to see who faces Christian at the Royal Rumble. They are Evan Bourne, Vance Archer, Ezekiel Jackson, Kane, Yoshi Tatsu, Shelton Benajmin, Matt Hardy, and CM Punk.

We go to credits.