View Full Version : WWE Board of Director Dumps Significant Stock, WWE HQ Moral and More

01-14-2010, 05:28 AM
Michael Solomon, a member of WWE's Board of Directors, cashed in all of his stock several weeks ago, taking in more than $20 million. Apparently he was unhappy with the way certain things were being run and got out. John Laurinaitis also cashed in $155,000 of his stock several weeks ago.

» Despite Shane McMahon's resignation from WWE officially going into effect January 1, 2010, he wasn't working at WWE Headquarters in Stamford, CT. Morale among staff at WWE's offices was said to be way down with the departures of Shane and Linda McMahon.

SOURSe::The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

01-14-2010, 07:25 AM
wow thanks for this Konan