View Full Version : WWE House Show Results (1/16): Augusta, Georgia

01-17-2010, 09:48 PM
WWE House Show Results
Augusta, Georgia
January 16, 2010
Report By: WrestlingNewsWorld.com reader Zach Bonner

Well, WWE once again returned to our little backwater city of Augusta. Last time they were here was in April for their Road to Wrestlemania 25 Tour, which was good. So lete me gete to the results, the first match was:

MATCH 1-Lance Archer v.s. Hurricane Helms

Good little back and forth match with Lance being a big, hossy, monster and Hurricane being the little cruiserweight in peril. A lot of near falls and I was impressed by Archer's work, of course Helms was making sure the match wasn't a borefest. Archer got the win with his kick-out reverse DDT move.

WINNER-Lance Archer

After the match Helms got up to a standing ovation and while he was walking to the back, The Hart Dynasty comes out of nowhere and lays a beating down on him. Jimmy Yang and Jesse made the save which set up for the next match:

MATCH 2-The Hart Dynasty v.s. Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master Jesse.

Well this match just seemed like it was the perfect fit for Superstars and it was basically the same match these four have had with each other before. A few nice counters by the collaboration of Jesse and Jimmy but it was not enough to stop the almighty power of The Heel Dynasty as Nattie made sure she wasn't just going to stand there and she got involved with the finish. Jesse pulled Tyson in front of a turnbuckle and was going for a top rope move when Natalya crotched him by taking out his leg. I guess she took a cue from Uncle Owen and took his leg out from under his leg. Tyson got up and hit a rope-hung neckbreaker on Jesse for the win.CM Punk and Drew Gallows comes out and Punk cuts his usual straight-edge promo. They do the whole "Straight-Edge Society" head shaving on some poor sap(of course a FCW plant) who had to get the creepy shoulder massage from Gallows, man that guy is sacry. You know I heard that Punk was opening up a barber shop soon, and every cut comes with a free back rub from Drew Gallows. Oh how I dream..... ECW's generic blonde GM Tiffany came out and made the formal introductions for the next match:

MATCH 3-ECW Championship: William Regal v.s. Christian(c)

Regal comes out and grabs a mic, "you suck" chants abound. He just says, "I am not even going to waste my breath on all of you" and then drops the mic. Christian came out and Regal tried to shake his hand(!) but the champ declined it. Christian was hilarious, he raised his arms and everyone cheered and then pointed to Regal and everyone booed. He continued this for a little bit until the action began. Very good fit-for-TV match as Captain Charisma and Regal put on a good showing for the Southern audienece. Regal was pretty rough on Christian with a lot of nasty elbow shots and a yakuza kick on the outside to the side of Christian's head, sandwiching him between his boot and the ring post. Ouch. Finish came when Regal went for his running knee but Christian dodged and hit the Unprettier.



Come back from intermission with the introductions for an Intercontinental Championship bout.

MATCH 4: WWE Intercontinental Championship match, R-Truth v.s. Drew McIntyre(c)

Truth starts his "(Insert name of city here) What's Up?!" schtick but Drew interrupts him. He cuts a basic heel promo as he walks to the ring, once he gets inside he tries to finish what R-Truth was going to say but before the word Georgia gets out of his mouth Truth starts beating the living hell out of him. Majority of the match was Drew working on Truth's left leg but Truth posted a few short comebacks. Finish comes when Truth goes to the top but Drew gets up, takes out Truth's left leg out from under him, drags him off and hits his DDT finisher for the win.


We get the formal introductions for another title match:

MATCH 5: WWE Women's Championship match: Michelle McCool(c) v.s. Mickie James

Good Michelle looks skinnier in person than on TV. The girl needs to eat something, I'm just saying. This was actually a pretty good match, way better than a lot of TV Diva's matches. A weird moment where Mickie hits a cross-arm neckbreaker type manuvuer and both ladies are down, Michelle starts slowly crawling towards Mickie and goes for a cover. That was just awkward considering that Mickie hit her with the move and I thought that should have been the other way around with Mickie going for the cover. Anyways, Beth comes out and distracts Mickie who turns around to a yakuza kick from Michelle who gets the pin.


MAIN EVENT:CM Punk w/Luke Gallows, Chris Jericho, and Batista v.s. Matt Hardy, Kane, and World Heavyweight Champion The Undertaker

During Batista's entrance, Punk and Jericho were doing their best RVD impressions on Tony Schiavone. Hilarious. Jericho also does some fake applauding for Batista. Once Taker came out the place went nuts(of course)! This match really wasn't a great "wrestling" match but was damn entertaining! Hardy and Jericho started things out and they went at it for a bit until Chris tagged in Punk who threw his shirt at Taker and Kane. Hardy was funny as he was teasing Punk that he would tag in Taker, which he eventualy does. A funny spot where Jericho hit his running enzuigiri on Matt, who sells it awkwardly and falls backwards instead of fowards. Finish came when Kane went up top for his clothesline(which he botched) and hit it on Jericho. Then everything goees to hell, Batista spears Kane and everyone starts brawling until Mardy hit the Twist of Fate on Punk, Taker chokeslammed Batista and Kane chokeslammed Chris and got the pin.

WINNER: Kane, Matt Hardy, and The Undertaker

After the match the heels leave and it just got really weird. Matt and Kane shook hands(?) and they left together but stopped near the exit. They looked at Undertaker who just stood in the ring (I thought he was going to do his kneeling thing) and finally leaves. They all walk side by side to the exit where they do a homage to ZZ Top and all raise their fists with their back turned to the crowd.

All in all it was a good show all though I was disappointed that John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, and Cryme Tyme weren't there. All the matches were entertaining, even Hart Dynasty v.s. Jimmy/Jesse.

Keep up the good work evereyone, this site rules!

01-17-2010, 10:57 PM
the first match of the night was great khali vs mike knox with khali going over.