View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 18th January 2010

01-18-2010, 06:27 AM

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RAW Results - 18th January 2010
Location -
Announcers - Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

We begin tonight’s show with the annual footage from Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ Speech to commemorate Martin Luther King Day.

We begin the action in the arena with the man in charge, Vince McMahon. We see footage from two weeks ago when Bret Hart changed one half the face of wrestling and when Vince kicked Bret.

Vince talks about decisions and that some are good and some are bad. Vince says that he decided to bring Raw to this god forsaken community and he hopes he does not regret it. Vince says that he decided to allow Bret Hart to return. He also decided to kick Bret in the guts as hard as he could. Last week, he decided to make sure that Bret wouldn’t appear any more in the WWE. He tells the fans that he did it for the fans. He says that they should remember Bret Hart for the way that he was. He was the Hitman and the Excellence of Execution. Now Bret is an apologetic, broken down, war horse who needs to be put down. Vince says that it is his job and decision to put them down. Vince compares it to chewing gum. There are times when you spit out gum because it has lost its flavor. Vince says that Bret lost his flavor so he spit him out. Vince says that if he let Bret stay, it would have been like a disease. It will get to the point where you have to chop a body part off. He says that the fans can boo and be judgmental all they want, but they are all hypocritical. They want bigger, faster, and stronger. Vince says that the fans made the decision not him.

The Undertaker’s music plays as he interrupts the boss. Taker finally makes his way into the ring and he walks past Vince.

Vince hesitates before addressing Taker. He says that he wasn’t finished with what he was going to say. Vince points out that this is his time and his show.

Taker says that it is his time now. Taker says that he came out here to address Shawn Michaels but since Vince is in the ring, he wanted to tell Vince something that Vince’s ego wouldn’t admit. Taker says that there aren’t many of them left, but he was there twelve years ago in Montreal. He says that he was there and he saw the fear in Vince’s eyes then and he sees the fear in Vince’s eyes now. Taker tells Vince that he screwed Bret Hart. He did it twice. Now Vince is terrified of the consequences as Vince should be. What Vince did was the act of a coward.

Vince says that he disagrees with Taker but he acknowledges that it is Taker’s time and Vince leaves the ring and walks to the back.

Taker says that stubbornness, anger, and denial are not just descriptions of Vince, but they are in the soul of Shawn Michaels. Last year, Shawn said that he would break the streak. Shawn proved that he is Mr. Wrestlemania, but the streak is still intact. For more than a month, Shawn has been trying to get his attention by challenging him to a rematch. Taker says that he is ready to give Shawn his answer and it is an answer he wanted to give personally.

Shawn Michaels comes to the ring. They stare at each other and then Shawn says that he is in the ring for the Dead Man and he is anxiously awaiting Taker’s answer. Shawn says that he is all ears.

Taker tells Shawn that he did come closer than all of the others, but he still failed. Taker says that a rematch will only result in more bitter disappointment for Shawn. Taker tells Shawn that he has nothing to prove so his answer is no.

Shawn says that Taker has the audacity to look him in the eye.

Taker says that if Shawn thinks that he can beat him, he will give Shawn the opportunity tonight.

Shawn tells Taker no because he wants to beat Taker, but he wants to do it on the grandest stage of them all (nobody points to the imaginary Wrestlemania sign). Shawn says that he realizes what he has to do. Shawn says that he will enter the Royal Rumble and when he wins, he will challenge Taker for the World Title.

Taker says that he will be the champion at Wrestlemania, so the win at the Royal Rumble will be Shawn’s only chance at salvation. Shawn says that after he wins the Royal Rumble, he will see Taker at Wrestlemania. Shawn tells Taker that his streak, his title, and his soul will be his. Taker leaves the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: The Triple Threat Match from last week when Randy Orton defeated Kofi Kingston and John Cena with help from Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.

Sheamus vs Evan Bourne

They lock up and Randy Orton comes out to watch. Sheamus runs Bourne into the turnbuckles and punches him. Sheamus sees Orton and that can’t be good news for Bourne. Sheamus with a clothesline and then he rakes the eyes. Sheamus goes to the apron and Bourne hits Sheamus from behind and hits a jumping side kick and then hits the double knees from the top turnbuckle for a two count. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker on Bourne and then he hits the bicycle kick. Sheamus pulls Bourne into the corner and then he hits the Celtic Cross for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

Orton walks into the ring as Evan Bourne disappears into the Tennessee night. Orton gets in Sheamus’ face and not a nary a word is spoken. Sheamus gets his title belt and he holds it up for Orton to see. Sheamus then leaves the ring.

Shawn is walking in the back and Hunter asks him what is going on. Hunter says that he saw what happened in the ring and Don Johnson arrives. He says that he is a big fan of theirs and they reciprocate. Don asks if Shawn or Hunter have seen Jon Heder. Shawn says that he doesn’t know who Jon is but he will tells Don that he is looking for him.

Hunter tells Don not to worry about Jon and he calls Jon an idiot. He tells Don that he should host the show by himself. They shake hands. Don thinks he saw Jon but it ends up being Carlito with a ‘Vote for Pedro’ shirt. We go to commercial.

We are back and we take a look back at the All American (to the nth Power) Challenge that was met by Santino Marella and won by Santino.

Jack gets on the mic and he says that last week was a fluke. He says that he is an All American American American Amercian American. He says that he will throw anyone out of the ring at the Royal Rumble. He makes another All American American American American American American American Challenge for Santino Marella.

Santino comes out in his best Miami Vice clothing and he says that there is nothing more that he would like to do than throw him over the top ropes again. Santino says that he is the president of the IDJFC (Italian Don Johnson Fan Club) and since Don is here tonight, he is pretty busy. Santino says that he has a more than suitable substitute.

All American Challenge
Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry

Swagger circles Henry as he tries to figure out a way to get an advantage. Swagger hits Henry in the back with a forearm and then Henry presses Swagger over his head and sends Swagger to the floor.

Winner: Mark Henry

A limo arrives at the building and it is Jon Heder with the official arm candy twins. He tells the person in the limo to wait for him and Don to get to the ring to come out. He then gets the name of the city wrong before being corrected by the Bellas.

We go to commercial.

We are back and with a Royal Rumble ad, did you know.

It is finally time for the two guest hosts to come to the ring and they are accompanied by the official arm candy of the WWE guest host series. Don welcomes everyone and says that they are happy to be hosting Raw. Jon mentions that everyone is here to see movie stars. Don mentions that Degeneration X will be in the main event. Jon is not that happy about Degeneration X. He says that DX are okay but he wants something new. They are both from Southern California and they have a new football coach who is awesome. He mentions Lane Kiffin (who was the Tennessee coach until last week). Jon wants to bring out a close friend, The Miz.

Miz and Heder hug and then he shakes hands with Don. Miz thanks Jon and Don and he is happy that there are actual celebrities on Raw as guest hosts. Miz thanks Jon for entering him into the Royal Rumble match. Miz says that it is his duty to let Jon know that Triple H thought that Don should be a guest host by himself. They talk about the box office for Jon’s movies. Miz says that he has respect for Don Johnson and he says that Don Johnson was what Miz is today, the hottest thing on television. Everyone wanted to be Sonny Crockett, but then there was the guy nobody really remembered. Don says that everyone remembers Tubbs. On Raw, there is another name for Tubbs and that is MVP. He is a guy who thinks that he can compete on Miz’s level. Miz says that MVP needs to realize . . .

MVP’s music plays and he comes out and he is dressed for a fight. Porter says that he is from Miami and he feels a kinship with Don. He apologizes to Don for being mixed up in the nonsense. MVP apologizes to the WWE Universe for Napoleon Dynamite and Pedro. MVP says that he is in the Royal Rumble and he will do anything to eliminate the Miz. Porter suggests that they do it right now. He says that he will throw Miz and Don out of the ring.

Miz comes out and before they can do anything, Big Show’s music plays and he comes out. MVP attacks Miz but Show with one punch to Porter.

Show enters the ring and he high fives Heder. Jon says that since he has the same agent as Big Show, he wanted him as an insurance policy. Heder suggests that Show and Miz face DX tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a message about the Haiti relief efforts.

We see the footage one more time from last week’s Triple Threat Match and Jerry Lawler lets out a slip and calls Randy Orton ‘Randy Savage’.

John Cena and Kofi Kingston vs Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes

Cena and Rhodes start off and they lock up and Cena with a hip toss but Rhodes tags in DiBiase as the Marines square off. Cena with a waist lock and punch before he sends DiBiase into the turnbuckles and hits a bulldog for a near fall. Cena punches DiBiase but DiBiase with a kick to Cena and Rhodes tags in. Rhodes kicks Cena and then DiBiase chokes Cena while the referee deals with Kofi and Rhodes. Rhodes gets a near fall. DiBiase tags back in and he punches Cena. Cena punches DiBiase and follows that with an Irish whip but DiBiase moves when Cena charges and DiBiase with a clothesline for a near fall. DiBiase with fist drops to Cena but he misses a third and Cena tags in Kofi who hits a clothesline and chop followed by a drop kick and leaping clothesline. He also knocks Rhodes off the apron. Kofi with the Boom Boom Drop with a twist. Kofi misses Trouble in Paradise but he punches DiBiase in the corner. Rhodes tries to distract Kofi and that allows DiBiase to hit a clothesline and then Rhodes is tagged back in as we go to commercial with Rhodes kicking Kofi.

We are back and DiBiase continues to work over Kofi. Rhodes tags back in and Rhodes hits a drop kick for a near fall. Rhodes kicks Kofi while Cena tries to give Kofi moral support to make the tag. DiBiase chokes Kofi while Rhodes distracts the referee. Rhodes with a slam and then Rhodes misses the Ric Flair knee drop. DiBiase tags in and he waits for Kofi to try for the tag but Kofi moves out of the way. Rhodes stops Kofi from making the tag by knocking Cena off the apron. Rhodes and DiBiase with some double team moves while the referee deals with Cena. DiBiase tags back in and they double team Kofi. DiBiase with a reverse chin lock. Kofi with a jawbreaker and DiBiase keeps Kofi from making the tag. Kofi with a belly-to-back suplex and he is able to make the tag to Cena. Cena with two flying shoulder tackles followed by the Blue Thunder Bomb and it is time for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena gets Rhodes up but Rhodes with elbows to get out of the hold and Rhodes with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Cena charges into an elbow but Cena sends Rhodes into the turnbuckles and hits the Attitude Adjustment but DiBiase makes the save. Kofi tags in and he hits a cross body on Rhodes for the three count.

Winners: John Cena and Kofi Kingston

Ted helps Cody up but Cody pushes Ted away and Cody stares at Ted before leaving the ring alone.

Jon is in the back with Miz and Show and they are talking about tonight. They are interrupted by Hornswoggle who has a step ladder. Triple H is behind Jon. Hunter tells Jon that Hornswoggle doesn’t like Jon. Hornswoggle challenges Heder to a match tonight. Miz says that Jon doesn’t want to wrestle Hornswoggle tonight. Hunter suggests that it be a six man tag with Heder and Hornswoggle added to the match. Hornswoggle grunts and does crotch chops before leaving. Miz and Show tell Heder that everything will be fine.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Eve defeating Katie Lea Burchill last week to meet Maryse in the Divas Tournament.

Maryse and Alicia Fox vs Gail Kim and Eve

Gail and Maryse start off and Gail with a rollup for a near fall. Gail with an Irish whip and cross body into the corner. Gail with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Alicia pulls Gail by the hair but Gail hits Alicia and Maryse sends Gail to the floor. Alicia attacks Gail on the floor and rolls Gail back into the ring. Maryse with a forearm and then she hits a back breaker for a near fall. Alicia tags in and Gail with an elbow but Alicia with the tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall. Alicia misses the ax kick and Eve tags in and she hits a forearm and kick while Maryse poses. Eve with an Irish whip but Eve hits a few drop kicks followed by a clothesline. Eve with a flip senton for a near fall. Alicia runs into an elbow and Eve hits a rolling cross arm breaker from the turnbuckles and Alicia taps out.

Winners: Eve and Gail Kim

We see footage for next week’s episode of Chuck featuring guest star Steve Austin.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Don is with Kelly checking her nails while Jon is hyperventilating. Jon suggests that Don take his place and Don says that there is no way he would do that. Jon says that they are friends but Don says that they aren’t in any scenes in the movie. Miz and Show tell Jon there is nothing to worry about. Show says that he is working better with Miz than his former partner. Don tells Jon that they are actors and have others to do what they are doing. Miz talks about some mistakes in Don’s life. They give Jon his ring robe and it is emblazoned with ‘The Flame’.

It is time to talk about the Royal Rumble and run through the card.

Vince is with Triple H and he is talking about Montreal. He says that he is not a coward and he says that he might call Taker out next week. Hunter says that Vince can’t let things go. Vince could have let things go, but he had to get in the last shot and he has backed himself into a corner. Hunter tells Vince that if he brings Bret back, he will make Bret a bigger star. If he doesn’t call out Bret, Vince will be a bigger coward. Vince walks away.

Shawn asks Hunter if they are ready and Hunter is going to tell Shawn something and Hornswoggle has his ladder and grunts. Hunter says that he will talk to Shawn later. Hunter gives Hornswoggle a piggy back ride.

Randy Orton is walking as we go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that if you ignore the presale, the Hall of Fame sold out in 35 minutes.

Randy Orton vs Chris Masters with Eve

Before they lock up, Sheamus’ music plays and he comes out to watch the match.

They lock up and Orton with a side head lock but Masters with a shoulder tackle. Orton with a kick to Masters followed by European uppercuts. Masters tries for the Master Lock but Orton with an elbow. Orton with punches to Masters. Masters with an Irish whip but Orton with an elbow. Masters with a power slam for a near fall. Orton with a back breaker and then he slithers into RKO push up position. Orton tries for the RKO but Masters puts Orton in the Master Lock. Orton tries to fight out of the hold but Orton falls into the ropes. Masters waits for Orton to get back to his feet and Orton hits the RKO from out of nowhere for the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

Sheamus comes into the ring and he hits Orton with the bicycle kick and then he poses over Orton.

We go to commercial.

We are back and our guest hosts next week are James Roday and Dule Hill from Psych.

Big Show, The Miz, and Jon Heder vs Degeneration X and Hornswoggle with Don Johnson

The match is joined in progress and Michaels with a flying forearm and kip up followed by a reverse atomic drop to Miz. Miz with a series of neck breakers for a near fall. Miz punches Michaels and then he kicks Michaels. Show tags in and he punches Michaels in the ribs. Show with a head butt followed by a side slam for a near fall. Show tags Miz back into the match. Miz stomps on Michaels and chokes him. Miz sets for the running clothesline but Michaels does not get up so he kicks Michaels. Michaels with chops to Miz but Miz with an Irish whip. Michaels and Miz each with clotheslines and both men are down. Hornswoggle tags in and he hits a drop kick but he is taken down by a clothesline from the knees. Heder wants to tag in and he does. He takes off his robe and he plays up the crowd and they don’t care. Heder with a kick to Hornswoggle’s chest. Heder misses a charge into the corner and Hornswoggle bites Heder. Triple H tags in and Heder tries to escape but Johnson forces him back in. Hunter with a punch but Show grabs Hunter by the throat. Shawn with Sweet Chin Music to Show and Show falls on Heder. Michaels with Sweet Chin Music to knock Miz off the apron. Hornswoggle with a frog splash onto Show and Heder and then Hornswoggle gets the three count.

Winners: Degeneration X and Hornswoggle

Hunter tells Shawn that he has been trying to tell him something and they need to talk. Hunter tells Shawn that he needs to figure out another way to face Taker at Wrestlemania.

John Cena interrupts and comes to the ring. Cena tells them that it is a night of major announcements and he has a major announcement to make before Hunter’s major announcement. Cena says that it has been two years since he was in a Royal Rumble match and he will be in this year’s match. Cena reminds everyone that the last time he was in the Royal Rumble, he won it. He will win again this year.

Hunter is interrupted by Big Show who comes into the ring and grabs a mic and announces that he is in the Royal Rumble match as well. Show attacks Hunter and Michaels but Cena punches Show and hits a flying shoulder tackle that sends Show out of the ring. Hunter and Michaels throw Cena over the top rope. Hunter throws Shawn over the top rope and then says that none of them will win the Royal Rumble because he will win it.

We go to credits.

01-19-2010, 04:06 AM
Taker was the one I think who went and told Vince he should be a man and go talk / (maybe apologize) to Hart 12 years ago after the incident.

01-19-2010, 05:15 AM
thankyou for the coverage Lion

01-19-2010, 05:15 AM
Good to see top names in the Royal Rumble this year, I just hope WWE don't mess this one up.

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-19-2010, 05:24 AM
Thanks Lion for the Coverage :)

01-19-2010, 05:25 AM
Thanks Lion

01-19-2010, 05:35 AM
An okay Raw overall, but nothing special. It seems like this year's rumble has some potential though.

Kenpachi Zaraki
01-21-2010, 06:12 AM
yeah he did LionDen

01-21-2010, 06:47 PM
yeah he did LionDen

Ahh, I thought so. That last match was a joke IMO, I am sick of celebrities in the ring, are we going back to WCW days ... I am also sick of DX now, they don't even look like they are enjoying themselves as DX anymore, they just seem to follow the motions and make lame jokes about Hornswaggle. Hopefully with HBK after Taker, that will split them up cause of the Royal Rumble.