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View Full Version : The Miz talks about Austin, Rock, and his goals

01-24-2010, 07:35 PM
The Southeast Missourian has a new article online featuring quotes from The Miz. Below are the highlights:

"I've always loved the talkers, ever since I was a kid. Guys like the Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin; if you remember anything about them, it's not their matches... You remember, 'Can you smell what the Rock is cookin'?' and catch phrases like that, and I always enjoyed the storied characters in WWE."

"I've brought that into what I want to do. I want to parlay my character to the world, so when they see me, they think, 'I know a guy exactly like that, and I love/hate him.' I feel like a lot of wrestlers do the same stuff, so the better the people know me, the better I am set apart," he told the publication. "As far as the wrestling is concerned, I think now I'm at a point where people are really getting to know me, and I need to prove myself in the ring. I like having longer matches now to show that I am an athlete and not just a big mouth."

"I set a new major goal every new year," Miz said. "So far, I've been able to reach those goals, even if they seem a little lofty, and my goal for 2010 is to be a main event, so that's what I am striving for now."


01-24-2010, 09:29 PM
thanks for this konan

01-25-2010, 06:35 PM
he will be forever a "real world" guy for me.......