View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Event Results, 1/23: Evansville, Indiana

01-25-2010, 07:54 AM
WWE RAW Live Event Results - Evansville, Indiana
January 23rd, 2010 - Report by Cory Walker

Yoshi Tatsu b. Zack Ryder with a spinning heel kick off the top rope

Mark Henry b. Jack Swagger in an over the top rope challenge. Swagger got on the mic before the match and issued the all American American American American challenge.

Kelly Kelly came out to pick a fan to be the guest time keeper for the next match.

Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes b. Evan Bourne & Primo after Rhodes pinned Primo with the crossroads

Chris Masters b. Johnny Curtis with the masterlock in a short match. Curtis got on the mic before the match and introduced himself.

Miz b. MVP & Calito when Miz pinned Carlito after MVP used the playmaker on Carlito. Miz knocked MVP out of the ring to get the pin on Carlito. This was a great match with some awesome near falls and cool tower of doom spot.

Santino Marella came out to referee the diva tag match.

Gail Kim & The Bellas b. Maryse, Alicia Fox, & Jilian Hall after Kim pinned Hall. Many funny comedy spots with Santino.

Intermission. Kelly came out to throw shirts into the crowd.

Randy Orton b. Kofi Kingston after two RKOs. Kofi kicked out of the first RKO. Kingston missed the boom drop and Orton hit a second RKO for the pin.

Triple H b. Big Show in a street fight. Triple H hit Show with the microphone twice and then a trash can. Show brought a chair into the ring and Triple H kicked it back into his face. Triple H then got a sledge hammer from under the ring. Show hit a choke slam and Triple H kicked out of the pin. Hornswoggle then came running out and did the Shawn Michaels tuning up the band deal. He kicked show in the leg and then Triple H hit Show with a sledge hammer for the pin. Triple H and Hornswoggle celebrated for a while afterwards.

John Cena b. Sheamus after a DQ. Sheamus shoved the referee as Cena was applying the STF. Sheamus was tapping while the referee was informing the time keeper of the DQ. They kept fighting after the match and Cena hit the attitude adjustment.

Arn Anderson and Mike Rotunda were very visible by the entrance ramp during the show. This was a fairly large crowd. It was largest crowd I have seen in Evansville since 2001 which was a house show featuring Steve Austin. I would estimate at least 7,500 people attended. I could hear many WWE personnel calling it a packed house.