View Full Version : The Rock Says He Would Rip Up WWE & Bring Back 'Attitude'

01-27-2010, 02:55 AM
During an interview with Live Audio Wrestling last night, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson said he would return to WWE for a guest-hosting role or to wrestle a match on the sole condition that he can “rip up” the writing for the current television product and tap into the “Attitude Era” with an edgier product.

“I want to use the platform as a host to literally rip things open. There’s so much stuff we can do,” Johnson told John Pollock. “We’re going to create an incredible show, an incredible Raw. I’m doing another movie, but after that, we’re going to create something special, unique, something badass for the fans. Talking to Vince (McMahon), whenever that’s going to be, we’re going to have a great time.”

Johnson echoed what he said last week during an interview with ESPN in that he wouldn’t rule out actually wrestling, but only if he can turn the product upside down and create a compelling storyline leading to a match.

“I accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish in wrestling, so I wouldn’t rule out going back,” Johnson said. “If the match was right and we could create something really unique and cool for the fans and for my opponent and for the company, I would do it in a second.”

Johnson once again said he has no interest in wrestling John Cena, but talked about what it would take for him to work a program with one of WWE’s premiere stars.

“I’ve never been interested in wrestling John Cena. The guys I wrestled in the past – from Goldberg to Hogan to Austin – were guys who I’ve really wanted to wrestle. If it can be done creatively but not only that, it’s very important if I do back that the writing has to be ripped up and really be pushed,” Johnson said. “I came from a time in the Attitude era where we trail-blazed a lot and were fearless in the things we said and did.”

01-28-2010, 12:45 AM
Oh yea that's why ive always liked the Rock lol Attitude era was the best. No one likes pg. He's smart and lol he want's to face a bigger name than cena :)

01-28-2010, 06:33 PM
I like the way the Rock thinks. He sees the mound of shit WWE has become from the sidelines. Is there even a point to PG, and how PG is it? As long as Big Dick Johnson appears on tv that is not PG appropriate...sorry but it isn't. I'd rather my son see a total violent gore fest in a cage than BDJ in a thong. And NOTHING WWE can do will win Linda McMahon a political office. Sorry just don't see it. I say Rock has the right idea. Instead of trying to win over people who'll never appreciate wrestling why not work your ass off to keep the fans you already have, and give them what they want?

01-31-2010, 08:52 AM
Great points there Amazon. The Rock wouldn't want to put his finger prints on the WWE PG era. Why would he want to though, the fans recognise him mostly from his white hot streak throughout the Attitude era.

02-01-2010, 04:34 AM
Already posted a few days ago.
