View Full Version : *Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Tapings for 1/29/10

01-27-2010, 04:23 AM
* Degeneration X come out to open the show. Triple H starts to talk when Rey Mysterio comes out and says Shawn Michaels doesn't think he can beat The Undertaker for the belt at Royal Rumble. The Straight Edge Society come out. Triple H says he's surprised CM Punk is straight and makes fun of him. Teddy Long comes out and says there will not be a Unified WWE Tag Team Championship match tonight. Instead, Mysterio will fight Michaels right now and Triple H will fight CM Punk.

* Triple H b. CM Punk via disqualification when both members of the Straight Edge Society interfere. They jump Hunter and try to shave his head but Michaels comes out for the save. DX tries to attack Punk but he puts Serena Deeb in front of him, kisses her and sneaks out of the ring. HBK fakes Sweet Chin Music on Serena and exits.

* Chris Jericho is shown backstage on his way to the ring.

* R-Truth b. Chris Jericho after a failed Codebreaker on the ropes as Truth rolled over top of Jericho for the pin.

* Backstage Batista interview. He talks about the Royal Rumble match. John Morrison is shown on his way to the ring.

* John Morrison vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre. Drew McIntyre gets the pin to retain after Morrison went for Starship Pain and McIntyre got his knees up. McIntyre hit a double arm DDT onto the IC belt and gets the pin.

* Michelle McCool interview. She says she is going to send Piggy James back to the barnyard for good, etc. Then ends by say Mickie went wee, wee, wee all the way home. Michelle issues an ope challenge to the locker room. Mickie James' music hits and Layla comes out in a fat suit with a pig nose dressed like Mickie James.

* Michelle McCool vs. Layla (dressed as Piggy James). Layla slowly chases McCool around the outside of the ring, back in and goes for a splash. McCool pins her for the win. The crowd lets them hear it with "boring" chants.

* In a backstage segment Shawn Michaels is shown on his way to the ring. Batista gets in his face and tells him to stay out of his way on Sunday. Triple H gets in Batista's face and Batista back downs.

* Shawn Michaels vs. Rey Mysterio. Rey goes for 619 early, Shawn moves. The match goes back and forth when Rey hits head scissors on Michaels, taking him to the outside. Mysterio hits 619, goes for the springboard, but Michaels counters and hits Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere. Both men are down. Batista comes out and spears HBK then hits a spinebuster on Mysterio. Triple H hits the ring and clotheslines Batista over the top and goes out after him. The lights go out and The Undertaker's music hits. The lights come up and Undertaker is in the ring. He double chokeslams Mysterio and Michaels to end the show.

Dark Match Main Event:

* DeGeneration X & The Undertaker vs. CM Punk, Luke Gallows & Chris Jericho. Undertaker hits Jericho with a chokeslam for the win. Undertaker was not heavily involved in the match.