View Full Version : Chris Jericho and The Hurricane arrested *All Discussion Goes In Here*

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-28-2010, 04:40 AM
According to PWInsider.com, Chris Jericho and Gregory "Hurricane" Helms were arrested this morning in Kenton County, KY around 5 AM this morning by the Erlanger (KY) Police Department. Jericho and Helms were both charged with alcohol intoxication in a public place. Each of them were bonded out in a little more than an hour. Kenton County is close to Cincinnati, OH, where WWE taped Smackdown last night.

One person with knowledge of the jurisdiction sent word that they will probably be given a 50 dollar fine and it could have been a situation as innocent as an officer smelling alcohol on their breath.


01-28-2010, 04:47 AM

Thanx for posting Kirst!

01-28-2010, 04:49 AM
ooh I just said in the sbox so close didnt know it was here.

Lol Jericho arrested awesome.

01-28-2010, 05:49 AM
lol nice . sounds like they were a having a blast

01-28-2010, 08:10 AM
:lmao: .. This is classic .. What A Dingus!

01-28-2010, 08:22 AM
Lol thanks for the update krist

01-28-2010, 08:34 PM
TMZ.com has released some new details regarding the Wednesday arrest of WWE superstars Chris Jericho and Gregory Helms.

Kentucky police officers say witnesses told them Gregory Helms struck three people, including Jericho, a man named Gary Kelley and a female passenger named Ashley Storer, at a gas station.

Helms then allegedly ran from the scene right after the violent incident but returned after where he and Chris Jericho were arrested for public alcohol intoxication.

Cops say Helms was not arrested for the assault because the alleged victims have not pressed charges, which in Kentucky if police do not witness the attack.

The female who Gregory Helms allegedly struck does not want to press charges at this time while the male said he's considering it.

01-28-2010, 08:54 PM
wow thanks for the post Konan

01-28-2010, 08:58 PM
Wow, looks like he's been taking lessons from Jericho on how to hit women, lol. I'd like to know what the full story of this is.

A Blissful Ass
01-28-2010, 11:39 PM
Coming off the heels of Gregory Helms' arrest Wednesday morning for public intoxication, here is a look at the numerous transgressions involving the WWE Superstar over the years:
July 2001: Helms gets involved in an altercation with fellow WCW alumnus Marcus Bagwell during a training session, which ultimately plays a part in Buff's quick dismissal from the World Wrestling Federation.

The two exchange words with Bagwell poking fun at Helms' speech impediment — or lisp as it were. According to Bagwell, Helms allegedly tells him, "We could either forget this now and move on or I can beat your brains in." Helms dares him to take a shot, which results in Bagwell slapping him across the face. Helms subsequently cowers away. A short time later, Helms creeps up from behind and strikes Bagwell in the back of the head with a frozen water bottle — requiring 19 stitches.

According to Bagwell, he actually tried to cover for Helms after seeing him sobbing in the bathroom because he thought he was going to be fired. When asked what happened by then-agent Fit Finlay, Bagwell simply told Fit that he fell. Later, Helms showed his gratitude by ignoring him when he tried saying hello, according to Bagwell.

WWF officials released Bagwell from his contract a few days later.

March 19, 2007: Sports Illustrated posts an article on its website investigating a steroid and HGH ring used by a number of professional athletes in several sports. The article mentions several current and former WWE wrestlers, including Helms, who was alleged to have obtained human growth hormone (HGH).

August 30, 2007: Sports Illustrated posts an article on its website naming Helms and nine other wrestlers to be given growth hormone not in compliance with the WWE Talent Wellness program. He was said to have received testosterone (anabolic steroids), human growth hormone and nandrolone (anabolic steroids) between November 2003 and February 2007. As a result of the infraction, Helms is suspended for thirty days for his first violation of WWE's drug testing policy.

May 6, 2008: Helms is assaulted in a nightclub in Johnston County, North Carolina, by an acquaintance, Dustin Narron. An argument between the two of them led to Narron hitting Helms in the face. Narron was later charged with assault and battery.

August 28, 2009: TNA performer Daniel Covell (a/k/a Christopher Daniels) is arrested in Smithfield, North Carolina on charges of driving under the influence after participating in a drinking contest with Helms at the WWE star's residence.

January 27, 2010: Gregory Helms and Christopher Irvine (a/k/a Chris Jericho) are taken into custody in Kenton County, Kentucky after police apprehend the duo for "alcohol intoxication in a public place."

Helms became violent as he allegedly struck Irvine, a male passenger, and a female passenger at a Shell gas station in the early morning. Helms reportedly left the scene after the incident, which led to police being called to the gas station. He then returned to the station and was booked with Irvine on charges of public intoxication.

Police say Helms was not arrested for the alleged attack because the alleged victims have not pressed charges — a requirement for an arrest in Kentucky if the police do not witness the attack.


A Blissful Ass
01-28-2010, 11:40 PM
-- As noted earlier, Matt Hardy was among a group of people involved in yesterday's early morning incident that led to the arrests of Chris Jericho and Gregory Helms. Witnesses told cops Hardy was in a taxi with Jericho, Helms and several others Wednesday morning when Helms allegedly struck three people — including one female. Witnesses say Hardy took off on foot — just like Helms allegedly did — when the cab driver pulled over at a Kentucky gas station and called 911. Helms came back to the scene and was arrested — but Hardy was gone for good. However, police are not pursuing any sort of action against Hardy. As first reported, the female passenger decided not to file charges against Helms over the alleged attack. Both Helms and Jericho were arrested for "alcohol intoxication in a public place."
-- Perez Hilton, MTV.com, The New York Daily News and BlabberMouth.net all picked up the story of Chris Jericho and Hurricane Helms getting arrested yesterday.

-- WWE.com's Superstar of the day is The Hurricane. Really.

-- Anyone want to take bets on when Matt Hardy will issue a 'the truth will come out, everything is a big misunderstanding' message? Kinda' like the Jeff Hardy deal, right Matt? Uh ohh, here comes the Hardy hate mail!


01-29-2010, 06:46 AM
thanks for this Mat

Shane McMahon's Ass
01-29-2010, 07:37 AM
Apparently in response to the negative publicity Gregory Helms' arrest yesterday morning for public intoxication is receiving, the WWE website pulled his "Superstar of the Day" photo this afternoon, replacing The Hurricane with Cody Rhodes. In another note, WWE forgot to remove the hyperlink beneath the photo leading to The Hurricane's bio.


Shane McMahon's Ass
01-29-2010, 07:40 AM
Source: The Wrestling Observer

Several WWE sources are saying that Gregory Helms did not strike Ashley Storer, the woman in the taxi.

Helms left the taxi and ran off when the driver stopped at the gas station and called 911. The backstage story goes that Matt Hardy was chasing Helms and trying to get him to come back.

The only other note is that C.M. Punk and Christian were said to be the two who posted bond to get Jericho and Helms released about an hour later.


01-29-2010, 08:26 AM
Yeah he's also in the Rumble sunday. I expect him to be eliminated in a blink of an eye.

01-29-2010, 10:01 AM
wow thanks for the update

01-29-2010, 10:14 AM
The following is from TMZ.com:

The woman who took an elbow to the face from WWE star Greg "Hurricane" Helms Wednesday morning claims she has no ill feelings towards the wrestler -- because she was merely collateral damage in a "play fight."
The woman, Ashley Storer, tells TMZ the whole thing went down after her group finished boozing at a local Kentucky bar and crammed into the back of a taxi cab.
Storer claims she somehow got stuck sitting in between Jericho and Helms -- who began play fighting when things "escalated because we were drunk."
Storer claims that's when she took an elbow to the cheek -- and the cab driver pulled over at a nearby gas station. Helms and Jericho were ultimately arrested for being drunk in public -- Storer claims Matt Hardy was completely sober.
Storer also tells us cops blew the situation out of proportion -- but admits she may have exacerbated the situation because, "I was crying and drunk and tired from being out all night and I just wanted to leave."
Visit TMZ.com for more!

01-29-2010, 11:05 AM
TMZ cameras caught up with WWE star Randy Orton in an airport and asked him about Chris Jericho and Hurricane Helms being arrested. “Arrested?” a surprised Orton asked. “No, no, no, no, not Chris,” Orton said. He claimed he wasn’t aware of either man being arrested.

The TMZ reporter asked Orton if the WWE wrestlers are now the new rock-n-roll guys because of the way they get in trouble. “We don’t get in trouble,” Orton said. “We represent the WWE in a very positive manner. Getting in trouble isn’t positive now, is it?” To view the full video, visit TMZ.com.


01-29-2010, 11:07 AM
Cincinnati.com had an article up yesterday evening about the arrests of Hurricane Helms and Chris Jericho. They noted that around 4AM on Wednesday, an Erlanger police officer patrolling Crescent Springs saw a group of five people being rowdy in a shopping center parking lot. The officer told the group they needed to leave and some of them got a taxi. This was shortly before the taxi driver pulled over and called 911 after the incident in the backseat.

While other reports have came out since then, Cincinnati.com noted that Helms ran and was later found by police but Matt Hardy couldn’t be found by them. It’s been mentioned now that Hardy was not sober and as you read before, the woman involved is now claiming that the whole thing was blown out of proportion.

Cincinnati.com noted that a conviction on the misdemeanor charge of public intoxication carries a fine of $25 and court costs of $134. Helms and Jericho can appear in court on February 16th to challenge the charges or they can have the charges dismissed by paying $159 total before court date.

WWE released a statement to the paper saying that they assume the authorities will take proper action if necessary but declined further comment.


01-29-2010, 11:33 AM
thats would be the great move ..to create separate page thanks krist

01-29-2010, 01:31 PM
gotta love hick towns

A Blissful Ass
01-30-2010, 12:54 AM
Here are some of the recent Twitter posts from Matt Hardy and Chris Jericho…

Chris Jericho: Tuesday Night: "Listening to zakk Wylde and having a GG [Grey Goose Vodka] contest with Hurricane. It's the woods vs the praries. Praires are winning..." Today: "So, anything going on today?"

Matt Hardy: Today: "I've been working on my future autobiography here & there-it'll be an amazing look into my career & the business.. It'll totally be REAL.." And for the record, the book would be something that would happen WAAAY down the road.. So don't get overly excited, HaHa!"

'The Hurricane' has not tweeted since the arrest.

Should the WWE punish Helms, Jericho and/or Hardy? We have a thread going on our forums about this, you can go to the thread by clicking here.


Y0UR Messiah
01-31-2010, 10:28 PM
Why, everyone gets drunk and does something stupid. At least it wasn't a DUI or something worse. At least they took a taxi like drunk people should do.

People are making this more than it really is.