View Full Version : Cena Takes A Jab At Hogan & TNA, Says He Wants To Wrestle The Rock

02-04-2010, 02:07 AM
WWE superstar John Cena took part in a live chat session Monday night on WWE.com. Visit WWE.com to read the full transcript. Some highlights:

- Cena was asked whether he's interested in fighting Hulk Hogan, he responded with a jab at Hogan and TNA, saying, "Yes. I just don't think that's going to happen right now. He's too busy wasting his time."

- He has no current plans to release another rap album, but will be working again with rapper Bumpy Knuckles for a song on the soundtrack of his upcoming WWE Studios film, "Legendary" (previously titled "Brother's Keeper").

- When asked who he'd like to wrestle at WrestleMania, he stated, "The Rock." As Cena answered another question about his movie career, host Joey Styles chimed in by saying Cena's next movie will be better than The Rock's recent "Tooth Fiary" movie.


02-04-2010, 02:51 AM
Oh so tna's nothing yet keep on mentioning them. Lol he dosent deserve to face the rock he's a nothing nobody to rock and compared to him and it seems trying to put him down as well. Cant hang with the rock

Y0UR Messiah
02-04-2010, 05:35 AM
Man...someone is a Cena hater here.

02-04-2010, 06:29 AM
I also wonder why WWE people keep mentioning TNA if they are nothing :P

I Rock comes back for one match, it should be everyone else but Cena. As much as I don't like The Rock, Cena is not in his league, and never will be.

Thanx for posting Kellie!

02-04-2010, 07:19 AM
just wow thanks for this Kellie

02-04-2010, 05:03 PM
Cena is nothing and I hated before the fans turned on him in 06. the rock is everything that asshole wishes, but i will say this I do like John Cena's movies, but his kid friendly hero role is boring.

02-04-2010, 05:29 PM
The funny thing is that years ago when the Rock was actually wrestling and the internet was first getting big people were always railing on The Rock. Talking about how he was a horrible wrestler with a limited move-set and he just couldn't entertain them. His matches were all overbooked, he was just no good.

Anyways, I'm done waxing nostalgic, on to my point. I think a Rock Cena match would be epic. It is the Attitude era's favorite son (arguably) versus the new school's favorite. Obviously many people who were fans during The Rock's prime still watch and go to the shows, which is why Cena receives such a mixed reaction. But that does not mean that this match would not be good! Cena can entertain a crowd. He may have a very limited and somewhat boring move-set, but the man creates a reaction that is just incredible at a live show and carries over on their television recordings. So I think if Cena ever did go toe to toe with the GREAT ONE! It would be a match I wouldn't want to miss.

As for the Hogan comment, what can I say. Cena is a company man and he is towing the company line. But it is obvious that WWE is recognizing that TNA is getting a broader fanbase and that may scare Vince and his boys a bit. This is good if you are Hogan, the fact that the competition has to downplay you everywhere is a sign that you are at least making waves.

Kenpachi Zaraki
02-04-2010, 06:11 PM
Reality Check Cena: The Rock doesn't wanna face you he blatantly refused

02-04-2010, 07:52 PM