View Full Version : Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson Confirmed For UFC 113

Shane McMahon's Ass
02-06-2010, 01:16 PM
UFC president Dana White announced during yesterday's UFC 109 pre-fight press conference that Kevin "Kimbo Slice" Ferguson will be taking on Matt Mitrione at UFC 113 on May 8th in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

The heavyweights are somewhat familiar with each other as they both severed as contestants on last season's "The Ultimate Fighter: Heavyweights" reality show.

Slice cemented a spot in the organization after making Houston Alexander look like a shell of his former self, while Mitrione continued to impress UFC brass by beating Marcus Jones that same evening.

"I thought Houston Alexander would win that fight," White said. "Kimbo Slice beat a guy I consider a real guy, a guy who's fought some good guys and beaten them. [Alexander] knocked out Keith Jardine. He knocked out Alessio Sakara."

Mitrione was one of the most controversial fighters on last season's edition of the reality show due to his unwillingness to train through "injuries" for Team Rashad, while Slice proved some doubters wrong as he maintained a positive attitude and improved his MMA game on Team Rampage.


02-06-2010, 09:33 PM
Awesome I would of loved it at 114 with Rashad/Rampage but yea nice putting something on each show. I can't wait for this I know alot dont like him but still I don't mind him but Matt vs Kimbo hmm I don't know. But still interesting.

02-06-2010, 11:50 PM
Yeah, this fight could be interesting... this two were really the stand-outs in the competition, I think. And although Kimbo's fight with Houston Alexander wasn't great, that was mostly Houston's doing and Kimbo looked good for most of that fight and showed that he did elvove. And Matt Mitrione was extremely impressive when he pretty much destroyed Marcus Jones. A lot of people, including me, didn't think Mitrione could do much, just thought he was a big talker, but he proved a lot of people wrong in that fight. This could definitely be a good fight.