View Full Version : 'Enders boss: 'Killer secrecy is hard'

02-16-2010, 03:46 PM
EastEnders' executive producer Diederick Santer has admitted that he has found it difficult to keep the secret of 'Who Killed Archie?'.

The truth behind the BBC soap's current murder mystery storyline has been kept from viewers and even the programme's cast since the Walford villain was murdered by an unknown assailant on Christmas Day.

In Friday's long-awaited live 25th anniversary episode, the confusion and speculation will finally come to an end as the killer's identity is revealed at last.

Discussing the secrecy surrounding the plot, Santer told the show's official website: "It's been really hard keeping Archie's murderer a secret all this time. It's been quite stressful actually because it's involved a very small group of us just having this pact to keep it amongst ourselves.

"Normally, amongst the creative team of the show - the writers, the storyliners, the script editors - we share all our secrets. They all knew who the father of Heather's baby was [and] all the other secrets of the show. But on this one we took the decision to keep it absolutely as tight as possible."

He added: "I'm fearful of it blurting out at the wrong time, of me in a meeting saying it in an unguarded moment, or nodding at the wrong time or talking in my sleep!"

Santer has promised that viewers can expect a "satisfying" conclusion to the mystery.