View Full Version : RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 22nd February 2010

02-20-2010, 04:04 AM

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RAW Results - 22nd February 2010
Location - Indianapolis, Indiana
Announcers - Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

It is time to take a look back at last night’s Elimination Chamber pay per view where John Cena won the Raw Elimination Chamber match . . . only to lose to Batista so we have a newer new WWE Champion.

We are live from Indianapolis, Indiana and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.

Cole and Lawler let us know that Shawn Michaels will be on Raw tonight, but will the Undertaker show up as well? We also have a mechanical bull in the building because of one-half of our guest host combination Ty Murray.

Justin Roberts brings out the World Champion Chris Jericho, who is the champion of Smackdown, but he is on Raw despite never being allowed back on the show. Chris says that he is going to Wrestlemania. He says that since he was unfairly assaulted and attacked by Mike Tyson, he said that he would never return to Raw again despite being the best performer in the company and the true face of the WWE. Jericho says that he changed his mind because he defeated five of the top Smackdown superstars, including the Undertaker. He says that he has defeated the Undertaker two times in a row and wonders how many can say that. Jericho points out that he is the World Champion and says it a few more times.

Chris is interrupted by Edge’s music and he comes up behind Jericho and hits a spear on Chris. Edge tells Chris that Jericho is going to Wrestlemania to face him.

Cole and Lawler talk about the matchup between Edge and Jericho.

Speaking of people who won a title on Sunday, John Cena comes to the ring and he has a purpose. Cena has something to say but he waits a little bit to compose himself. Cena says that he can be added to the list of people who have been screwed by Vince McMahon. John points out that he won the Elimination Chamber match and instead of celebrating, he is mad as hell because of Vince McMahon for putting him in a second match against Batista. John says that if that is how Vince wants to do business, that is fine. John says that he wants his rematch and he wants it right now.

Continuing the parade of former champions, Vince McMahon comes out and he has something to say. Vince says that the operative word is ‘business’ and he is all about business. Vince says that he made a business deal with Batista. He says that he didn’t want to mess up his hands with the broken down Bret Hart and since Batista helped him out, Vince was going to help Batista. Vince says that if Batista wanted a WWE Title match any time and any place, he could have it. Vince says that it is all on Cena. Vince says that if it was personal, he can bring up what Cena said last week. Vince repeats what Cena said last week and as a result of what Cena said, Batista became the champion. Cena says that he is taking it back. Vince says that Batista is not going to defend the title until Wrestlemania. Vince brings up that another person has a rematch clause and that person is the former WWE Champion Sheamus. Vince wonders which one of them deserves the title match at Wrestlemania. Vince says that he has a deal for Cena. If Cena can win tonight, he faces Batista in the main event at Wrestlemania. If Cena loses, Sheamus gets to be in the main event against Batista. Cena wants to know who he is facing tonight since he accepts the offer. Vince says that John Cena will be facing Batista.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Didn’t you already know about the demographics for Wrestlemania Ticket buyers?

Divas Tournament Finals
Maryse vs Gail Kim

Gail with a waist lock and rollup for a near fall. Gail with a forearm but Maryse with an Irish whip but Gail goes to the apron to avoid Maryse. Gail with a running clothesline for a near fall. Gail with a forearm and kick followed by a European uppercut. Gail with an Irish whip and running cross body into the corner. Gail is sent into the ring post but Gail tries for Eat Defeat but Maryse holds on to the ropes. Maryse gets a near fall and then she tries for the DDT but Gail with a rollup for a counter and a near fall. Gail misses a charge into the corner but Gail with a kick. Gail misses a cross body but Maryse cannot take advantage because she is down. Gail with an inside cradle for a near fall. Gail with an elbow and then she tries for a victory roll but Maryse hot shots Gail and hits the DDT for the three count.

Winner: Maryse

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the mechanical bull in the arena for the Divas.

Ty Murray is with the Arm Candy Twins and Jewel is talking to Kelly and Eve. Jewel says that she injured her ankle and that is why she is on crutches. Ty says that he is excited for the bull riding contest. Jillian and Alicia enter and Jillian says that she is not starstruck because she is a singer. Jillian warbles a few lines from some of Jewel’s songs. Jillian wants to know if Jewel is trying to show her up and then she says that she needs to show some respect or Jewel will be living back in her car. Jewel slaps Jillian and then she leaves.

We go to the Legacy Locker Room and Cody tells Randy that he didn’t want to tell him that he told Randy so but he knew that Ted would turn on him. Cody says that Ted was talking about headlining Wrestlemania in the same year that his father is inducted into the Hall of Fame. Randy tells Cody that he knows what he is trying to do and he says that if anyone is at fault, it is him. Randy says that he has taught Cody and Ted way too well. Randy says that he has bullied or physically attacked Cody and Ted if he didn’t get his way. Randy says that they have come way too far and that is why he asked for the six man tag match tonight. Randy tells Cody to tell Ted . . . that he is sorry.

Randy leaves and Ted enters. Ted wants to know how things went and Cody says that they went well . . . only too good. Ted asks Cody if they are sticking to the plan and Cody says that he is. We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Legacy’s involvement in the Elimination Chamber last night.

Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, and Yoshi Tatsu vs Legacy

DiBiase and Yoshi start things off. Ted with a kick and forearm but Yoshi avoids a slam and he kicks DiBiase. DiBiase blocks a hip toss but Yoshi with a Japanese arm drag and regular arm drag into an arm bar. Bourne tags in and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Ted with a suplex and then he tags in Cody. Bourne with kicks to Cody’s leg and then Bourne with a running clothesline for a near fall. Bourne with a kick in the corner and shoulder. Rhodes with an elbow but Bourne with an elbow to the head and then he goes up top but Rhodes with a punch that crotches Rhodes. Rhodes with a wheelbarrow slam to Bourne and he gets a near fall as we go to commercial.

We are back and Bourne kicks and punches DiBiase but DiBiase with a clothesline for a near fall. Ted picks up Bourne but Bourne with more kicks and then he hits the double knee splash and both men are down. Kofi tags in and hits a springboard clothesline followed by a drop kick and jumping clothesline. Kofi does a few laps but Orton pulls Kofi by the hair when the referee is distracted by Cody. Orton tags in and he slams Kofi three times. Kofi with a kick to the leg but Orton with a European uppercut. Orton with the leaping knee drop and then he puts Kofi in a reverse chin lock. Orton with a forearm while Kofi kicks Randy. Orton with the vintage viper back breaker and then he looks at Kofi before wandering around the ring. Cody tags in but Orton gives Cody the IEDDT and leaves. Ted wants to know what the deal is and Randy gives Ted an RKO as the response to Ted’s question. Kofi tags in Yoshi who hits the running knees into the corner followed by the rolling mare and kick to the chest. Bourne tags in and hits the shooting star press for the three count.

Winners: Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, and Kofi Kingston

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to see highlights of the problems between Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. We start off with Shawn’s desire for the rematch and Taker’s refusal to give Shawn that match. Then we see Shawn walk away from wrestling only to emerge from Hornswoggle’s home under the Elimination Chamber to give the Undertaker Sweet Chin Music last night to cost Taker the World Title.

Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring and he is dressed for our male co-host. Shawn takes off his hat. Shawn says that he is not going to take too long because the explanation for his actions is not that complicated. He says that he did what he had to do. Shawn says that he has heard that what he has done is not that popular but he can live with that. Shawn says that there were rumors that the Undertaker might be in the building tonight. Shawn says that for every action there is a reaction. Shawn says that he is not hoping for a reaction, he is counting on it. He says that there is no one . . .

Gongs stop Shawn’s comments and the flames rise from the stage as the Undertaker emerges from the smoke and makes his way to the ring with the vintage Undertaker gait.

Taker gets face to face with Shawn and says that he wanted his attention so now he has it. Shawn tells Taker that last year people said they had the greatest match in Wrestlemania history, even the greatest match ever. Shawn says that no matter how flattering that is, he wrestled a nearly perfect match. He says that he made one mistake and it cost him everything. Shawn says that it is something that he cannot live with. Shawn asked and begged for a rematch but Taker refused. Shawn says that Taker ignored him and didn’t leave him any choice but to cost Taker the World Title. Shawn says that he knows that Taker is angry at him and as Taker stands there, he cannot wait to get his hands on Shawn. Shawn says that is okay. He says that if Taker wants his revenge, he can do it at Wrestlemania.

Taker tells Shawn that he is on and he accepts the match.

Shawn walks away and Taker gives Shawn one condition for the match. Taker tells Shawn that Shawn has to put something up as well. Taker tells Shawn that if he wins, he ends the streak. Taker says that if he wins, Shawn’s career is over. Shawn thinks about it and he says that Taker doesn’t get it. Shawn says that if he cannot beat Taker at Wrestlemania, he has no career. Shawn accepts the stipulation and says that they are on.

Christian is walking in the back and we go to commercial.

We are back with the WWE Rewind: Highlights from the Money in the Bank Match from Wrestlemania.

We see the briefcase over the ring while the Wrestlemania music plays.

Cole and Lawler talk about the two matches announced for Wrestlemania: Edge versus Chris Jericho for the World title and Shawn Michaels versus Undertaker in a Streak versus Career Match.

We get comments from Heath Slater who is the rookie working with Christian. He says that he is about to blow everyone’s mind. We also hear from Michael Tarver who is the rookie working with Carlito. He says that the other NXT rookies are in danger.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
Christain vs Carlito

They lock up and Carlito with a knee but Christian with a punch and then he goes to the apron. Carlito with a DDT on the apron and he gets a near fall. Carlito sends Christian into the turnbuckles and hits a shoulder followed by a punch. Christian with a punch and Carlito punches back. Christian with a forearm and then he runs into an elbow from Carlito. Christian with a flapjack and then he stands on Carlito’s back before slingshoting to the floor and hitting an uppercut. Carlito with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Christian with a back body drop and then he goes up top again and misses a cross body. Carlito with a running knee lift but Christian with the inverted DDT for a two count. Christian tries for the Killswitch but Carlito blocks it. Carlito pulls Christian from the turnbuckles and gets a near fall. Carlito blocks the Killswitch again and Carlito tries for the springboard back elbow but Christian catches him and tries for the Killswitch one more time but Carlito blocks it. Christian sends Carlito into the ring post and hits the Killswitch for the three count.

Winner: Christian

After the match
Christian points to the sign and then completes the Money in the Bank Moves of Doom by looking up at the briefcase.

We go to commercial.

We are back it is time for our Guest Hosts to make it into the building since it is time for the Diva Bullriding. Ty Murray and Jewel come out. Jewel says that she has had a blast in the back and she says that it is time to bring some girls into the mix. Ty asks if everyone likes bull riding because he has been working with the Divas with bullriding.

Eve is the first to ride the bull and she stays on for the eight seconds or however long they are doing it for. Kelly is the next one to ride the bull and she stays on. The Bella Twins come out and they decide to ride the bull together.

The next Divas to come out are the Unified Tag Team Champions . . . The Shiz. Miz wants to know what this has come to. He wonders if a yodeling challenge is next. The Miz says that the show revolves around the Unified Tag Team Champions, not a bull. Show says that it doesn’t look too hard and says that anyone can do it. Ty says that he doesn’t think that Big Show can do it and he says that the bull won’t be riding him. Show decides to get on the bull. Miz tells Ty to watch and learn. Show has some trouble getting on the bull but Show cannot stay on for the eight seconds. Miz says that wasn’t fair because it was going way faster than when the Divas rode it. Ty calls Miz a whiner. Miz tells Show to let it go but Show wants revenge on the mechanical bull. Show yells at the mechanical bull and he punches the bull. Miz says that was a disappointment just like the Colts in the Super Bowl.

Ty tells them that they aren’t going anywhere because they have a tag title match. Jewel says that they will be facing the men who beat them last week.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Daniel Bryan in the back watching his mentor in the ring.

Michael Cole tells us that Mark Henry’s chest is taped because he killed the ringside barrier last night at the pay per view.

Big Show and the Miz vs Montel Vontavious Porter and Mark Henry

Miz and Porter start things off and Porter with a clothesline and punches followed by an Irish whip and back body drop. Porter with a kick and forearm to Miz but Miz holds on to the ropes and he tags in Big Show. Porter punches Show as he comes into the ring and then Porter knocks Miz off the apron. Porter with a face buster but Show responds with a spear to Porter. Show with chops to Porter followed by the step over leg drop. Miz tags in and he puts Porter in a rear chin lock. Porter with elbows but Miz with knees and kicks. Porter with a big boot and both men are down. Henry and Show tag in and Henry with a kick and head butts. Henry with an Irish whip and splash into the corner and both men go down. Porter is held back by the referee and Miz comes off the top for a cross body and Henry catches Miz and hits the World’s Strongest Slam. Show with a punch to Henry and he gets the three count.

Winners: Big Show and The Miz

We go to commercial and we are told that we will get an update on Bret Hart when we come back.

We are back and Lawler talks about the PBR World Cup involving Ty Murray and they talk about Jewel’s new album.

We have a new inductee for the Class of 2010. That person is Wendi Richter. She will be inducted by Roddy Piper.

Now it is time to get an update on Bret Hart. Cole talks about how Bret suffered a broken leg and had some tendon damage. In case you missed it last Monday when it happened live or when it was shown again later on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or last night.

Vince McMahon says that he was considering facing Bret at Wrestlemania and was looking forward to the competition until Bret suffered his injury. Vince says that he had nothing to do with the accident. Vince says that he is invited Bret to come back next week for one final goodbye. Vince says that he will provide whatever Bret needs to get into the ring for a proper farewell.

John Cena walks slowly in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jerry Lawler says that Bret Hart has accepted Vince’s invitation. Next week’s guest hosts are Cheech and Chong.

Next week, Randy Orton will face Ted DiBiase on Raw.

Non Title Match to determine if John Cena or Sheamus will be facing Batista for the World Title at Wrestlemania 26
John Cena vs Batista

Cena charges at Batista but Batista goes into the ropes forcing the referee to pull Cena away. Batista with a knee to Cena’s groin and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: John Cena by disqualification

After the match
Batista applauds Cena’s victory and then he hits a running boot to the head. Batista chokes Cena and kicks him in the corner. Batista leaves the ring and then he comes back to send Cena into the ring post. Batista sends Cena into the ringside barrier. Batista moves the ring steps out of the way and then he runs Cena into the ring post. Batista walks away while the referee and medical staff checks on Cena. Batista returns to ringside and then he gets a chair and then he hits Cena in the back with the chair. Batista stands over Cena with the chair and then he hits Cena again. Cena starts to convulse and Batista hits him again with the chair when Cena tries to get to his feet. Batista hits Cena one more time with the chair and then he puts it on Cena’s neck. Batista poses victoriously as we see Cena being helped and we go to credits.

02-23-2010, 12:50 AM
Tonight's RAW will take place from the Canseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, Indiana with the fallout from Elimination Chamber. No matches have been announced for tonight but it's believed that Maryse vs. Gail Kim for the Divas Title will finally take place. Edge will be on RAW tonight to reveal who he is challenging at WrestleMania 26. Tonight's RAW guest hosts will be celebrity "power couple" Jewel, the singer, and Ty Murray, a professional bull rider.

02-23-2010, 03:07 AM
PWInsider reports that Daniel Bryan, formerly Bryan Danielson, will make his on-screen WWE debut tonight on RAW from Indianapolis. Bryan will appear in a backstage vignette with The Miz, his WWE NXT mentor.

The segment is being done to promote the debut of NXT on SyFy tomorrow night. There was talk about doing another angle on the show with the two as well tonight, but at this time it hasn't been confirmed.

02-23-2010, 03:11 AM
Gawd, they are even doing promos with Miz lol I still feel he should nt be a mentor.

02-23-2010, 03:24 AM
I'm really digging this years WM theme, and I can't wait to see this segment with Danielson.

02-23-2010, 05:43 AM
Now it is time to get an update on Bret Hart. Cole talks about how Bret suffered a broken leg and had some tendon damage. In case you missed it last Monday when it happened live or when it was shown again later on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or last night.

lol, I am wondering how Bret will wrestle in a tag match at WM with a broken leg. lol How many goodbyes does soemoen have? Why would someone get another goodbye because he gets run over by a car.

I don't understand why they did not let Gail Kim win and then have Maryse chase the title.

I am finding it funny why the are pushing Ted, I understand his father is going into the HOF but didn't Ted say he wants to leave wrestling to become an actor.

Cena will probably be beat up until WM and then use his 5 moves and 2 from an injured Bret to win the title. I would not be ssurprised if Bret and Vince are just corner men for the match and then end up in the ring at the end where Bret will do something to Vince like a sharpshooter.