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View Full Version : Undertaker Burned In Pyro Accident At Elimination Chamber PPV

02-22-2010, 07:56 AM
According to Pwinsider.com, the Undertaker was in fact burned during his entrance at the Elimination Chamber PPV. As Taker made his entrance, there was a pyro malfunction when the flames from his entrance reached his jacket and burned it. Taker quickly ripped off the jacket and moved away from the pryo. Once he got to the ring, he poured water on himself and then worked the match as scheduled. When he returned to the locker room after the match, he was obviously very upset. Management tried to calm him down, as it was obviously an accident.

- Here is a live report of the incident, from Andre Thomas and Pwinsider.com:

Undertaker's coat accidentally caught on fire during his entrance. He then ripped off his burning coat. While in his pod referee constantly gave him bottled waters to pour down his arm. Not sure if this was seen on camera.

After it went the PPV went off air he stormed up the ramp staring directly at the pyrotechnic area, stopped at the top of the stage (right next to the spot the pyro accidentally burned him) and yelled something at the pyrotechnics and made a threatening gesture before exiting the stage.

Also, when Undertaker left his pod, the door broke and couldn't be closed back. Referee's constantly tried to close is but was unsuccessful. It was kinda funny because minutes later, the pod Jericho hid in also got jammed open and couldn't be closed

02-22-2010, 08:24 AM
Here are some notes from fans in attendance at the WWE Elimination Chamber PPV:

Matt Frazier reports: "I was at the event and during Undertaker's elaborate into, a pyro cannon misfired catching his hat and coat on fire. He quickly threw off his gear and ran down the ramp. Once inside the Chamber, he was given water to help cool his hands. After the event, he was very animated, gesturing at the pyrotechnics booth as he walked to the back. I'm sure someone got an earful."

Neal Kendall reports: "Just got back from the PPV. Sounds like they didn't show Taker catching on fire on TV. During his ring entrance, he walked slowly over one of the areas where the flames come up and one shot up right through him. Pretty scary moment! After he flipped around putting the fire out, he sprinted towards the ring. He then spent time in his pod pouring water over himself."

James Ashcroft: "Looked like Undertaker ‘did things differently’ during his entrance, as he was pretty much engulfed in a fireball and probably wanted to get away as quick as possible. That's how it looked on my PPV feed, especially when I rewound and looked again: he's definitely stood in the middle of the stage as the middle flamethrower is active. I was quite amazed when I saw it, however noticed that no live report seemed to see it. He’s lucky to have escaped."

Robert Dalton reports: "He tore of his hat and jacket then doused himself with water when he got in the ring. During the match you could plainly see a giant red burn mark on his chest."


02-22-2010, 08:29 AM
Damn...I hope he is ok...but he was CLEARLY pissed during the match..thanks for the update john

02-22-2010, 12:12 PM
Oh my God. He'd better be ok or I'll be kicking the ass of that pyrotech guy myself. I know first hand that burns are about the most painful injury known to life. So yeah I'm taking this one personally. Feel better Taker your Creatures love you!

Black Widow
02-22-2010, 12:24 PM
damn hope its not a bad burn

02-22-2010, 06:17 PM

02-22-2010, 07:26 PM
-- As noted late last night here on the website, The Undertaker suffered burns to his chest as a result of a pyrotechnic malfunction during his entrance when flames reached and burned his jacket as he made his way ringside for his match at last night's WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Upon catching on fire, he immediately ripped off his coat and sprinted towards the ring. He then doused himself with bottles of water before and during his scheduled match in the Elimination Chamber. The referee in charge of his chamber kept feeding him water bottles throughout the night. After the match, 'Taker stormed up the ramp staring directly at the pyrotechnic area, stopped at the top of the stage (right next to the spot the pyro accidentally burned him) and yelled something at the pyrotechnics and made a threatening gesture before exiting the stage. Company sources indicate Taker was extremely upset about the situation upon returning to the locker room, though officials tried calming him down. He was yelling at numerous people upon arriving backstage after the match as management tried to chill him out. This was obviously an unfortunate accident but that's not the guy you want to piss off.

02-22-2010, 08:41 PM
wow the undertaker is very lucky the fire did not hit him in his face thanks for the post John

02-23-2010, 02:02 AM
lol IMagine having Taker be pissed at you.