View Full Version : Pooch owners to take 'L-tests'

03-01-2010, 07:00 PM
Dog lovers will be forced to pass a test before they can own any pooch under a planned clampdown on dangerous animals

They will face a competency exam to prove they can control their animals, including harmless breeds like Yorkshire terriers, reports The Sun.

Microchips must also be inserted under the dogs' skin, while owners will have to buy third-party insurance in case their pet attacks a human or another animal.

The RSPCA welcomed the review of legislation but blasted the new tests.

"We would not support anything that would hit sensible owners while failing to police those who are a danger," a spokesman added.

A leaked Government document said: "There have been suggestions for a competency test for all or some dog owners, akin to the driving theory test."

Other proposals include Asbos for owners of violent dogs. There were 703 convictions for out-of-control dogs in 2007.

03-01-2010, 07:47 PM
thanks for the post John

03-06-2010, 12:03 PM
This is a good thing, and it will also help prevent animal cruelty, which would be the best part of this.

03-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Hm... I'm curious as to exactly what this test entails. It could definitely be a good thing, it all depends on exactly how it works.