View Full Version : Shame on you! - US 'Aussie' show knocks a kangaroo around for laughs

Shane McMahon's Ass
03-06-2010, 06:43 AM
IT IS an image that will leave every Australian sick to the stomach. (Image down below)

Our national mascot dressed in shorts and boxing gloves with a rope tied around its chest, goaded into boxing with a human clown.

One of Australia's most iconic symbols is reduced to a cruel and insulting comedy act - all in front of an audience cheering for more.

Welcome to BorderFest - a US festival in Hidalgo, Texas, designed to "celebrate" all things Australian.

A festival sponsor is Kraft, US owners of another Aussie icon Vegemite. Pepsi sponsors the show itself and the festival website has a Tourism Australia logo and link.

This afternoon, Kraft Foods Australia announced it was pleased that the festival show decided to cancel the exhibition.

The American arm of Kraft - the owners of Vegemite - was sponsoring the show in the Texas town of Hidalgo, which claimed to be a celebration of all things Australian.

Following widespread publicity, Kraft released a statement saying: "We understand the BorderFest Association, which organises this annual cultural celebration, has apologised for offending anyone, particularly the people of Australia, with the kangaroo boxing display,'' said Kraft spokesman Simon Talbot.

"That portion of the event has been cancelled.

"Kraft Foods is pleased they've taken this proactive stance.''

Usually, the "Rocky Show Circus" runs at least twice a day, starring two kangaroos and their owner Javier Martinez, who also dons the clownsuit.

Mr Martinez baits the kangaroo by pushing it and repeatedly jabs at it before placing it in a headlock.

If Rocky fights back too much Mr Martinez's wife Sandra restrains the kangaroo using a heavy tether attached to a harness around the animal's chest.

Yesterday, Mr Martinez defended his cruel act. "You cannot force a kangaroo to do nothing," he said.

"(Kangaroos) only do what they want to do so we don't make them work, you work around them."

Mr Martinez is not alone. The Daily Telegraph can reveal that circuses in Asia, Europe and the US are increasingly using our national mascots as comedy acts, leaving the animals traumatised and injured - and in some cases dead. Mr Martinez's treatment of his kangaroos - which travel across the US performing at different circuses - has been investigated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) repeatedly for violations of animal welfare act.

He has been on the authority's watch list since 2003 when two kangaroos under his care died within four months.

According to animal welfare group PETA, who did their own investigations of the show, one kangaroo died from complications caused by a deadly bacterial disease called "lumpy jaw".

After another undercover investigation by the USDA in 2007, Mr Martinez was told to immediately change the way he handled his kangaroos.

An inspection report reported the kangaroo showed signs of behavioural stress including severe aggressiveness.

"During the boxing performance the animal was observed trying to leave the ring and being forced to remain in the ring to complete the act," the USDA inspection report said.

PETA's Asia-Pacific senior campaigner Ashley Fruno last night called for a boycott of kangaroo acts. "Being forced to participate in these tawdry shows is cruel and can cost kangaroos their lives," Ms Fruno said.



Big Evil
03-06-2010, 06:34 PM
That is cruel and wasn't necessary to celebrate any culture. They tried to make a joke out of the Australian symbol at an event made to celebrate the Australian culture? Please they aren't sorry and the only reason they cancelled it is to avoid the bad press. Now I don't condone or advocate PETA, but I do disagree with any kind of torture or cruelty to animals...

03-07-2010, 08:56 PM
As an animal lover, that is shocking. They should put a professional MMA fighter in with that guy and see how he goes.

03-09-2010, 07:41 PM
wow thats just plain stupid, thanks for the post Krist