View Full Version : Smackdown Results - 21st Jul 2006

07-26-2006, 10:02 PM
Smackdown Results - 21st Jul 2006
Corpus Christi, Texas

Quick Results:
- Kid Kash def. Brian Kendrick
- Ashley and Jillian Hall def. Kristal and Michelle McCool
- US Title: Bobby Lashley def. Finlay by DQ; Finlay retains
- Super Crazy def. Psicosis
- Non Title: Rey Mysterio def. King Booker

Theodore Long is in the ring and he announces that Mark Henry has been injured and that he underwent knee surgery on Tuesday. He says that Mark Henry will be unable to make his match at GAB. Therefore...Mr Kennedy’s music hits and he hits the ring. Kennedy tries to take the mic but Long holds on to it. A mic descends MSG style and the lights dim. Kennedy grabs the mic and gets in Long’s face with the mic. Ken says that everybody has been talking about him. He says he’s challenging Batista for a match at GAB. He then announces that he will defeat Batista at GAB. Batista’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. He’s in his suit but he’s got his white muscle T on underneath. Long hands Batista the mic and Batista asks Teddy to book the match. He says he’s got 6 months of hatred and anger to take out on someone. He mocks Henry for having “a hurt knee”. He says Kennedy will do just fine. Kennedy offers to shake his hand, Batista is reluctant, but when Batista goes to shake, Kennedy pulls his hand away and leaves the ring with a light smirk. He yaps at Batista as he backs his way up the entrance ramp.

Kid Kash vs. Brian Kendrick
Referee: Chris Kay

London & Kendrick hit the ring as Kendrick has a match. The Pitbulls music hits and Kid Kash makes his way out with Jamie Noble.

The start:
The ref keeps them apart. Kash then jumps Kendrick but Kendrick fights him off. Really fast pace to start the match. Lots of back and forth with Kendrick getting the better of Kash. Kash dropkicks Kendricks knee and Kendrick sells it big time. Kash starts to work the knee hard. Kendrick is desperate to escape but Kash is very aggressively working the knee. JBL won’t shut up about Ricky Morton. JBL also likens the Pitbulls to the APA. Kendrick slaps on a figure four but Kendrick gets to the ropes.

The Finish:
Kash continues to stomp down Kendrick. Kendrick has a little hope spot but Kash again gets the upperhand. Kendrick finally capitalizes on a missed spot by Kash and works over Kash. Noble tries to get involved but Kash runs into him. Kendrick gets a near fall as he rolls up Kash. London goes after Noble but the ref stops him. Noble then goes to help Kash as Kendrick is about to nail his finisher, Noble catches him and gives him to Kash to deliver the brainbuster.

Winner: Kid Kash

Long is backstage talking to Chavo about coming out of retirement. Booker walks in to talk to Long and starts ripping Rey. Booker wants a match against Rey tonight. Chavo gets upset that Rey is getting no respect. Long says he’ll consider it. Chavo can’t believe his ears.

Ashley is shown talking to Jillian Hall as they get ready for an upcoming match. Great.

Long is now with Rey and Chavo. Longs asks Rey. Chavo tries to discourage him from taking the match. Rey takes him up on it. Chavo is annoyed.

Ashley and Jillian Hall vs. Kristal and Michelle McCoolReferee: Charles Robinson

Hall and McCool begin with Jillian slamming McCool and doing some cartwheel elbow drop. McCool then gets some offence in before Hall gets the old Chyna spot in the corner where she does a couple flips and backs into the corner. You know what, who really cares anyway. They continue to fight all over the place. The match is a typical chick match with a bunch of girls that are really green. McCool is very green, but hey considering she isn’t far removed from a Diva Search contestant, she has promise. Ashley ends up rolling up Kristal for the win.

Winners: Ashley and Jillian Hall

In the arena:
Great Khali is in the ring with Daivari. Daivari starts hyping his match with Undertaker. Daivari says that escape is the only way to win. He shows highlights of their last match at Judgment Day. I think I preferred the highlight package to the actual match. The actual match I had to pay for too. A highlight package of their feud is shown. It finishes and they just laugh.

Lashley is shown walking backstage getting ready for his match against Finlay tonight.

Miz is backstage and introduces Lashley. He has the volume turned way down on his persona. Punishment for not remembering his lines? He asks Lashley about his game plan for his rematch with Finlay in a few moments. Lashley says Finlay isn’t he only one who loves to fight. Lashley walks off.

United States Championship Match
Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay (c)
Referee: Chris Kay

The start:
They circle each other, they tie up and Lashley pushes Finlay into the corner. Ref breaks it up. They stare at each other, and Lashley takes down Finlay amateur style. Lashley mat wrestles Finlay but the ref separates them when they get to the ropes. Finlay starts selling an arm injury. Lashley goes in for a peak and Finlay jumps Lashley. Snapmare and a pin attempt. The ref scolds Finlay. Finlay and Lashley tie up again and Lashley shoulders Finlay in the corner a couple times.

Mid-match notes:
Snap suplex by Lashley, near fall. They tie up again and again the ref breaks it. They circle quite a bit ready to tie up but Finlay kicks Lashley in the gut. Finlay starts to work over Lashley and hits a hard uppercut. Lashley is down as Finlay really works him over. Lashley gets to his feet but Finlay remains in complete control. Finlay tries to knock Lashley down but Lashley pushes Finlay off. Finlay comes back at him and tries to poke his eyes. Lashley and Finlay exchange shots here with Finlay getting the edge with a couple uppercuts. Lashley goes down and Finlay drops a leg and slaps on a headlock with Lashley down on the mat. Lashley gets to his feet but Finlay tosses him back down by the head. Finlay rolls Lashley out of the ring and goes after him. Finlay goes to slam Lashley’s head on the ring apron but Lashley blocks and reverses. Lashley pushes Finlay into the ring. Lashley flies off the ringsteps but misses Finlay. Finlay tosses Lashley back into the ring and goes after him. Finlay starts to work the leg of Lashley, stretching him in the middle of the ring. Lashley gets to the ropes and Finlay breaks the hold. Finlay starts kicking at Lashley’s leg.

Lashley gets up, Finlay grabs one of his legs but Lashley kicks Finlay in the gut with the other one. Finlay comes back at Lashley and they duke it out but Finlay gets the better of Lashley again and continues to beat down Lashley and work the leg. Lashley fights off Finlay in the corner, kicks Finlay, clotheslines him and bodyslams him. Lashley then press slams Finlay and drops him onto his knee backbreaker style. Regal interferes and Finlay jumps Lashley. Finlay goes to get the Little Bastard. He throws the Little bastard into Lashley’s groin. He then ditches him back under the ring. The ref is busy dealing with Regal. Finlay gets back into the ring and continues to work Lashley’s leg. Lashley hulks up and starts to make his comeback but Finlay again takes him down by the leg and continues to stretch him. Lashley finally kicks Finlay off and starts to come on. He punches Finlay repeatedly and hits him with a couple clotheslines. Belly to Belly. Hanging vertical suplex.

The Finish:
Lashley gets in position for the spear and Regal grabs his leg and pulls him down. Regal then lets loose on him beating him while he’d down. Finlay takes the top turnbuckle pad off and as the ref goes to deal with it, he grabs a chair. Finlay goes after Lashley but Lashley kicks the chair into Lashley’s face. Regal then comes at him with a chair and he is speared by Lashley. Finlay then comes at Lashley with a chair and hits him with a stiff shot. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner by disqualification: Bobby Lashley

The Aftermath:
ashley comes to and goes out of the ring after Finlay and Regal. Little Bastard comes out and crotches Lashley from behind. Finlay hits him with his thingy and they leave. Finlay is bleeding from the top of the nose near the eye from the chair being booted into his face.

In the arena:
Miz stumbles to the ring and starts to hype the Diva Search. Miz says they’ll be competing in a Diva Dance off. He introduces them individually as they make their way to the ring. Miz tells them they have 30 seconds to skank off and dance in the ring. Jen goes first. Really bad. Layla spazzes out. The fans react but it’s just a spazz fest. Erica goes and barely does anything. This was really, really bad. She got booed. Maryse goes next. She humps the ring a little but not a whole lot more. Milena goes next and is the first one to start ditching clothes. Nothing great, but better than the rest. Rebecca goes next in her cowgirl outfit. She starts to ditch her clothes but isn’t very good at it. Very generic. I’m tired of this damn song. JT goes next. She tries to bend over in a few different ways and does the splits on the bottom rope. Bad, but atleast she tried something different. Miz polls the audience. Layla gets cheered the most along with Milena. Milena appears to be the winner. JT gets some applause. Milena wins. He runs through the phone numbers and that’s it. Lame as per usual.

Sylvan approaches Matt Hardy, Funaki and Tatanka backstage. He asks them to join him in Quebec and then walks off. They don’t care.

Super Crazy vs. Psicosis
Referee: Charles Robinson

Helms joins commentary as Super Crazy comes out for a match followed by Psicosis. Helms announces that he will defend his Cruiserweight Title against someone at the Bash, but will not reveal who. Match saw Psicosis control the majority of the match and then Crazy came back with an arm drag into a La Magistrol cradle for the win.

Winner: Super Crazy

Vito vignette is shown of him shopping again.

Non Title Match
King Booker vs. Rey Mysterio (c)
Referee: Nick Patrick

Sharmell comes out and introduces King Booker. Sharmell does the “All hail King Booker” bit 3 times and then comes down with him. I will say this: Booker’s face as he comes out and down towards the ring is priceless. Instead of cutting to commercial, we see his whole entrance. Rey Mysterio’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

The start:
Booker overpowers Rey in a mercy fight. Rey kicks at Booker’s legs, gets him in the corner and punches him 10 times. Rey sets Booker up for the 619 but Booker bails. Rey sentons onto Booker outside the ring. Rey tosses Booker back into the ring. Rey goes after him but Booker attacks him. Booker starts to toss Rey around and gets a near fall. Booker gives Rey a couple clotheslines followed by a superkick and a near fall.

Mid-match notes:
Booker has Rey down but Rey gets to his feet and hulks up. Booker elbows Rey back down though. Booker taunts the crowd. Booker uses the ropes and suplexes Rey. Near fall. Booker slaps on a headlock in the middle of the ring. Rey gets to his feet and elbows Booker in the gut a few times, breaks the hold and heads into the ropes, crossbody’s Booker but Booker catches him and slams him. Near fall. Booker grabs Rey and pushes him into the corner. He screams “Eddie can’t help you” at him. He chops him in the corner. Booker throws Rey into the ropes and Rey bulldogs Booker on the return. Both men struggle to their feet. Mysterio come son and takes out Booker’s legs. Mysterio senton’s Booker from the top rope and gets a near fall.

The Finish:
Booker is down, sitting in the corner and Rey baseball slide dropkicks Booker into the crotch. The ref misses it…Booker is in position for the 619 but Sharmell hooks his leg. Booker gets up and Bookends Rey. Near fall as Rey gets his foot on the rope. Booker goes into the ropes setting Rey up for the scissor kick but Chavo shows up and grabs Booker’s leg. Rey gets up, kicks Booker into the ropes setting him up for the 619, Rey hits it and wins.

Winner the World Heavyweight Champion: Rey Mysterio

Report by: PWIsider.com