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View Full Version : Sunday Night Heat Results - 23rd Jul 2006

07-26-2006, 10:13 PM
Sunday Night Heat Results - 23rd Jul 2006
San Antonio, Texas

Quick Results:
- Val Venis def. Nick Berk
- Cade and Murdoch def. Plisken and Bates
- Snitsky def. Rob Conway

Dark Match:
- Rene Dupree defeated unknown wrestler.

Todd Grisham and Jonathan Coachman welcome us to the show as we go to ringside for the opening match.

Val Venis vs. Nick Berk
Referee: Chad Patton

Val knees Berk away before fighting back with a clothesline, backelbow, clothesline. Val chops, sends Berk off the ropes into a backbodydrop no some confusion leads to Val recovering in time to readjust and hit a spinebuster. Val chops then finally manages to backbodydrop Berk off the ropes. Val sends a charging Berk into the corner where Val hits ten corner clotheslines. Val lands a half nelson slam, heads up top and lands the Money Shot for the 1-2-3.

Winner: Val Venis

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs. Cameron Bates and Jackus Plisken
Referee: Jack Doan

Bates gets up, Cade switches to a side headlock, Bates breaks free, Cade catches off the ropes, Bates slips behind, sends Cade off the ropes into a messy dropkick. Both men tag out, Blitzken staggers Murdoch with punches before Blitzken lands a messy spinning forearm. Cade catches Blitzken with a spinebuster. Cade and Murdoch hit Blitzken with their Sweet ' N' Sour finisher (Murdoch was a bit off with his part) and Murdoch covers for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade

Rob Conway vs. Snitsky
Referee: Michael Chioda

Conway switches back to a rear naked choke. Snitsky fights his way out, Conway pokes the eyes, Snitsky reverses off the ropes, Conway telegraphs a backbodydrop by booting Snitsky but Conway charges into a sidewalk slam. Snitsky punches Conway down a couple of times before slamming, firing up and dropping an elbow for a nearfall. Snitsky Irish whips then charges into Conway's feet. Conway lands a leg lariat from the second rope 1-2-no. Conway goes for the Ego Trip, Snitsky pushes Conway into the ropes, Conway rebounds into a clothesline making him do a 360 in mid air. Snitsky fires up, sizes up and connects with a big boot. 1-2-3.

Winner: Snitsky