View Full Version : Who is the Best Wrestler and Why

03-09-2010, 02:47 AM
This is a question that will achieve a myriad of answers, I hope. The point of this is not to tear down anyone's choice. Rather to competently explain and defend our own choice, therefore I would really not like to see responses like, "That guy sucks!" "Wow I can't believe you chose that Lame-O" etc. If you disagree give a concise little argument as to why you think said performer fails to live up to the moniker of best.

My choice is, after much deliberation, Shawn Michaels.

The reason I choose HBK is because he always gets me wrapped up in his matches. I fall for all his tells and I find myself getting excited even as a 24 year old watching matches I've seen a thousand times I find nuances and character traits that he exercises beautifully to create a wonderful match. So based on his matches standing the test of time, a strong work-rate, and an incredible body of work there is my choice.

Second on my list however is someone most people would not choose. DDP. Mostly for the same reasons as HBK I still love all of his matches and he knew how to work me into a frenzy at least.

03-09-2010, 07:40 AM
^^ I have to agree with you on HBK.

Together with Mick Foley he is my alltime favorite wrestler, and I would call HBK the greatest wrestler in the world.
Michaels always manage to entertain me, no matter who he is booked against, and he is still innoative at the age of 44.
He talks a good talk and put on good promos, and he has a unique skill to make his opponents look good!

03-09-2010, 11:17 PM
Okay so a little change as most of us will probably think HBK...

Who is the second best in your opinions?

I think DDP as I said earlier but if I really thought hard I would probably say Ricky Steamboat, for the simple fact that I have not seen a BAD Steamboat match every one seems to at least be moderately good.

03-10-2010, 10:46 AM
If I am allowed to pick a dead wrestler, I pick Chris Benoit.

The fact that he was one of the greatest technical wrestlers in the world, and had a great career not just in US but in Japan as well. He fought some of the greatest wrestlers ever, and did not really need a gimmick.

If I'm not allowed to pick him, I will go with Mick Foley.

Not because he is great in the ring, but because he manages to put over every person he is in the ring with, and he is the greatest wrestler ever to cut promos. He uses his body to entertain his fans, and he always try to top himself.
He also got a great career, and have wrestled all over the world, and spilled blood on almost every continent :P

03-10-2010, 05:59 PM
Lol i agree people always say he sucks etc just childish instead of giving reasons.

I agree HBK Would be in my top 5 :P

But im a big fan of Nigel McGuiness and Bryan Danielson, Kurt Angle, and believe Rock and Austin also are up there.

Nigel McGuiness more than Bryan Danielson because he is more overall arounder. Maybe Danielson is a better in ring performer though than Nigel.

Angle as well is a great overall and arounder and could give HBK a run for his money but maybe not as good as HBK himself.

Rock and Austin both ok wrestler's but great all rounder's as well. I mean i wouldnt push it that far normally because I like mostly in ring action only. But those two what they did are pretty good.

Im not a fan of DDP and wouldnt put him 2nd. But he did have a huge fan base and got huge pops and is pretty entertaining as well when back in WCW and did have some good feuds with Raven and Savage etc.

03-10-2010, 06:04 PM
^^ What about Foley? :wink:

I actually used to be a DDP fan :shifty:

03-10-2010, 06:15 PM
Lol really? BANG Wlel they both BANG NO Doubt.

What would you say about Stan Hansen?

03-10-2010, 06:17 PM
^^ Mark "Used" to be a DDP fan :P

Stan Hansen is one of the greatest wrestlers ever, and I really hope he will be inducted into HOF soon.
If it hasn't been for Hansen, JBL would never exist!

03-11-2010, 10:17 PM
Rob Van Dam. He can do it all. Technical, High Flying, Brawling, he's just the best. Every one of his matches are great. He can sell a move like no other and can do anything in the ring. He's just the best.

03-11-2010, 11:32 PM
Yea RVD is great i like him post in ECW and early 2001. Wouldnt call him the best but still always liked him but just don't like his dman ego lol.

03-12-2010, 09:02 AM
I've always been a fan of RVD. And he would no doubt be in my top 10 list over the best wrestlers in the world.

When he beat Cena in Hammerstein Ballroom at ONS 06, I marked bigtime!!

03-12-2010, 09:46 AM
RVD is up there but ill say HBK . why ? hes a true showman in tights and out . mic skills,in ring ability and the only person better than him to sell an ass whipping is Fair . Flair is my 2nd choice

05-11-2010, 05:49 PM
For me the all time best wrestler Ive been lucky enough to see is Chris Benoit.

Technically brilliant, strong, no need for any bullshit and gimmicks just straight up wrestling superiority from start to finish.

Second best is a tough one see my second and third favourites are The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. They've both given a huge amount to the wrestling world and in different ways also. For a big man especially Taker can really pull impressive moves out of the bag when he would like to.

I think though when talking about the BEST and second best etc you have to ignore your favourites perhaps and focus purely on technical ability and wrestling skills. So with that in mind for me the second best wrestler of all time is Kurt Angle.

Brilliant competitor and a wrestling expert. Not only that but he's good on the mic too, able to sell the seemingly constant heel gimmick in his WWE days whilst picking up fans still for his ability and even as more of a face. He doesn't rely on mic skills though for the most part he does what is needed and then leaves it in the ring.

So there you go my two best wrestlers of all time are, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle. I feel privileged to have seen them both and not least in their matches against one another would you get a great lesson in wrestling holds, counter holds, throws etc.