View Full Version : Hardy hasn't signed a contract with TNA? Think again!!!

03-11-2010, 10:23 AM
Not Official Yet.

Prowrestling.net posted this yesterday:

Jeff Hardy signed a contract with TNA over a week ago. Terms of the deal have not been disclosed, but TNA officials were seeking roughly 100 dates from Hardy over 12 months, meaning they are hopeful that he will work select house show dates.

Shannon Moore signed his deal with the company shortly after Hardy inked his contract. They will appear on most of the same shows together, and there has been talk of using them primarily as a tag team to start.

Powell's POV: Although not confirmed, a source told me today that he would be surprised if TNA didn't get Hardy for the 100 dates, but nothing is official. It would be great for TNA to get him on select house show events. One of the criticisms coming out of the TNA locker room lately has been that the majority of the big name wrestlers the company is using won't work many (if any) house show dates.

Update: Fortunately, TNA took a different direction with the duo by featuring them as singles wrestlers on Monday's show. Sure, Moore could have received some rub from Hardy in a tag team, but Jeff is legitimate singles star that the company can spotlight.

03-11-2010, 11:13 AM
Thanx for posting Greg!

03-11-2010, 07:42 PM
thanks for the update Greg

03-11-2010, 10:07 PM
Hopefully they are both signed? Remember what happened last time they had Moore wrestling for them when he wasn't under contract? He went over AJ Styles then left for the Wwe. Jeff and Moore both better be under contract before they are seriously used.