View Full Version : Artist fixes old buildings with Lego

03-13-2010, 12:31 PM
A German artist has spent the last three years travelling the world using Lego to fix crumbling walls and monuments.


Jan Vormann, 26, has carried out his brightly coloured plastic repair work in locations from the old quarter of Tel Aviv to New York's Bryant Park.

Estimating to have used upwards of 1,000 of the little building blocks, he often enlists the help of passers-by intrigued by his careful placing of the Lego bricks.

"My work draws attention to the smallest parts of our cities that are falling apart because of the brightness of the Lego," said the Berlin-based installation artist.

"It draws people's attention through the coloured blocks and makes them aware that this wall or statue or construction is not complete anymore, for whatever reason."

Beginning his work at an arts festival just outside Rome in 2007, Mr Vormann has since taken it all over the world, reports the Daily Telegraph.

He added: "My favourite work was done in Berlin. I filled in the holes still left by guns and shrapnel from the Second World War.

"That drew peoples attention to the Lego and hopefully they would ask themselves why the Lego was there."

Big Evil
03-13-2010, 03:43 PM
Huh got to admit he has the right idea. What better way to bring attention to neglected buildings than to put some bright-ass legos in them?

03-13-2010, 07:49 PM
lol thanks for the post John