View Full Version : Chris Benoit Anniversary

03-15-2010, 01:27 PM
Today marks the six-year anniversary of WrestleMania XX, which saw Chris Benoit triumph over Triple H and Shawn Michaels to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. After the match, Eddie Guerrero came to the ring and the two embraced while confetti dropped for an emotional ending. WrestleMania XX also marks as the final wrestling matches of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar — for now.

*** Source: Ewrestlingnews ***

03-15-2010, 03:47 PM
Not true at all. Brock Lesnar wrestled in Japan lol and he faced Kurt Angle he won a World title. Not sure why this is here because this dosent really count as news I guess I mean we didnt do this with Eddie G.

03-15-2010, 04:37 PM
^^ I think the news meant their last appearences for WWE dude!

03-17-2010, 06:02 AM
SM you truly are a mark .

03-17-2010, 01:13 PM
^^ Ehh....No. Why am I a Mark? :eek:

03-20-2010, 05:20 PM
Is this going to be done on every day that someone has won a title, or just on days that someone who brutally murdered his entire family won a title. If its the first than this is going to get rather old rather fast. If its the second than I can do without it.

03-20-2010, 05:47 PM
I wonder when wrestling fans will forget the whole incident. It's sad that most wrestlig fans can't remember him as the great wrestler he was :no:

03-21-2010, 05:30 AM
Him brutally murdering his family kinda overshadows his 'non important in life wrestling abilititys', same as OJ brutally murdering and getting away with it overshadows whatever he was famous for before that .. what makes me laugh Sm is that you can forget this but you wish death upon wrestlers that you do not like ... a username change is long over due for you

03-21-2010, 03:05 PM
^^ Well, the fact that he killed his family, does not overshadow his legendary status as one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time.
His matches in Japan are legendary, and he had many 5-star matches. Not many WWE wrestlers can say they have had that.
Call me cynical or whatever, but for me it is tragical that the world will never be able to see his Crippler Crossface or Diving Headbutt again.

For me, he will always be one of the greatest, and the true definition of what wrestling is.

When it comes do wishing death upon a couple of wrestlers. That's really not meant serious. I would love to see them retire though, and never ever come back to a wrestling ring.