View Full Version : Ellen Degeneres Donates $30K to Gay Teen

03-22-2010, 06:10 AM

Ellen Degeneres showed her generous side this week by giving a gay teen $30,000! 18-year old Constance McMillen has been in the news recently after her Mississippi high school canceled prom when she tried to invite her girlfriend.

The story was all over the news, and it definitely caught Ellen’s attention. The poor girl has been getting harassed at school since the cancellation, with her classmates even telling her she ruined their senior year.

But Ellen turned everything around by inviting McMillen to her show today, and pulling out a $30,000 check towards a scholarship for the student. According to , Ellen told Constance, "I admire you so much. When I was your age I never would have had the strength to do what you are doing."

The money is from a company called Tonic.com, a "digital media company dedicated to promoting the good that happens each day around the world." Tonic.com also offered McMillen a summer internship in New York City.

McMillan, aided by the American Civil Liberties Union of Mississippi, filed a federal lawsuit against district officials for alleged violations of her First Amendment right to freedom of expression and asked that the prom be reinstated. A hearing on that request is slated for Monday in Aberdeen.

We’re sure the school officials feel pretty lame right about now! Good for Ellen for finding the good in this situation, and helping a person in need!
