View Full Version : Apple's Eagerly Awaited iPad Goes On Sale

04-03-2010, 04:01 PM
The iPad - touted as a bridge between a laptop and smartphone - went on sale at Apple stores across the US from 9am this morning (2pm UK time).

Wall Street is keeping a close eye on the crowds at Apple stores this weekend to gauge whether the device can win a mass following like the iPhone has.

Before the tablet computer went on sale, a smattering of customers lined up at stores in New York, Washington, Boston and San Francisco, in marked contrast to the thousands that ushered in the iPhone in 2007.

Outside Apple's flagship shop in Manhattan about 15 aspiring iPad owners had taken up positions on Friday afternoon to wait for sales to commence the following morning.

Eleven-year-old Giovanna Mullen said she staked out her place outside the store with her mother Jeanney Mullen and her grandmother Tony Digiorno.

She proudly described herself as the owner of an iPod Touch and said her mother owns an iPod and a Mac computer, both iconic creations of the California-based computer and electronics giant.

"We brought food, blankets... so the three generations will say they slept together in the streets of New York," Mrs Digiorno said.

An apparent deluge of early online orders indicated the touchscreen slate-style computers will be another big hit for Apple.

Users can watch video, listen to music, play games, write emails, surf the Web or read electronic books on the 24.6cm touchscreen device.

The iPad also runs most of the 150,000 applications made for the iPod music player and the iPhone.

While Apple has been secretive about iPad supply numbers, analysts estimate the company will sell several hundred thousand of the devices during the weekend and more than two million by the end of September.