View Full Version : ROH Big Bang Internet PPV Results

04-04-2010, 04:54 AM
We open with a great video package building to tonight's main event, then we briefly get Erick Stevens' entrance chyron, then we go to another series of video packages for the main event, first with Austin Aries' comments, then Roderick Strong's, and finally ROH World Champion Tyler Black's. The editing together of these video packages was a bit awkward.

After that, I get to stare silently at the www.gofightlive.com logo for several more minutes, and then we go to the ring with our hosts, Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak...who are having a little trouble with their microphone. Finally they get it working and they welcome us to the Big Bang! They run down the card then hand the microphone off to a local Latin radio host who speaks to the crowd in Spanish, and then finally we go to Bobby Cruise, who kicks us off with our first match...

Jack Salvation vs Phil Shatter

Phil Shatter is the NWA National Champion, and both men are local to the North Carolina area. Chain wrestling sequence to start as both men trade near falls. Shatter gets a headscissors, but Salvation kicks out and goes to a side headlock. Shatter gets to his feet and takes Salvation to the corner and goes for a cross corner whip, but Salvation with a leapfrog out of the corner, a Thesz Press, and a side headlock takeover. Salvation with a dropkick for 2 and then goes to a front facelock. Shatter escapes and fires Salvation into the ropes and goes for a tilt-a-whirl, but Salvation counters to an inverted DDT and goes back to the front facelock, but Shatter just tosses him off and gets a nasty looking backbreaker for 2. Shatter with a slingshot suplex for 2, then gets a big slam and a fistdrop for 2. Shatter goes for a delayed vertical suplex, but Salvation escapes with a knee to the head and a rollup for 2, but Shatter with a high knee for 2. Shatter with some shoulderblocks in the corner and a cross corner whip, but Salvation gets...something out of the corner and the crowd starts their favorite chant. Shatter with a fisherman's suplex for 2 and covers again for another 2. Shatter with a powerbomb that only gets 2. Shatter with chops in the corner and then another cross corner whip, but Salvation leapfrogs over him, which is what I guess he was trying last time, then fires a series of knees to Shatter's midsection, but Shatter takes him back to the corner and charges in, and Salvation catches him with a triangle choke. Shatter picks him up, but Salvation changes it up into a guillotine choke. Shatter picks him back up and rams him into the corner and follows that up with a spinebuster for 2.

Winner: Phil Shatter

We stop at ringside to check in with Kevin and Dave, who thank us for checking the PPV out however we're doing it, then they send us right back to the ring for our next match...

Pick Six Match: (5) Kenny King vs Davey Richards

King has Rhett Titus in his corner, and not only is Eddie Edwards not at ringside, but neither is Shane Hagadorn, which makes me believe they may have quietly moved the Wolves away from Shane. Kenny makes the mistake of giving Davey a pieface to start, which he will surely live to regret. King takes a wristlock to start and Davey tries his pet escape, but King shuts him down. King's really cranking on that arm and Davey tries his escape again and this time is successful. Crowd is heavily into Davey. Davey with a side headlock, King shoots him off into the ropes, Davey comes off with a shoulderblock and nobody moves. Again, and still nothing. Kenny with another pieface and Davey responds with a series of kicks and a flying spinkick to send King to the floor. Davey goes for a baseball slide, King moves, but Davey whips him into the guardrail and follows him with a boot to the face. Crowd is REALLY into Davey. Davey tosses King back in the ring and gets a flying mare and then locks him into a Tequila Sunrise, except with a Texas Cloverleaf instead of a half crab. Davey releases the hold and gets a snap suplex for 1. Davey pulls King back to his feet and goes for a German Suplex, King elbows out and tries one of his own, and Davey elbows out of that and comes off the ropes, but Titus grabs the ankle, and King uses the distraction to snap Davey's neck across the top rope. Now King goes to work on Davey in the corner and chokes him with his boot. King fires away, Davey fires back with shots of his own, and King finally knocks him down. King goes for a suplex, Davey escapes out the back, and starts laying in chops and whips King into the corner, but makes the uncharacteristic mistake of playing to the crowd and King charges across the ring and nails Davey with the Shotgun Knees. King with a vertical suplex and springboards off the bottom rope with a legdrop for 2, then we HIT THE CHINLOCK! Crowd is chanting for Davey, who fights his way out and comes off the ropes right into a killer lariat from King, who covers for 2. King chokes Davey with his boot again, then the two men get into a chop exchange before King goes to the eyes. King puts Davey up top for a superplex, but Davey fights his way out and knocks King off the top, then comes off the top with a flying headbutt and both men are down. Davey gets to his feet first and starts firing away on King, but King catches a kick and gets a stiff forearm, Davey responds with a boot to the chin and the Alarm Clock, then gets his springboard kick off the ropes for a close 2. Davey charges King in the corner, King gets the boot up, but Davey responds with a boot of his own and a spinkick off the ropes, then goes back up top and hits a missile dropkick for 2. Davey goes for the Texas Cloverleaf but King makes the rope. Davey goes for a German Suplex, King escapes and gets a spinebuster for 2. King whips Davey into the corner and follows in with a leaping elbow, stops to dance, goes for another Shotgun Knees but Davey moves and King hits the corner. Davey charges into the corner and gets backdropped to the apron, but Davey with a Dragon Screw Legwhip through the ropes, then goes back up top again, King nails him and goes up top himself for the superplex, Davey fights out, goes for a sunset bomb off the top, King fights out, but Davey runs up the ropes and gets the German Suplex off the top, charges in with an elbow in the corner, King responds with a leaping kick, and Davey tears his head off with a lariat for 2. Davey with a high angle German Suplex for 2, then gets the Texas Cloverleaf, but King makes the ropes. Davey charges King, Titus grabs the ankle again, Davey nails King with an elbow then goes to nail Titus, King catches Davey with a boot, but whips Davey towards Titus and Davey nails Titus with a boot, then ducks a charge and King goes to the floor. Davey goes for his insane dive, but King with a boot the face and a springboard Blockbuster for 2. Crowd is really hot for this one. King goes for a fireman's carry, Davey reverses to a victory roll right into an anklelock, King rolls out and a series of rollups and reversals, and then they get to their feet and start going toe to toe again. This match is amazing. Davey with a kick to the gut, King catches another boot and responds with a kick of his own, then goes for the Coronation, but Davey blocks, kicks his square in the face, and then back to the anklelock, King kicks out, but Davey changes it up into a Texas Cloverleaf and King finally taps to end this AMAZING opener.

Winner: Davey Richards

Davey points to King and the crowd applauds him. Davey extends the hand of respect, but King flips him off and walks. Well, what do you expect?

Dave Prazak gets in the ring for comments from Davey Richards, noting that he is now ranked in the Pick Six. Davey says he used to live in Charlotte, then puts over Kenny King and the match they had, then said this is Ring Of Honor and that's what you have to do here because it's the best wrestling in the world. Davey says he needs to be the best wrestler in the world, and he's missing something around his waist to prove that, and he's putting out notice that Davey Richards is on the hunt, and whoever he has to go through, it's just business.

Suddenly, Christopher Daniels' music hits and out he comes! Wow, that was unexpected. Crowd starts a Fallen Angel chant and then a F--- TNA chant. Daniels says he has a problem with what Davey just said, because for 17 years Daniels has fought, bled, and worked to make the name "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels synonymous with Best In The World. After being held back, he has returned to ROH to prove that he is exactly that. If there's a dispute between them about who the best is, the best way to settle that is for them to go one-on-one. Daniels doesn't care where and when, but if Davey wants to be called the Best In The World, he's going to have to go through Daniels. Daniels turns to leave, but comes back and says that's not a promise or a threat, but the gospel according to the Fallen Angel. Now he hands the mic back to Prazak and leaves.

We get another video package of Austin Aries with comments about tonight's main event (actually a repeat of an earlier package) and then we go to the ring where The Embassy is already in the ring and Prince Nana cuts a promo saying he and Erick Stevens flew to Charlotte from Ghana because they thought they would be performing in front of some classy people, but instead got a bunch of rednecks. He says Stevens is going to make an example of Necro Butcher.

Butcher's Rules: Erick Stevens vs Necro Butcher

Stevens jumps Butcher on his way to the ring and chokes him with his jacket. Stevens pounds on Necro in the corner and whips him into the ropes, but Necro no-sells a clothesline and sends Stevens to the floor. Necro with a somersault dive to the floor then takes a plastic bag and puts it over Stevens' head, but Stevens tears it off. Necro continues the assult, ramming Stevens into the guardrail and ramming him into a chair held by a fan. Necro goes after Stevens with the bell, but Stevens goes to the eyes and then rams Necro into the guardrail and then clotheslines him over the guardrail into the crowd. Stevens plays to the crowd, allowing Necro time to recover and come back over the guardrail, attacking Stevens and kicking him over the guardrail into the crowd. Necro gets the Section B sign and nails Ernie Osiris with it, then nails Stevens. Necro pulls Stevens back over the rail to ringside and sets up a table, then brings Stevens up to the apron and picks him up in a fireman's carry, but Osiris grabs Necro's ankle. Necro drops Stevens and picks up Osiris, but Stevens lowblows him then slams him off the apron to the floor. That looks like it really hurt. Stevens picks Necro up and rams him backfirst into the apron, then rolls him into the ring and stomps away. Stevens takes Necro to the corner and rams in some shoulderblocks to the midsection and signals for the Choo Choo, but instead picks Necro up and puts him back in the corner for some forearms. Stevens calls Nana into the ring and Nana holds Necro for the Choo Choo, but Necro moves and pulls Nana in the way and Stevens nails Nana. Necro with a right to the jaw and an inverted sunset flip for the win.

Winner: Necro Butcher

The Embassy attacks Necro after the match and tosses him to the floor, but Necro comes back in with a chair and clears the Embassy out.

We go to another repeat video package, this time of Roderick Strong's comments about the main event, then we go back to the ring with our Latin ring announcer, who introduces our next match...

Rhett Titus vs Cassandro El Exotico

Uh oh, did Magno not make it? Cassandro looks like my grandmother. Dave says that if Rhett Titus is channeling Rick Rude, Cassandro is channeling Adrian Street. I would say Cassandro reminds me more of Edith Bunker, but okay. Titus extends the hand and Cassandro does a dainty little pirouette, then does a go behind as the bell rings and feels Titus up. Titus goes to a side headlock, Cassandro sends him into the ropes, and Titus comes off with a shoulderblock and poses...and Cassandro strokes his chest, then gets a side headlock takeover. This is going to be one of those matches. Titus goes to the hair and rams a knee to the gut to escape, then goes to a wristlock and steps over the arm, strokes it suggestively, and drops all his weight on it. Cassandro goes up top and comes off with a flying armdrag to send Titus to the floor, Cassandro goes for a baseball slide, but Titus moves and nails him, then gets a sweet flying headscissors. Cassandro recovers and kisses Titus...then starts high fiving the fans for some reason, so Titus does the smart thing, comes up from behind, and yanks him down by the hair. He rolls Cassandro onto the apron and charges in with a dropkick to the side of the head. Titus rolls back in and covers for 1. Titus chokes Cassandro with his boot, then Beels Cassandro across the ring by the hair, and damn if that didn't look nasty. Titus drops a knee and humps the face for 2, but Cassandro goes for a rollup, Titus catches him in a wheelbarrow, humps him from behind, and drops him on his face for 2. GLAAD's getting ready to write letters as we speak. Cassandro comes back with some shots and comes offthe ropes right into a sweet dropkick from Titus for 2. Titus with a cross corner whip, follows in with the Schlonger Splash, then lays in some boots. Titus with another cross corner whip, but Cassandro leaps onto the second rope and displays his ass, which stops Titus in his tracks. Cassandro with a vertical suplex and a senton for 2. Cassandro with a Frankensteiner and a dive to the floor onto Titus, then tosses him back in and hits a victory roll for the win.

Winner: Cassandro El Exotico

Well that was...interesting. Cassandro seems to have injured his knee, and the referees attend to him as he leaves the ring. We go to Kevin and Dave as they discuss the upcoming Steen & Corino vs Generico & Cabana match, and wouldn't you know it, but guess what's next?

Kevin Steen & Steve Corino vs Colt Cabana & El Generico

Corino looks great here, he looks like he's dropped a lot of weight. Bell rings and all four men face off, and Corino and Generico powder to the floor as Steen and Cabana fight it out in the ring. Cabana with a flying headscissors and a clothesline sends Steen to the floor. Corino tries to nail Corino from behind, but Cabana with a sunset flip, but Corino escapes and lariats Cabana. Generico comes in with a series of armdrags to send Corino to the floor, then ducks a Steen clothesline and does a somersault dive to the floor on Corino. Cabana holds Steen for Generico to nail him, but Generico hesitates and Corino drags Generico to the floor and rams him into the nail, then Corino and Steen double team Cabana in the ring. Cabana fights back and Generico comes in and clips Corino's knee, but Steen superkicks Generico and sends him to the floor. Now it's 2-on-1 again, but Cabana takes on both guys and goes for a quebrada, but both heels move and Cabana hits the mat. Steen & Corino with stereo superkicks and Steen with a somersault legdrop. Steen looks like the opposite of Corino, he looks like he's put on a lot of weight and he's starting to look pretty unhealthy. Steen chokes Cabana with his boot then rams him into Corino's boot as we've finally settled down into a traditional tag match with two guys in the ring. Corino with a cross corner whip on Cabana and charges in with a chop. Corino with another cross corner whip, but this time Cabana comes out with a big chop and goes for the tag, but Corino hooks him and tags in Steen, who nails Cabana with crossfaces. Steen with a neckbreaker across the knee for 2, then mockingly holds up Cabana's hand for the tag as he dares Generico to come in and help Cabana. Steen with a flying mare and we HIT THE CHINLOCK! Cabana fights out but Steen pulls Cabana back to the corner and tags in Corino, who nails Cabana with a knee to the gut and the Colby Shock for 2. How nice of him to name the move after his son. Now Corino mocks Generico and tags in Steen. Cabana tries to make the hot tag and comes really close, but Steen grabs him and Corino nails Generico, and Steen drops Cabana in the corner and hits the cannonball. Corino comes in and starts slapping Cabana around, but Cabana nails Corino, runs him into Steen, and makes the hot tag. Generico comes in and cleans house on Corino, hitting the ropewalk tornado DDT on Corino and then points to Steen. He goes after him, but Steen drops off the apron, but Cabana tosses him back in and the former partners are face to face...but Corino nails Generico from behind and takes him to the floor and into the guardrail. Steen goes to the floor and powerbombs Generico into the ring apron, but Cabana comes out of nowhere with a dive that wipes out both Corino and Steen. Cabana tosses Corino back in the ring and hits the Flying A**hole then locks Corino in the Billy Goat's Curse, but Steen comes in with a chair and nails Cabana for the DQ.

Winner: Colt Cabana & El Generico by DQ

Cabana's busted open as Corino and Steen work Cabana over. The ref tries to stop them but Corino tosses him then they go back to beating up Cabana as Generico's out on the floor selling the powerbomb. Steen licks the blood off of Cabana's head as Generico finally makes it back into the ring and starts crawling over to Cabana, and as Corino picks him up to lay out some more punishment, Generico nails him and tosses him to the floor. Generico is once more face to face with Steen, and Steen slaps him down. Finally that's enough for Generico who charges into Steen with a boot and gets on top of him and starts raining down punches. Steen escapes to the floor as the Jobber Patrol comes in to break it up but Generico goes up top and hits a dive to the floor onto Steen, then tosses him back in the ring, hits the half and half suplex and puts him up top for the top rope brainbuster, but Corino pulls Steen out before any more damage can be done. Generico loses his mind and starts attacking the Jobber Patrol, laying them out one by one with brainbusters and half and half suplexes, finishing with a Yakuza Kick and top rope brainbuster on Grizzly Redwood. Wait, I thought Grizzly and Cabana were friends! And Cabana razzes Steen for being a turncoat? Pfff. Cabana takes the mic and says that El Generico is back, and tells Steen & Corino that the blood on his face is nothing compared to April 24th when they want Corino & Steen in a Chicago Streetfight when ROH returns to Chicago Ridge.

During intermission, Kevin Kelly is in the ring putting over the broadcast, and then introduces the legends in attendance: Jim Cornette, Bobby Eaton, and Tommy Young. Cornette says it's great to see real wrestling come back to Charlotte, and apologizes for Dennis Condrey being unable to make it, but puts over ROH as the best wrestling today and he's glad to be a part of it. Cornette says Eaton's here specifically to see the World Tag Team Title Match, and not only was Eaton one of the best tag performers in history but one half of one of the greates teams ever. Crowd starts a Bobby chant. He says Bobby's a fan of the ROH style because for years, he left it all in the ring night after night just like the ROH stars. Cornette says he thinks the Briscoes may be the greatest team today then asks Bobby what he thinks, and he says he picks the Kings Of Wrestling because they remind him of the Midnight Express. Cornette says Tommy Young has refereed more matches than any living man, and even though he's been retired for quite a while, he agreed to come in and be the outside the ring referee for the main event just to make sure everything's on the up and up. Kevin asks Tommy who in that match he's going to have his eye on, and Tommy says he'll be watching Austin Aries because he's willing to win any way he can and he reminds Tommy of Ric Flair. Cornette says Flair was the Dirtiest Player In The Game, but Tommy was the one who kept a lot of those tricks from working, so tonight Tommy's going to help Todd Sinclair keep order in the main event and make sure the best man emerges as the ROH World Champion. Kevin then brings up Christopher Daniels and asks when ROH fans will be able to see him in the ring, and Cornette confirms he'll be at the upcoming Manassas and New York City dates, but is not sure when Daniels vs Richards is going to happen. Cornette grabs the mic and says that all the fans from Poughkeepsie to Pakistan, ROH is here to stay and is the newest, youngest, freshest product and doesn't include old guys yelling about stuff that happened 20 years ago, and with the support of the fans, ROH is here to stay and we ain't seen nothing yet.

ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Kings Of Wrestling

The Briscoes have new championship belts. All four men follow the Code Of Honor. Intersting bit of trivia: the Briscoes were the KOW's opponents in their last match as a team in ROH before they split up in 2006. Mark goes to a headlock on Hero to start, Hero tries to escape but Mark goes back to the headlock. Hero reverses to a headscissors but Mark kicks out. Back to their feet and Hero takes Mark down and goes to a front facelock but Mark reverses to one of his own. Hero tries to sit out but Mark floats over and keeps the facelock and Hero takes Mark to the ropes. Hero breaks and rams a series of knees to Mark's gut and nails him with an elbow, then tags in Claudio. Claudio overpowers Mark but Mark takes him to the corner and breaks clean. Now Claudio takes Mark to the corner and unloads with forearms. Claudio goes for a boot but Mark catches the boot and clotheslines him, then tags in Jay. Briscoes go for the double football tackle, but Claudio bails and Hero nails both of them from behind. Hero comes off the ropes and takes a double flapjack, then the Briscoes double team him in the corner and go for the double Beel, but Claudio grabs Hero and drags him to safety on the floor. Shane Hagadorn is with the KOW, so it looks like I was right about the Shane-Wolves split. Claudio gets back in the ring and it's him and Jay. Jay sends Claudio into the ropes and Claudio comes off with a shoulderblock. Claudio comes off again and Jay gets a Frankensteiner, then tags in Mark and they hit the double Beel on Claudio. Hero tags in and he takes a series of double chops and the double football tackle and Mark covers Hero for 2. Mark continues working Hero over and hits a vertical suplex for 2, then tags in Jay, who hits Hero with a corner clothesline, flying mare, and a dropkick to the mush for 2. Tag back out to Mark and Jay hits a back suplex followed by a somersault senton from Mark for 2. Tag out to Jay who comes in and nails Hero with a double axhandle for 2. Hero comes back with a big boot and tags in Claudio, who goes right to work on Jay with forearms. Jay reverses a corner whip and backdrops Claudio then hits a vertical suplex for 1. Claudio nails Jay with another series of forearms, slams Jay, and comes off the ropes with an elbowdrop, but misses a second one and Jay comes back with chops. Jay escapes a slam and gets an O'Connor roll, but Claudio made the blind tag and Hero comes in with a boot to Jay for 2. Hero rams Jay into the corner then gets a fireman's carry dump and senton for 2. Tag out to Claudio and they do a straitjacket whip into the corner and Claudio hits a vertical suplex for 2. Claudio with a version of the abdominal stretch, but Jay fights out and comes off the ropes right into a knee to the gut by Claudio for 2. Hero tags in and hits a diving boot to Jay for 2. Tag back out to Claudio who comes off the second rope with a double axhandle and goes for a vertical suplex, but Jay comes out the back and hits a flatliner into the corner and tags in Mark. Mark with a leg lariat to Claudio and a spinkick to Hero then clotheslines Hero to the floor and Jay follows him out with a dive. Mark goes up top and hits a flying bodypress on Claudio for 2. Mark comes off the ropes but Claudio catches him and lifts him up and Hero comes running up onto the apron from the floor with a forearm to Mark for 2. Hero with a release vertical suplex for 2. Hero with a roaring elbow on Mark then tags in Claudio, and they split the wishbone and Claudio covers for 2, then gives Mark a big salto suplex and we HIT THE CHINLOCK! Mark fights his way out but Claudio nails him and tags in Hero, who hits a series of knees to Mark's face, then tags in Claudio and go for a double team, Mark fights his way out, but comes off the ropes right into a double bicycle kick from the KOW for 2. Hero stomps away on Mark in the corner and stops to taunt Jay, then lays in some chops on Mark in the corner and a nasty forearm. Hero whips Mark into the corner but Mark comes out with an elbow, Claudio tries a dive but Mark ducks down and Claudio goes over the top. He tries to make the hot tag and Hero goes for a roaring elbow, but Mark ducks and hits a leg lariat, but before he can tag Jay Claudio yanks him off the apron and Hero is able to cut Mark off. Great tag team work. Hero tags out to Claudio and Hero hits a charging elbow in the corner and whips Mark into a bicycle kick from Claudio for 2. Hero tags in and hits a boot to the face and Mark tries to fight out, but Hero with a boot to the gut and a big chop for 2. Hero takes Mark to the KOW corner but Mark fights out and dives over to Jay, but Hero catches him and carries him back to the KOW corner and goes for a rollup, but Mark kicks out, rolls under Hero, and tags in Jay. Jay is a house of fire (tm) and nails Hero with a dropkick for 2. Jay tries the corner flatliner on Hero but Hero fights out, but Jay comes back with a flipping neckbreaker out of the corner for 2. Jay goes for the Death Valley Driver but Hero fights out and makes a blind tag to Claudio, hits a big boot to Jay and then hits another one on Mark as Claudio hits a bicycle kick on Jay for 2. Claudio goes for the Ricola Bomb, Jay fights out, and Claudio catches Jay with a pop-up European Uppercut for 2. Claudio charges Jay in the corner, Jay gets a boot up, Claudio goes for another bicycle kick but Jay ducks and hits a spinebuster. Jay tags Mark back in, and Mark comes off the top with a missile dropkick on Claudio. Mark with a Northern Lights Suplex for 2. Mark with a clothesline in the corner and Exploder Suplex for 2 on Claudio. Mark whips Claudio into the ropes, but Claudio comes back with a springboard European uppercut and tags in Hero. Hero with a pair of rolling elbows to Mark...for 2. Hero goes for the Liger Bomb but Mark blocks, so Hero hits a series of elbows, but Mark comes back with a roaring elbow of his own and an Iconoclasm for 2. This is a phenomenal match. Hero comes off the ropes with a Flash Kick and the running Liger Bomb for a very close 2. Claudio comes in with the Giant Swing on Mark, but Jay pulls Hero out to the floor and comes in with a dropkick to send Claudio to the floor. Hero's back in, but takes a Demolition Decapitator from the Briscoes for 2. Briscoes with a Splash Mountain/neckbreaker combo for 2. Jay gets backdropped to the floor and Claudio with a European uppercut to Mark, then tags himself in and gets the UFO on Mark for 2. Claudio with the Giant Swing and this time Hero hits Mark with the diving boot, then Claudio slingshots Mark into a rolling elbow for 2. KOW go for KRS-ONE, but Jay nails Hero as Mark and Claudio go to the floor. Hero boots Jay on the top then goes up with a cravate, but Jay fights out, and then Claudio nails Jay and hits a salto off the top, followed by Mark with a springboard Ace Crusher on Hero and goes for the cover, but Hero's not legal, and Claudio with a German Suplex on Mark for 2. Claudio goes for the Ricola Bomb, but Mark escapes and superkicks Claudio and tags in Jay. Jay battles with Claudio and hits a Death Valley Driver, but Hero breaks up the fall. All four men are in the ring and Hero goes for a rolling elbow on Jay, but Jay with a superkick sends Jay to the floor. Briscoes set Claudio up for the Doomsday Device, but Claudio powerslams Mark coming off the top for 2! Amazing! Hero drags Jay to the floor and they battle on the floor. Hero goes to the eyes and goes back in the ring and the KOW hit KRS-ONE on Mark, but Jay breaks up the count at the very last split second. Jay fights off both KOW as the crowd chants "please don't stop", but Hero accidenatally nails Claudio and Jay tags in and hits the Jay Driller, but Hero makes the save. This match really is amazing. Jay sends Hero to the floor, but Hero grabs the ref's ankle and Hagadorn knocks Mark off the top as he goes up for the Doomsday Device. Jay goes after Hagadorn, but Hero grabs the loaded elbowpad and uses it to hit a rolling elbow on Jay and puts Claudio on top for the win! We have new champions!

Winners and new ROH World Tag Team Champions: Kings Of Wrestling

Unbelievable match, and definitely a strong contender for ROH Match Of The Year.

After another repeat of an earlier video package, this one with Tyler Black, we head back to the ring for our World Title Match!

ROH World Title Triple Threat Match: Tyler Black vs Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong

Tyler Black also has a new championship belt tonight. Aries cuts a promo before the match saying he didn't know Tommy Young was still alive, and there's nothing Young about him anymore, but to stay out of his business and everything will be okay. Aries goes on to say that he's feeling like the odd man out and like he's being disrespected. He has respect for both men even though neither of them are two time World Champions like he is, but he sees that they don't have respect for each other. He claims he had a conversation with Tyler Black earlier where Tyler said he had no respect for Strong, but because Aries is a man of respect, he'll step off to the side and let them have their little lover's quarrel.

This match is being held under elimination rules, in case you didn't know. Tyler and Strong do indeed start, and Strong gets a side headlock on Black, then they do a reversal sequence for a while. Aries is just hanging out at ringside. Another reversal sequence and Tyler takes Strong down and goes for a leglock. Strong reverses to a bodyscissors and rolls Black to his shoulders for 2. Black sends Strong into the ropes and Aries pops up and nails him from the outside, but Strong turns around and chops him off the apron. Black with a running shoulderblock for 2 and then goes to a front facelock. Strong takes Black to the corner and Aries grabs Black's ankle from the floor, allowing Strong to chop him. Black winds up on the apron and Aries yanks him off, then comes in to fight with Roderick, but Black comes back in with a springboard forearm to Aries and Aries rolls out to the floor. Now Strong and Black are going toe to toe in the ring, and Black gets a dropkick to Strong, but Aries comes in and nails both men. Black goes for a dropkick but Aries ducks, Strong rolls Black up for 2 but Aries breaks it up and gets tossed to the floor. Black sends Strong to the floor as well then hits a dive onto Aries. Aries tries to ram Black into the guardrail but Black reverses and Aries hits the guardrail, then Black hits a moonsault off the guardrail onto Aries. Now Strong tries to ram Black into the guardrail and Black again reverses and sends Strong into the rail, then rolls Aries back in the ring and stomps on Aries' head for 1. Black with a short clothesline on Aries for 2 and follows up with a vertical suplex for 2. Strong tries to get back in but Black goes over and boots him in the face. Black with a fireman's carry, but Aries escapes and Strong comes in for a complex series of reversals that ends with Aries sending Black to the floor, Strong chopping Aries out to the floor, then following him out and beating him up around ringside. In case you can't tell, this is a really hard match to recap. Strong suplexes Aries on the floor and then hits a backbreaker on the ring apron. Black tries to whip Strong into the guardrail but Strong reverses to send Black in then drops him chest first on the guardrail. It's Strong and Aries in the ring and Strong with a fallaway slam for 2 and then a sitting abdominal stretch, but Aries reverses to a pinning combination for 2. Aries chops Strong, then my video skips to Strong kicking Black to the floor and hitting a backbreaker on Aries for 2 and follows up with a rear chinlock. Black finally makes it back in the ring to break up the hold, but Strong sends Black to the floor again. Aries with a double leg takedown on Strong and puts him in his own Stronghold, but Strong makes the ropes. Aries nails Black off the apron yet again, but turns around to Strong catching him and putting him in the Stronghold, but Black comes in and puts Strong in a sleeperhold. Finally Strong drops the hold and hits a chinbreaker on Black, then sends Black to the floor. Aries whips Strong into the corner and follows in with a knee to the gut, then follows up with a chop, but Strong chops him back and whips him across the ring and Aries goes up and over the ropes then comes off the apron and nails Black, followed by Strong hitting a baseball slide to Aries. Strong hits a backbreaker on the apron on Black and rolls Black into the ring, but Aries pops up and gives Strong a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Aries pops back in the ring and goes for the Heat Seeking Missile, but both Strong and Black move and Aries hits the guardrail. Black and Strong are back in the ring and are face to face, and start going toe to toe. Strong hits an enziguiri to Black, knocks Aries off the apron, then whips Black into the corner and follows in with a series of chops, and he starts going toe to toe with Black again. Another charge in the corner and Black gets the boot up, but comes charging out and Strong hits a powerslam for 2, followed by a backbreaker for 2. Strong goes for the Stronghold, Black blocks, and Strong instead goes for the Gibson Driver but Black rams him to the corner. Aries comes in from behind and rakes Black's back, but Black smacks him in the face and fires him out to the floor, then turns his attention back to Strong. Black whips Strong into the corner and hits the Time Wasting Stomping Forearm and an F5 for 2. Black puts Strong up top, but Aries yanks Black off the top and goes for a superplex of his own, but then Black comes back in and all three men are fighting in the corner, with Aries hitting a Frankensteiner on Black, but Black with an enziguiri and coming off the top with a springboard right into a uranage backbreaker from Strong and all three men are down. Hey, this match is pretty good too. Strong goes to work on both his opponents, then dropkicks Black. Strong with a backbreaker on Aries and makes a cover, but Aries gets the ropes. Strong with a gourdbuster and covers for a close 2. Roderick goes for the Gibson Driver, Black escapes, and Strong reverses to a suplex for 2. Strong goes over and give Aries a backbreaker for 2, and Aries rolls to the apron as Strong goes back after Black and again tries the Gibson Driver, but Aries goes up top and Strong releases the hold to go nail Aries. He goes up top to get Aries, but Black powerbombs him across the ring into the corner, and Aries comes out and nails Black with a lariat. Aries goes for the 450, but hits the knees, and Strong hits Aries with a gutbuster and a running boot for 2. Strong goes for the Gibson Driver, but changes it into the Stronghold in midmove. Black breaks the move up and goes for a Peroxism, but Strong slips out the back and lays in some chops to Black and hits another backbreaker for 2. Strong finally hits the Gibson Driver on Black, but Aries breaks it up with a kick to the head and hits the brainbuster on Aries, and Strong kicks out at 2! Damn. Aries with the Last Chancery on Strong, but Black picks him up and powerbombs him into the corner, then Strong rolls him up for 2, then Black reverses to another Buckle Bomb and superkick, Strong spits in his face, and Black hits another superkick...for 2! This is a real fight. Aries sends Black to the floor and comes in with another brainbuster on Strong and then another and that's finally enough to eliminate Strong.

Roderick Strong is eliminated.

It's down to Black and Aries, and Aries hits the Heat Seeking Missile to the floor on Black. Aries with a neckbreaker on the apron then goes up top and hits a missile dropkick. Aries goes for the brainbuster again, but Black fights out and they go toe to toe. Black goes for the Pelle kick, but Aries moves and hits the shinbreaker/suplex combo, then the dropkick in the corner but Black catches him coming in, and Aries escapes the fireman's carry and goes up top, but Black with the Pelle kick. Black goes up top and suplerplexes Aries off the top rope and rolls through that right into God's Last Gift for 2. Black with the Buckle Bomb and superkick, but Aries gets the ropes at 2. Kenny King comes running out and distracts the ref, allowing Aries to get an O'Connor Roll for 2, but Black kicks Aries off into King, hits three superkicks, and God's Last Gift for the win. Whew!

Winner: Tyler Black

Kenny King attacks Tyler Black after the match and he and Aries double team Black. Roderick Strong comes back out to help Black and the two of them are able to fight Aries and King off. Strong and Black have a staredown and Black offers his hand, but Strong flips him off and walks out.

It's time for our main event, a special lucha tag team attraction...

Super Parka & Misterioso vs Blue Demon, Jr & Magno

I really hope this one doesn't go long because I don't know how much more I can take after those last two matches. Then again, being that these guys are getting on in years, I wouldn't expect a Broadway. Before the match, Dave and Kevin discuss Blue Demon winning the NWA Title from Adam Pearce and then losing it back to him 15 months later after defending it almost 3 times. Okay, I made that last part up, but how that title is still being discussed on wrestling TV in 2010 is beyond me. It's never going away. After the Apocalypse, all that will be left is the cockroaches and the NWA Title. Demon and Misterioso start and they do a chain wrestling sequence and Misterioso armdrags Demon. The crowd has noticeably died down for this one. Demon goes for a monkey flip, but Misterioso pops him back to his feet and Demon with an armdrag, reversed to an armdrag by Misterioso, and a legsweep sequence leads to Demon getting a wristlock. Demon armdrags Misterioso to the floor, and Demon tags Magno in, and Magno celebrates by moonsaulting into the ring for no reason. Misterioso tags in Parka from the floor, another example of why I hate lucha, and Parka waddles in and takes Magno down with a shoulderblock. Magno armdrags Parka a couple of times and Parka appears to have damaged his groin, so he rolls over and tags out to Misterioso. They stall for what feels like 15 minutes before Misterioso goes back at it with Demon and...that's right, more armdrags! But Demon mixes it up by getting a headscissors to send Misterioso to the floor for more stalling. Demon tags out to Magno and Super Parka oozes back in. They stand around so long that Demon gets tired and tags Magno back in. Yeah, this was a great choice to main event. Magno comes off the ropes and Parka tells him to stop, so he does. After another break, Parka ARMDRAGS Magno some more and somehow pulls off a dropkick and a dive to the floor that sees Parka barely clear the middle rope. Misterioso comes in with a chair and he throws it at Demon, cracking him in the head, and then throwing it at his back. So lucha is no DQ also? Misterioso sets up the chair in the corner and rams Demon into it. Parka and Magno are back in the ring for twice the action, and Misterioso puts a chair in Magno's crotch and Super Parka uses another chair to ram it into Magno's groin. Parka with a chairshot to Magno's back and a clothesline from Misterioso followed by a legdrop to the groin, but Magno simply rolls to his corner and tags in Demon, who unmasks Misterioso. Isn't that illegal in lucha? This match sucks. Parka takes Demon to the corner...then just stops wrestling. Then he and Misterioso stare at each other for another 20 seconds before Parka just kicks Demon in the nuts. WHY IS THIS MATCH CLOSING THE SHOW??? Demon blocks a chop and then starts smacking Parka in the face, but Parka comes out with a clothesline to Demon and covers for 2. Demon tells Parka to stop, Parka does, and Demon smacks him. He goes to unmask Parka while Parka's partner just stands there staring at him, then finally does something and hits Demon. Demon comes back and powerbombs Misterioso, but Misterioso kicks out at 2 just to prolong my agony. Magno comes off the op on Misterioso's arm and then hits a springboard moonsault on Misterioso for 2. Magno puts Parka up top and hits a top rope Frankensteiner, and Demon comes in with a rolling senton for 2. None of these guys look like they know where they are. Misterioso puts Demon in an abdominal stretch, but Magno comes off the top on Misterioso as Kevin remarks on the casual nature of tag action in lucha. Thank you for at least trying to get this match over, Kevin. Misterioso nails Magno and goes up top and hits a senton for 2. Demon with a sad, slow rollup on Misterioso but Parka breaks it up and the two of them have a horrible, slow paced chopfest. These guys are throwing all kinds of Spanish swear words at each other through the whole match, incidentally. Demon with a bulldog on Parka, Misterioso with a sunset flip on Demon for 2 as Kevin talks about how Paul Turner will get paid in pesos tonight, and Dave mentions how much it must suck to be Paul Turner tonight. I couldn't agree more, Dave. Misterioso and Parka wind up on the floor and Demon and Magno hit stereo dives to cause all four men to somehow move less than they already were. WHY WON'T THIS MATCH END??? Demon and Magno head back into the ring and wait for their opponents to come back in, and Demon takes down Misterioso and Magno comes in with a corkscrew plancha on Misterioso for the merciful end to this match.

Winner:Blue Demon, Jr & Magno


04-04-2010, 05:03 AM
Damn! You posted this right before my nose! :bat:

Great PPV! The Tag Team Match between Briscoes and Kings Of Wrestling was a possible MOTY candidate!

Thanx for posting this Kellie!

04-04-2010, 06:38 AM
I was about to post now but havnt been posting much lol but still thanks for posting and woooo KOW are the tag champs.