View Full Version : wXw Bonus Navigation 4/3/2010 Results and AfterMath.

04-07-2010, 02:10 AM
April 2010 - Turbine Hall, Oberhausen

Crowd: 166

1. Paul Tracey d. Bernd Fohr via Top Rope Elbow Drop
2. Thumbtack Jack d. Carnage via Headbutt
3. Mark Haskins d. Wade Fitzgerald via Cradle Belly to Belly Piledriver
4. Tommy End d. Michael Knight via Owari Death Combo # 1
5. Emil Sitoci d. Taiji Ishimori via Snapmare Driver
6. Takeshi Morishima d. Bad Bones via Backdrop
Among other things, missed Carnage TJ a clapping Running Liger Bomb to the floor, left him with the bitterest German Suplex for a long time on the neck crack and beat him with a thunderous Backfist face almost KO, while TJ rags are not allowed and always the hardest punches has been unpacked, and finally brought his evil Kneestrike desperately bitter power Carnage missed a head butt, the TJ's forehead was split open and Carnage ausknockte.

WXw The fans were enthusiastic, but Bad Bones, who had previously described this match as Carnage last chance came in the ring and beat on his pupil.
TJ secured preventive Bones' ax, just to think about it again, and then they give Bones in hand to make his team partner a head shorter.
Carnage was able to escape it all, but may not be postponed repealed.

On 17 April wXw Fallout held in the Steffy Oberhausen and after his performance in the matches against Sekimoto & Okabayashi, Up in Smoke and, most recently with Bad Bones TJ was still unsatisfied with the carnage has taken a heart and calls his coach and mentor to fight a to one. The two uncontrollable and violent men in the wXw face each other and no one can only guess what will happen here.
On 8 May held Westside Xtreme Wrestling in the turbine hall Oberhausen a show called The Challenge ... what exactly is behind it could previously only be puzzled, but now we give you a good month before the event the resolution:

In today's wrestling is one more set a trend towards the blurring of weight classes. Heavyweights Lightweights are still thinking and is a division of weight classes still relevant? Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho and Rey Misterio Jr. is WWE Champion, Naomichi Marufuji GHC Heavyweight Title held the highest and thus the title of Pro Wrestling NOAH and defended in a main event against Kenta Budokan in Japan traditionally divisive, AJ Styles is 200 days since TNA Champion, men like Bryan Danielson, Austin Aries and Tyler Black dominate the RoH World Title in the field and in the last seven Champions PWG there is only one real heavyweight in Chris Hero ... world sees as Lightweights and Middleweights now require at Heavyweight Title or even dominate the book scenes.

are in the wXw it has always been a separation of the two divisions and only Mike Quackenbush and Steve Douglas succeeded in their careers, to keep the two big singles Titles doctorate. The 16 Carat Gold 2010 winner of Big van Walter is a clear statement that the size and weight are critical factors - the other contact Steve Douglas and Ares 17 April, two wrestlers who are between 90 and 95kg for the World Heavyweight Title, and threw in a Carat Munenori Sawa a much heavier Paul Tracey from the tournament as well as a much heavier as a Ares Claudio Castagnoli.

On Sense and nonsense of weight classes can be discussed forever. Empirical examples of differences and equality can be found and ideological positions are opposite hardened. Some say Heavyweights Heavyweights and Lightweights should fight under under Lightweights - the others say there should be no more weight classes. The only answer to such a question can be found in the ring and here comes the challenge comes into play.

The Office of Westside Xtreme Wrestling, the reigning World Champions to the present time in the singles field, that is Steve Douglas, and Zack Sabre Jr., invited to each nominate a team of up to seven wrestlers and this set up. On 8 May there will be four singles matches and one day under Six Men Elimination Rules to clearly clarify for Westside Xtreme Wrestling: are weight classes in 2010 still relevant?