View Full Version : WWE NXT Results for April 6th, 2010

04-07-2010, 04:22 AM
We are live on tape from Chicago, Illinois and your announcers are Michael ‘On Tuesdays, I have a backbone’ Cole and Josh On Mondays, I stand up and hold a microphone’ Mathews. Your host is Matt ‘On Fridays, I sound a lot like PWInsider.com audio’ Striker.

Matt is on the stage and he brings out the rookies and they come out based on their rankings. Matt mentions that Daniel Bryan is currently ranked in first and then Matt talks about how the winner gets a pay per view match. Matt turns his attention to the other end of the rookie spectrum.

He also mentions the man in fifth place who is also not happy. Matt reminds us that David won the battle royal last week so he got to be the guest host on Raw. Matt says that Raw was entertaining and then he asks David why he walked away from a potential tag title. David says that he was the host of Raw and he says that he could do whatever he wanted. David says that he could have tagged Cena’s wimpering hand and then he could have taken the Miz’s head off and celebrated with John Cena. Otunga says that he doesn’t work with anyone. Otunga says that he did a favor for The Miz who is a judge and he is looking for some help to win.

Matt goes to Daniel Bryan and asks him if he thinks he deserves to be in first place. Bryan says that he doesn’t know if he deserves it but wonders if the Miz deserves to be a pro. Does David Otunga deserve to be guest host on Raw? Does Michael Cole deserve to replace Jim Ross on Raw? He says that he does not deserve to be number one, but will do what it takes to win. Striker says that Bryan should have said that he deserves to be in first.

Striker goes to Tarver and he asks Michael if Daniel Bryan deserves to be in first place. He says that he does not. Tarver says that everyone on the stage is a target and he needs to get out of his way. To this point, he has followed the rules, but now he is taking his opportunity. He is a pit bull without a leash and he is the most dangerous man in NXT . . . period.

It is time to test their mental and physical abilities with weekly challenges. We see a keg behind a ‘start/finish’ line. Matt says that the keg is filled with liquid and weighs over 160 pounds. The rookie has to carry the keg around the ring.

The first rookie is the man with the bulls eye on his chest and it is Daniel Bryan. Bryan finishes in 24.9 seconds. It is time for Wade Barrett to carry the keg around the ring. His time is 14.7 seconds. Justin Gabriel is third and his time is 13.6 seconds. Heath Slater is next and finishes in 12.0 seconds. David Otunga is next and his time is 14.1 seconds. Skip Sheffield is next and his time is 12.4 seconds. Michael Tarver is next and he drops the keg a few times and he is disqualified. Darren Young is last and his time is 13.6 seconds. Your winner is Heath Slater.

Striker asks Slater how he feels to win this challenge. Slater says that he is going to blow everyone’s minds in NXT. Striker tells Heath that you never know what is going to happen. He won the Keg Carry and he gets to be in the main event . . . against Kane.

Kane gets in Slater’s face and then he ignites the pyro in the ring. Kane backs up and he smiles as only Kane can.

We go to commercial.

We are back and did you know that Wrestlemania was a top search item on Google.

It is time for the Raw Rebound.

Matt Striker is with Skip Sheffield in the back. Matt reminds Skip that he is in sixth. Skip says that he should have won the keg carry because nobody is stronger than he is. He says that the contest was rigged. Skip says that the WWE Universe is not ready for him. Skip says that he is done being Mr. Nice Guy.

We go to commercial.

Match Number One: Darren Young versus Daniel Bryan

They lock up and Young with a knee and forearm to the back. Young with a back elbow. Young goes to the floor and Bryan with a baseball slide and then he hits a running knee from the apron. Bryan returns Young to the ring and then hits a missile drop kick for a near fall. Bryan with Cattle Mutilation but he doesn’t have it locked in properly. Bryan with a near fall followed by a back slide. Bryan with another back slide. Young sends Bryan’s head into the turnbuckles. Bryan with a sunset flip for a near fall. Young and Bryan exchange near falls and then they exchange slaps to the face. Young with a rollup and he gets the three count.
Winner: Darren Young

We go to commercial.

Justin Gabriel talks about being in third and he says that it can only get better for him. He says that his dad told him that once you get to the top you have to work harder to stay there.

Tarver talks about what it is like to deal with a pitbull that is unleashed. He says that is how he felt being in seventh and seeing every name ahead of him.

Match Number Two: Justin Gabriel versus Michael Tarver

They lock up and Gabriel with an arm drag. They lock up again and Tarver backs Gabriel into the corner and he connects with a knee and a hard Irish whip. Tarver with a boot to the midsection followed by a slam and a near fall. Tarver with an abdominal stretch. Gabriel with a float over and then he connects with a kick, knee, and a series of kicks to take Tarver down. Gabriel with a cross body into the corner and then he hits a springboard cross body. Gabriel goes up top but Tarver crotches Gabriel. Tarver with a punch to the midsection and then Gabriel drops Tarver on the top rope and kicks Tarver in the head followed by the 450 splash for the three count.
Winner: Justin Gabriel

We go to commercial.

We go to comments from David Otunga about his ranking. He says that he was disappointed. He says that everyone knows that he should be number one. He says that the pros are threatened by him.

Barrett says that he hates second place. He is here to win this and make money.

Match Number Three: David Otunga versus Wade Barrett

Otunga with a side head lock and he works on the arm but Barrett with a forearm and head butt. Barrett with an Irish whip and knee to the back. Barrett with a surfboard in the ropes and then he sends Otunga into the ropes and hits a few forearms to the kidneys. He tries for a third but you never do that so Otunga with a forearm of his own. Otunga is thrown to the floor. Barrett runs Otunga into the apron and rolls him back in. Barrett returns to the surfboard. Barrett misses a knee drop and a charge into the corner. Otunga with a punch but Barrett with a kick. Otunga with a reverse atomic drop and a flying shoulder tackle and elbow. Otunga with a slam and a near fall. Otunga with an inside cradle for a near fall followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Barrett pulls Otunga off the turnbuckles followed by the fireman’s carry slam for the three count.
Winner: Wade Barrett

Heath Slater is getting ready in the locker room for Kane.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened last week when Kane took on the NXT roster.

Match Number Four: Kane versus Heath Slater

Slater avoids Kane and then he hits Kane with a couple of knees and hits a drop toe hold that sends Kane into the turnbuckles. Slater with a missile drop kick and then he hits a cross body and gets a near fall. Slater punches Kane but Kane with a big boot and then he throws Slater to the floor. Kane follows after him and hits an uppercut. Kane runs Slater into the apron and Kane punches him. Kane rolls Slater into the ring and then he puts Slater in the corner and connects with a forearm and punch. Kane with a snap mare and rear chin lock. Slater punches Kane and tries for a sunset flip and gets a near fall. Kane with a side slam for a near fall. Kane chokes Slater in the ropes and then he kicks Slater. Kane with a snap mare and drop kick for a near fall. Slater with punches but Kane with a clothesline and Slater is down. Kane goes up top and hits the clothesline. Kane with a vintage uppercut followed by an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner. Kane with another Irish whip but Slater gets his boot up. Kane with a choke slam to Slater for the three count.
Winner: Kane

We go to credits.