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View Full Version : Report: Three more leave Infinity Ward

04-13-2010, 09:20 PM
IGN reports that three more staffers have left Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward. Programmer Jon Shiring and senior animator Bruce Ferriz independently confirmed that they were leaving IW, with Ferriz heading to Big Red Button Entertainment and Shiring not providing more information. "I'm not trying to create spectacle, I just wanted to avoid the LinkedIn nonsense," Shiring said of his move, referring to two former IW employees who were discovered via LinkedIn to have left the studio. Lead designer Mackey McCandlish has also confirmed (via Twitter) that he's leaving the studio after "a great 8+ year run."

This news comes just one day after the ousted IW co-founders announced the creation of Respawn Entertainment and a partnership with ... ahem ... EA Partners. As of this writing, no ex-Infinity Ward employees have joined the new venture.


Well there goes the great 'Modern Warfare' vibe. RIP CoD MW's Awesomeness

Big Evil
04-14-2010, 12:39 AM
This is really disappointing to me... Infinity Ward has made some excellent COD games and now they are splitting up? Most upsetting decision for sure, I don't think I can look forward to the next COD title as much as I did for the Modern Warfare titles. I know I will keep an eye out for Respawn Entertainment's games, but wary of their partnership with EA. We will see how it goes, I guess...