View Full Version : Council bans dogs from parks

04-14-2010, 09:52 PM
A council has been slammed after banning dogs from nearly all of its parks, playgrounds and open spaces.

The action by Newark and Sherwood district council is the most severe clampdown ever seen in England and Wales, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The banning orders stop dogs being walked at 72 designated sites in the district, including village greens, cemeteries, play areas, fields and open spaces.

Council animal welfare officers, park rangers and police community support officers can issue on-the-spot fines of £75 for breaches of the orders.

The Nottinghamshire authority said it put the extensive dog control orders (DCOs) in place after some owners failed to clean up after their pets in public places.

But the Kennel Club and the Dogs Trust claimed they were the most "draconian" they had ever seen.

Chris Lawrence, veterinary director of the Dog's Trust, said: "Under the Animal Welfare Act, owners have a duty to ensure their pets are exercised. But how can they if they are not allowed to take them to the local park."

But Newark and Sherwood council said owners were still free to walk their dogs in many areas, just not in those where orders were in place.

Cllr Nora Armstrong, herself a dog owner, said: "If people can't and won't pick the mess up, then we have to try and make them do it and this is a way of trying it and we hope that people will help.

"Somebody has got to take a stand somewhere and I know we are not going to please all of the people but that's tough."


04-15-2010, 06:42 PM
thanks for the post Omen