View Full Version : Brand: 'Bieber couldn't handle heroin'

04-15-2010, 05:56 PM
Russell Brand has joked that the drug heroin would save the music industry.

The comedian and actor claimed that if "teenybopper" artists such as 16-year-old Justin Bieber used heroine then the world would avoid their "awful" music.

He told Rolling Stone magazine: "The top of the hit parade would look very different if teenyboppers were exposed to heroin.

"It would weed a lot of them out. I don't think Justin Bieber could handle Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd's habit.

"A lot of people in their journey to rehab overdose, and then, perhaps, we could be spared their awful music. It's Darwinian. It's the law of natural selection."

Brand's fiancee Katy Perry recently suggested the couple adopted Bieber, posting a picture of the singer to Brand on her Twitter with the message: "Hey... I know we're getting hitched + all but I was wondering if u'd be open 2 the idea of adopting 1st? I have an idea. Whata bout this cute lil one? I'm sure he could use a great home!!!"

04-16-2010, 04:31 PM
what a idiot, thanks for the post John