View Full Version : Cameron: Only The Tories Can Stop Labour

04-18-2010, 05:29 PM
David Cameron has warned voters that anything but a "decisive" Tory victory will leave Labour in charge, as Nick Clegg said there was an "immense opportunity" to change politics.

The Liberal Democrat leader received a boost in the polls after his leaders' debate performance - with one, from BPIX, putting his party in the lead for the first time in decades.

But Mr Cameron said: "If you want real change, if you want the job to be done, the only way to get it done is to have a Conservative government.

"If you want to wake up on May 7 and be absolutely certain that you've got new leadership in this country and are not stuck with another five years of Gordon Brown, stuck with dithering and despair and depression, the only way to get that is a decisive Conservative vote."

However, speaking to young people in Sutton, Surrey, Mr Clegg said that they now needed to capitalise on the opportunity that had opened up.

"The opportunity is immense this time," he said.

"A growing number of people are starting to hope, starting to believe a little door has opened, that maybe this time we can do things differently."

He warned that Labour and the Tories would respond by targeting the Lib Dems, and misrepresenting their policies.

"Of course they'll attack and of course they'll come up with all sorts of misleading claims. Of course the old parties will start lashing out now," he said.

He accused the two main parties of "defending the indefensible" and standing in the way of reform.

"The two old parties have worked out that they have got to talk the talk of new politics, but when it comes to doing, acting, introducing the reforms which would clean up politics, they fail every time," he said.