View Full Version : Styles not happy about dropping the title

04-21-2010, 12:39 AM
AJ Styles was not a happy camper last night.

Not only was Styles upset about having to drop the title, he was also quite upset when Van Dam failed to hook his leg for the pin. When Styles returned to the back, he simply changed and left the building without conversing with others.

The backstage reaction was mixed with some feeling Styles was being a bit of baby for not wanting to drop the title, as others felt management didn't keep Styles strong as he looked weak losing the strap the first time he didn't have Ric Flair in his corner.

In recent times, Styles has been keeping to himself, doing his own thing backstage and not always tuned in to television monitors to watch the show.

***Source: Wrestleview***

04-21-2010, 12:39 AM
Maybe Styles will jump ships to ROH :think:

The Mac
04-21-2010, 12:40 AM
he started believing his own hype
hopefully this will drop him back down
to earth

04-21-2010, 12:52 AM
I think he's realizing that his company is changing and he was pretty mucht the only Tna original that was still relevant. That might change now that he's dropped the title.

04-21-2010, 12:52 AM
I have nothing against RVD, misunderstand me right. But I think the way they did it was wrong. AJ had just builded his character as a strong champion in TNA, defending his belt against another top superstar just this sunday at Lockdown. So I think it was very wrong to let him lose the belt at Impact.

Besides, what's the thing that both WWE and TNA do these days? They rather let their champions lose the belts at the TV shows than on a big PPV. I don't get it at all.

They should rather have AJ lose the belt against RVD at Sacrifice. I understand AJ's reaction. Afterall, as Kage said, he is pretty much the only TNA original left, and the only TNA Grandslam Champion!

The Mac
04-21-2010, 12:54 AM
ya i think they were trying to
do something that would grab the viewers attention
cuz of their poor raitings. and aj should have kept the title longer
i was liking his new cocky character hopefully he gets a quick rematch
tna has always kinda took styles for granted... he should leave

04-21-2010, 01:02 AM
His talent has never been used to the maximum potentional. Ive seen many of his other matches elsewhere and he's so much better wrestling wise. He does bore me a little in TNA.

The Mac
04-21-2010, 01:09 AM
that shows that tna is using him improperly
i wonder if he would go to wwe?
but he prob would never be wwe champion

Y0UR Messiah
04-21-2010, 01:49 AM
Hmmm...Changing champions at TV shows instead of PPV's...kind of reminds me of the old WCW there.

04-21-2010, 02:04 AM
^^ Yeah, and I don't hope you mean that is a good thing? :P

that shows that tna is using him improperly
i wonder if he would go to wwe?
but he prob would never be wwe champion

I really don't hope he go to WWE, cause he will just be used as a jobber.
AJ should go back to the indy scene, where he can wrestle for PWG and ROH!

The Mac
04-21-2010, 02:06 AM
ya roh he would be a main eventer

Big Evil
04-21-2010, 02:11 AM
Wrestlers get used improperly all the time in WWE and TNA. Nothing is going to change. But what did Styles expect? To carry the company and gold the title for a year or more? Just having Flair in his corner on tv doesn't mean he is invulnerable to the business decisions behind the scenes. They decided they want RVD to be champ, fine but I do think they should have done it at the PPV. Styles cannot start believing his own hype and thinking everything is going his way because if this industry has shown us anything its that things come down from the top that don't always make sense but they will sure as hell flip u upside down and that's the case with Styles. He let himself believe that he was going to be champion for a long time, and now he's pissed because his childish fantasy didn't work out. Too damn bad, this is a business and TNA will do what they think is best for the company and not one man.

04-21-2010, 02:13 AM
^^ It's still stupid to put the strap on a person who's been in TNA for two weeks and fought 2 matches dude. RVD or not!

The Mac
04-21-2010, 02:16 AM
would u have rather it went on jeff??

04-21-2010, 06:39 AM
I'd be pissed if I were him.

TNA decided to take the belt off him whilst he's in a major heel run, just to give it to someone who debuted on march 8th.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-21-2010, 07:41 AM
AJ had the ball and he dropped it. Even though his run with Flair was good most people didn't like him and in RVD TNA has a Champion that they can market. Hes more recognizable than AJ ever was and even though I don't like this its a smart move

The Mac
04-21-2010, 07:43 AM
i dont see how rvd is reliable enough to give the title to
look at wwe he got the title then was busted for drugs
i wouldnt trust him at all

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-21-2010, 07:45 AM
We've seen that TNA's doesn't care about drugs. In RVD they have a Champ that will sell tickets outside of the Impact Zone which seems to be one of their major plans right now

The Mac
04-21-2010, 07:46 AM
but so would many others who have been in tna for awhile longer

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-21-2010, 07:51 AM
had those people sold TNA would not have been doing 1 ratings mate

The Mac
04-21-2010, 07:54 AM
true but they only gave a few ppl a chance
and what rvd is gonna bring them to a 1.1 lol
he just aint bankable imo

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-21-2010, 10:04 AM
maybe not but you have to take that chance. TNA Originals have failed time to give it to bigger names

04-21-2010, 10:05 AM
lol title gone from the hands of aj?? why he become happy..lol

Y0UR Messiah
04-21-2010, 07:01 PM
RVD is a better champion I think.

Now someone said about the WWE title run and drugs.

Dude, he got busted with weed. Fucking weed! That's nothing these days. It's a slap on the hand. Now if they gave it to Jeff with the cocaine issues, that'd be a different matter.

My only hope is that TNA will let RVD, BE RVD. Not try to turn him into something he's not like WWE did.

The Mac
04-21-2010, 07:05 PM
ya i mentioned that and doing weed is one thing
getting arrested for it is another

04-21-2010, 07:07 PM
RVD is a better champion I think.

Now someone said about the WWE title run and drugs.

Dude, he got busted with weed. Fucking weed! That's nothing these days. It's a slap on the hand. Now if they gave it to Jeff with the cocaine issues, that'd be a different matter.

My only hope is that TNA will let RVD, BE RVD. Not try to turn him into something he's not like WWE did.

TNA just gave their World Strap to a potsmoker :laugh:

The Mac
04-21-2010, 07:10 PM
lol but i guess a pot head is better then a cokehead

04-21-2010, 09:22 PM
least it wasnt, i wanna throw everything away jeff sorry ass hardy i really wouldnt have ever watch tna again, RVD is cool i just hope he keeps himself from getting busted again. also RVD >>>>> jh but really aj should still be champ stupid ass russo

04-22-2010, 04:12 AM
I don't get everyone's issues with Jeff :(

The Mac
04-22-2010, 04:19 AM
jeff has a problem but thats his personal issue
it shouldnt affect how ppl view him in the ring
hardy would be a better champ then rvd

04-22-2010, 04:28 AM
^^ Word!!

I don't mind see RVD as a champion, as I'm a big fan of him. I just feel he got the title too soon, and in the wrong way.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 04:29 AM
exactly way too soon

04-22-2010, 07:21 AM
May not be a bad thing if they can turn it into a good program. AJ vs RVD can spawn an awesome series of matches. RVD is showing almost no ring rust. You can see that Jeff is hurt. Also makes sense not giving him the strap until his trial is over.

Honestly I think taking the strap off AJ was a good call. He was starting to get stale. I am not a huge fan of this Flair storyline. Giving him the strap and then cheat A LA Flair and all the run ins really toned down his wrestling. Hopefully this will serve as the kick in the ass he needs to bring his in-ring back where it was.

04-22-2010, 07:32 AM
it's unfortunate to hear AJ handled the situation this way, especially since I've had respect for him over his career.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 07:34 AM
ya but hopefully he grows from this

04-22-2010, 07:36 AM
When you have the only good wrestler in all of TNA lose to a person who has lost more brain cells smoking his 'weed' the way they had A.J lose Monday night, I'd be pissed off too. A.J's put a lot of time in TNA to be made to look like a pansy. One more reason for someone like me to not watch. Funny though.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 07:48 AM
he does deserve better for all he has
done for tna

04-22-2010, 07:52 AM
aj styles is mr tna. not knocking rvd at all just aj is tna born tna breed tna main event...

The Mac
04-22-2010, 07:56 AM
ya he is one of their only homegrown talent
and they take him for granted

04-22-2010, 08:07 AM
I haven't faithfully watched TNA since 2005, when it was overrun with geriatric has-beens, but that's beside the point. Styles is the future of this company and the future of wrestling and TNA made a very stupid decision dropping the title to Van Dam. Very stupid. If I was the young blood of TNA, I'd be pissed of as well, because their every move is overshadowed by a veteran. Styles, or any other original TNA talent will be lucky to win it again with the likes of RVD, Hardy, Angle, Sting, Hogan, Flair, and Jarrett there.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 08:10 AM
ya its basically run by ex wwe guys
so they will get the shots cuz the mangement
knows them better and how they perform

04-22-2010, 09:34 AM
i love the fact rvd has the title and i think aj needs to just relise that the company has to come first but i can also understand why aj is upset.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-22-2010, 12:05 PM
I don't get it. Screw the young blood of TNA they have not drawn over the years and as for AJ he looks much better chasing the belt than wearing it kinda like Joe. But that said, RVD was given the title too soon but TNA are desperate and a RVD/AJ program might help the company.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 07:52 PM
aj should get the title back right away
and have rvd lose in a rematch then a match with joe would be good
or maybe give abyss a try

04-22-2010, 11:00 PM
As good as AJ is in the ring, he's not really a 'superstar'. With Flair as his mouthpiece, he's much better and almost believable as the champ, without him...not so much. I think AJ will get another run for sure. I think this Van Dam thing may work out as it sets up new angles for AJ & Flair now chasing the title.

The Mac
04-22-2010, 11:46 PM
o just hope they dont give flair a token title reign
just to placate him... that would be the worse for tna

04-23-2010, 12:00 AM
he desrved 2 loose it on a ppv

The Mac
04-23-2010, 12:04 AM
ya he had done enough for tna not
to be jobbed out on tv to a guy who
was already tired from competing earlier
it makes him look weak

04-23-2010, 12:15 AM
As good as AJ is in the ring, he's not really a 'superstar'. With Flair as his mouthpiece, he's much better and almost believable as the champ, without him...not so much. I think AJ will get another run for sure. I think this Van Dam thing may work out as it sets up new angles for AJ & Flair now chasing the title.

I hate the fact that AJ doesn't look like a superstar that TNA needs, cause this only shows that TNA are thinking more like WWE.
AJ is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, and it's sad to see that he get jobbed out by a guy who's not been in the company for more than 2 weeks. RVD or not, it's not fair and I really hope AJ jump ships back to ROH where he can be seen as the great wrestler he is.

The Mac
04-23-2010, 12:17 AM
as long as he dont go to wwe
he will be fine

04-25-2010, 02:26 AM
AJ Styles was really still building momentum as champ, now was not the time to take the title off him.

As much as I love RVD, I would rather Styles have had a longer title reign, but to ditch Flair somewhere along the way, because as soon as Flair was in AJ's corner, TAN made it seem that AJ was not capable of winning a match, without his interference...

The Mac
04-25-2010, 02:30 AM
they prob would have done the old
student vs mentor thing
with styles attacking flair but flair wins eventually
and that woulda been stupid

04-25-2010, 07:36 AM
He's pissed cause he dropped it to a guy that hasn't proven a thing (on the mic, or in the ring) at TNA yet. Again, WWE has-been enters TNA, get's belt (for what will be a short while), and then give it a few months and he'll be midcard-BS title contender (just in the match, not actually ever really in contention; IE: christian in his final months at TNA). I hope I'm wrong, cause dude is entertaining; but I'm not, and you'll see

The Mac
04-25-2010, 09:59 AM
rvd didnt deserve the title and i think thats the thing that
angers aj the most if he was asked to lose to someone who
has paid his dues in tna he woulda dropped it no questions asked
instead he was asked to drop it to rvd who is a mid carder at best
and there was no build up no thought proccess behind it
it reminds me of wcw were they made the show up as they went along
rvd was a big star in the late 90's early 00's but nowadays he is not championship material
hopefully he will drop it either back to aj soon or maybe to another higher caliber wrestler
(sting,jarrett,abyss,angle,mr.anderson) anyone else would be better then him

04-25-2010, 11:02 AM
AJ has to lose and then regain the belt a few times in order to gain that Flair type momentum. However, RVD will put butts in seats untill Abyss and The Pope have been fully groomed to be on top.

04-25-2010, 03:51 PM
AJ has to lose and then regain the belt a few times in order to gain that Flair type momentum. However, RVD will put butts in seats untill Abyss and The Pope have been fully groomed to be on top.

Pope has got everything a guy needs to be World Champion and should get a run at some point. Abyss...pass. I can't stand what they've turned him into and miss the Monster.

Kenpachi Zaraki
04-25-2010, 06:05 PM
AJ has to lose and then regain the belt a few times in order to gain that Flair type momentum. However, RVD will put butts in seats untill Abyss and The Pope have been fully groomed to be on top.

My point EXACTLY!

Vick Diesel
04-26-2010, 04:27 AM
I have nothing against RVD, misunderstand me right. But I think the way they did it was wrong. AJ had just builded his character as a strong champion in TNA, defending his belt against another top superstar just this sunday at Lockdown. So I think it was very wrong to let him lose the belt at Impact.

Besides, what's the thing that both WWE and TNA do these days? They rather let their champions lose the belts at the TV shows than on a big PPV. I don't get it at all.

They should rather have AJ lose the belt against RVD at Sacrifice. I understand AJ's reaction. Afterall, as Kage said, he is pretty much the only TNA original left, and the only TNA Grandslam Champion!

I couldn't agree with you more, my sentiments exactly.. You really hit the nail on the head!!:agree:

04-26-2010, 03:02 PM
Maybe AJ overreacted a little bit, but in all fairness, he was made to look really weak. In my opinion, he should have held the title until Bound For Glory where they build even more heat for him by him and get everyone truly hating him. It maybe wasn't a good idea to have him lose on Impact either, but I feel that we're going to see World Title matches on Impact a lot now with TNA trying to do everything in their power to get more ratings

04-26-2010, 03:02 PM
Maybe AJ overreacted a little bit, but in all fairness, he was made to look really weak. In my opinion, he should have held the title until Bound For Glory where they build even more heat for him by him and get everyone truly hating him. It maybe wasn't a good idea to have him lose on Impact either, but I feel that we're going to see World Title matches on Impact a lot now with TNA trying to do everything in their power to get more ratings

That Rob
04-26-2010, 05:06 PM
What you guys don't get is that they had to take the title off AJ. As much as I like him he really wasn't pulling in the ratings like they had hoped and so a change was needed. Who do you go to, a young guy like Pope who the casual fan doesn't know or somebody who's been around a while and most people know?

Also Smartmark you seem to forget that the Attitude Era was dominated by the title changing hands on free TV, it's not like this is something new to the wrestling industry.

04-26-2010, 05:29 PM
^^ Have I ever said I loved the attitude era? And Have I ever said that changing titles on TV shows is a new thing? I don't think so!

I just find it sad that they strip AJ for the title because of the ratings.

Wrestling should not be all about money. It should be about entertaining wrestlingfans!

04-26-2010, 05:31 PM
i dont see what the problem is he had a long run as champion i mean what did he want to be champion forever. rvd is a big name in wrestling and i dont see the problem giving him the title.

04-26-2010, 05:49 PM
^^ It's not a problem that RVD got the title. It was the way it was done. They should rather have build it up for a PPV and have AJ lose the title then.

The Mac
04-26-2010, 06:28 PM
it made aj look weak
having rvd wrestle a long match
against jeff hardy yet still be able to beat
aj... there was no promotional buildup they
paniacked to try and take advantage of there being
no raw wrestlers on raw that night and didnt look at the big picture

That Rob
04-26-2010, 06:44 PM
^^ Have I ever said I loved the attitude era? And Have I ever said that changing titles on TV shows is a new thing? I don't think so!

I just find it sad that they strip AJ for the title because of the ratings.

Wrestling should not be all about money. It should be about entertaining wrestlingfans!
When you have a TV deal and big stars with big contracts, the ratings become your biggest priority. Lets face it AJ wasn't getting the job done so they needed to make a change.

And your last statement is ignorant, I'm not even going to touch it.

04-26-2010, 06:47 PM
^^ So it is ignorant? The business is called Pro Wrestling, not; Let's make much money by doing stupid things.

I guess you only watch mainstream Hollywood Blockbusters as well? Just because they are made to make money?

I find it funny that you always quote me, when there as many people who agrees with my opinions.

Rushing feuds have never been a good thing.

04-27-2010, 03:47 PM
Aj have all rights to be mad and upsat , I dont blame him for getting upsat he was agood champion . But honestly they need to drop the flair chactor . In other news : people chant RVD way too soon TNA brought him in and now he getting a push , PPL need to stop dissing both companys as well WWE ,ECW RVD was in , Also WWE go to TNA for god only know why but no one can never top WWE either way you look at it as well , since 1952 . Aj Styles will forever be one of the best in TNA and deeply they push him wrong way maybe he should go to WWE

04-27-2010, 05:05 PM
This thread is brilliant as its classick indy smarks thinking TNA is trying to get them to like it, its not they want casuals and to a casual AJ styles as champ makes TNA look indy especially as they will have never seen him win it now its on RVD it makes the World Title look bigger and then when AJ wins it again from RVD or any of the bigger names he will look stronger.

One other thing as someone who wrestles on the indy scene in the UK for a few years now reading people calling AJ losing to RVD jobbing shows you no nothing about actual wrestling.

The Mac
04-27-2010, 09:34 PM
aj doesnt make it look indy r u kidding
aj been on national tv since 2002 so i cant see how ppl
think he's a nobody he's been champ few time before