View Full Version : [PWG] Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament 4 Card & Discussion Thread

04-22-2010, 04:06 AM
The event will take place on Sunday, May 9th. Competitors are Announced.

Team #1: The Young Bucks/Generation Me (Matt & Nick Jackson/Max & Jeremy Buck)

-- When they defeated Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black for the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship in 2008, The Young Bucks were nothing more than a footnote in the title histories. After they defended the titles thrice in one night and won 2009's DDT4, The Young Bucks wrote their names in permanent marker on the list of top teams to hold the World Championship titles. By surpassing Super Dragon and Davey Richards' record number of title defenses at Titannica, The Young Bucks etched their names in stone as the most dominant tag team in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla History. With another DDT4 and (potentially) three more title defenses ahead, The Young Bucks are on the cusp of hijacking an orbital laser cannon and carving their names on the moon for the entire world to see, for all time… or whatever the wrestling equivalent of that would be. Their motivation is clear: to go down in history as one of the elite tag teams professional wrestling has ever seen, and DDT4 is integral in this plan.

Team #2: The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe)

-- As participants in the first ever Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournament, The Briscoe Brothers reached the final round before they were bested by "The Man That Gravity Forgot" PAC and Roderick Strong. On April 10 at Titannica, nearly three years after the original DDT4, Jay and Mark Briscoe challenged The Young Bucks for the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship, and though they were unsuccessful, the manner of their loss put a fire in the bellies of The Briscoe Brothers. With the thrill of being moments away from becoming the new World Champions reawakened, The Briscoes have let it be known that they will be out for blood at DDT4, and anybody that stands between them and the World Tag Team Championship Titles had better be prepared for the fight of their lives.

Team #3: Scott Lost & Chuck Taylor

-- After coming within a heartbeat of defeating The Young Bucks at 2009's DDT4, Chuck Taylor realized his life would not be complete without becoming one half of the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Champions. More accurately, Chuck Taylor's bank account would not be complete without the champion's bonus that comes with being one half of the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Champions. While he is content to let the likes of El Generico and Paul London give away their meager fortunes to the orphans of the world (and cosmos), he will "be damned if those two (expletives) start giving away the champ's bonus to a bunch of little crumb snatchers." Therefore, Chuck Taylor has sought out the services of Scott Lost, one of the most prolific tag team champions Pro Wrestling Guerrilla has ever seen in order to not only secure the titles, but to deny the orphans their much needed financial contributions!

Team #4: The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler)

-- While 2009's DDT4 may be a distant memory to many, Brandon and Dustin Cutler have not forgotten about last year's tournament. After all, it was the Cutler's first round elimination at the hands of The Young Bucks that was a major point in the graft investigation of Pro Wrestling Guerrilla referees that took place in July, 2009. Despite all of the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla officials being cleared of any and all corruption charges, Brandon and Dustin still maintain that they were deliberately cheated in order to keep The Young Bucks in the tournament. Though they have not forgotten the unfavorable result of last year's tournament, The Cutlers have not allowed that memory to fester, instead using it as motivation for their next shot at the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship. Thanks to all of their hard work, that shot may come on May 9th at DDT4 where The Cutler Brothers could become the new World Tag Team Champions… provided they can win three matches in a single night.

Team #5: KAMIKAZE (Akira Tozawa & YAMATO)

-- Early on in their title reign, The Young Bucks traveled to mystical island nation of mystery known as Japan to compete in Dragon Gate, home to many of the top professional wrestlers in the world. While on tour with Dragon Gate, the Bucks successfully defended the Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship against Shingo Takagi and Akira Tozawa, which bolstered the Jackson's reputation both at home and abroad. Though disappointed, Shingo did not dwell on the loss; his aim was fixed on being the top singles competitor in Dragon Gate. However, Akira Tozawa did not take the losing effort so lightly. Known in locker rooms around the world for his high-strung and intense personality, Tozawa made it his personal mission to seek revenge for the loss. To help in his quest, Tozawa has enlisted the help of YAMATO, leader of the KAMIKAZE stable and truly one of the breakout stars of Japanese professional wrestling in the last few years, in order to gain satisfaction. At DDT4, Akira Tozawa will travel to The Young Bucks' home turf to avenge the loss from last year, but that is of the least concern for YAMATO. He would be more than happy to return to Japan (and his Battleship) with three victories over any of the other teams in the tournament, and the World Tag Team titles around his and Tozawa's waists.

Team #6: Johnny Goodtime & Jerome "LTP" Robinson

-- Johnny Goodtime is no stranger to being the dark horse entrant in a Pro Wrestling Guerrilla tournament after replacing the injured Chris Sabin in the 2009 Battle of Los Angeles. Goodtime will be the first to admit that his nerves got to him that day, and he was slightly overwhelmed with being four matches away from becoming the new Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Champion. In the months since the 2009 Battle of Los Angeles, Johnny Goodtime has been able to master his emotions, becoming a much more confident competitor thanks in large part to his teaming with Jerome "LTP" Robinson. Along with being amazingly agile, LTP has the uncanny ability to remain calm and collected in the most tense situations, and some of that has seemed to rub off on Johnny Goodtime. It remains to be seen if this duo can stay as cool as a cucumber up an archbishop's ass at DDT4, but Goodtime and LTP are sure to be the fan favorites in the tournament, and that can only increase their confidence.

Team #7: Roderick Strong & Ryan Taylor

-- In each of the three previous Dynamite Duumvirate Tag Team Title Tournaments, Roderick Strong has fought with a different partner by his side, and come away with the World Tag Team Championship twice. Oddly enough, the only time he was unsuccessful in the tournament was in 2009 when Strong teamed with "the best in the world," Bryan Danielson. 2010 will see Roderick Strong adopting a different strategy when it comes to partner selection. Rather than teaming with a "big gun" whose style and ability may be well known to tournament opponents, why not chose a relative unknown who has the potential to surprise the competition? Using that logic, this is the perfect time for Roderick to team with Ryan Taylor, who, after an impressive series of outings in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla earlier this year, is turning quite a few heads, making it a matter of time before he "blows up," as the kids like to say. When he observed Taylor's match at Titannica, Roderick Strong believed his own hard-hitting style would be a great compliment to Ryan Taylor's high flying, yet high impact offense. Will Roderick's strategy prove to be sound, or will it be back to the drawing board for 2011's DDT4?

Team #8: ˇPeligro Abejas! (El Generico & "Intrepid Traveler" Paul London)

-- Orphans. Neither El Generico or Paul London were orphans. In fact, they both came from pretty solid families that weren't too different from one another. However, both men have taken up the cause of helping children, using their status in the world of professional wrestling to contribute in a meaningful way. After the two men faced off at Titannica in a bid to secure funding for their respective orphanages, the philanthropists/wrestlers realized they could do more good for their causes together than they could apart. That is why at DDT4 El Generico and Paul London will join forces in an effort to reach the top of the tag team scene in Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, and generate enough cash and interest to being construction on the space elevator linking Los Angelitos de El Generico, El Generico's facility in Tijuana, Mexico, with Little London Cosmic Achievers, Paul London's facility in geosynchronous orbit with earth (geosynchronous orbit with the moon was deemed infeasible).

The thread will be updated as soon as the card are announced

04-22-2010, 04:10 AM
Good teams. Not as excited for this as Chikara but still good teams.