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View Full Version : Impact LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 26th April 2010

04-25-2010, 02:38 AM

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Impact Live Coverage - 26th April 2010

Hulk Hogan walks to the ring and gets right into it. He says he's been on a high since Lockdown and TNA is still changing. He congratulates RVD, but says he's going to have to up his game each and every week. In a show of class, he says to think what you want, but AJ is truly one of the greats, and it was a hard fought victory.

He then invites RVD to the ring to a ECW-calibre reaction! RVD says the reason he's in TNA is because he knew he would have a chance to be himself. He says some people will never understand his connection with the fans,...and also "nature's finest", *nudge, wink* (hint: this started a "420" chant.) RVD said he's the whole f'n show, but immediately AJ's music hits and he is dead serious as the heads to the ring accompanied by Flair. Hogan says nobody invited either one of the ex-world champs out here!

AJ says he's right, nobody understands him, a hippie freak. AJ asks him if he's high! He must be high to think he's the greatest world champ of all time.

Hogan tries to say something, but Flair tells him to shut up and says he's talked enough! Flair is hot and he throws off his jacket and gets in Hulkster's face! He says he pledges to God he's going to create new scars on Abyss tonight. He says he's created a career on beating big guys, which gets a huge pop to end the segment. When it came to picking sides, the crowd was all over the place here. These folks are loud and rowdy tonight, it seems.

The BP are in the back complaining about Beautiful People discrimination. They complain about how their matches are unfair, and Lacey misinterprets being "screwed" over for, uh, something ELSE...great lead in to the commercials.

We see a video package showing how the relationship between Tara and Angelina has gone bitter over time, including Tara's recent heel turn at Lockdown.

3-Way TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love vs. Tara

Slick sends the rest of the BP crew to the back, no interference here!

Madison gets decked and is out of the picture right off the bat. Tara and Angelina do some wild brawling and catfight-ish tussling until Tara gets a spinebuster on Angelina. But Angelina builds up some momentum and downs Tara. Madison is suddenly back in the ring, sending Love outside as she tries to climb the turnbuckle, and gets a side-rollup near fall on Tara! What will happen when we return?

We return with Angelina in total control of Madison, and Tara out on the floor. Love gets a big front slam on Madison for a near fall. Tara sends Love headfirst into metal post and FLYING outside. Seconds later, she gets a ridiculously quick snap suplex on Madison! But Angelina recovers quickly and rushes back in for a double suplex and HUGE superkick on Rayne for another near fall! Spinning sidewalk slam by Tara! In the ensuing chaos, Madison shoves them together and their heads collide. Angelina goes down and Rayne gets the pin.

Winner, and still TNA Knockouts Champion: Madison Rayne

After the match
Tara and Love are still fighting wildly. The refs separate them, but Tara rushes forward and hits Love from behind, though they are finally stopped.

This was actually a really great Knockouts bout. There were some great bumps, and for once there was no interference and they got a good 10 minutes of ring time. I hope to see more of this!

TNA X Division Championship Match
Shannon Moore(c) vs. Kazarian

I'm very disappointed that there was no hype at all for this match. As another note, Taz mentions he is disappointed for stripping Williams of the title while overseas.'

Lots of hip tosses, body slams, and quick reversals early on. Moore gets some real momentum and lands an inverted DDT and slingshot arm drag. But Kaz gets back to equal footing with a neckbreaker. Moore goes for a slingshot sunset flip, but Kaz catches him and nearly gets a reverse piledriver! Moore manages to fight out and get to the turnbuckle. Suddenly, Morgan books it to the ring and sends him FLYING to the floor! Kaz capitalizes (though he was down when the interfere occurred and was unaware of it) and gets the pin.

Winner, and NEW X Division champion: Kazarian!

After he match
Joe comes to the ring and begins beating the HELL out of Kazarian for no reason. Taz reminds us that Joe was kidnapped previously and returned without explanation last week. But it doesn't look like we're getting answers, at least not this week.

Back from the break, Abyss is talking about the HOF ring, and says no matter if he loses the ring or not, he will never lose the confidence it has given him.

Morgan is backstage trying to convince Jesse Neal to be his partner. He refuses, as he does not want to face his mentors, Team 3D. But Morgan reminds him of the promise that he made his fallen friend; that he would one day become a world champion. Jesse looks guilty now, as if he may reconsider. Morgan says if he decides to join forces, he knows where to find them.

No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere Tag Team Match
Jeff Jarrett and Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles and Sting

The bell rings, and all 4 men start exchanging slugs! AJ is on the ramp dropping elbows on Hardy, but Hardy gets a massive suplex! Meanwhile Jarrett lands an enzugiri, and once out of the ring, bashes Sting with a chair, but gets sent over the guardrail! They fight back to the ring, and Jarrett is now locking up with Styles. He locks in a sleeper, but Styles hits a low blow. Sting is able to tag in, and they hit a simultaneous shoulder block. Both men are down, but they eventually get their respective tags, and Hardy is taking it to AJ! We're then shown Sting walking out of the arena! AJ and Hardy battle it out in the ring while Jeff chases after Sting and they fight on the stairs. Jeff is wining until Sting whips out his bat and lays out Jarrett soundly! Elsewhere, AJ is laid out on a table, and Hardy is climbing a ladder to set up for a HUGE swanton! But Sting has AJ beat, and gets the 3-count on the stairs before Hardy can jump to deliver the finishing blow.

Winners: Sting and AJ Styles

Neal is backstage discussing his match with Team 3D and asks their thoughts. Neal says he wants their blessing to earn his first world championship. Devon asks how he expects to do that, because he's not going to beat them. But they give him his blessing and say that's the competitive spirit they taught him. But before the segment is over, they warn him not to fully trust Morgan...

As a pleasant surprise, Pope's music hits and he comes down to the ring to deliver some answers. Pope has a patch over his eye and a his arm in a sling. On another note, it was mentioned earlier that Daffney is also out injured.

Pope asks who AJ thinks he is, and says while he no longer has the gold, he hasn't forgotten about him. He says he's going to be watching him! POpe says when a member of his congregation falls, they get back up, and the crowd is repeating this with enthusiasm. Pope is pimpin..."amen!"

But before he can step out of the ring, Mr. Anderson walks to the ring. He says he's going to start calling him the Kool aid man. Not the "oohhh yeah!", busting through the wall Kool Aid, but the Jim Jones type! In other words, he said, they are gullible. He then points out Pope's injuries and makes fun of Angle for now being at home. He asks if he';s going to stay at home, too. Pope asks him to get to the point or shut the hell up! Anderson says the question is whether he's going to stay at home, or meet him in the ring at Sacrifice. Pope says his arm may be in a sling, but his pimp hand is still good and chops him brutally with his good arm. But Anderson has too great an advantage, and takes down Dinero, poking him in the injured eye before behind retrained by security.


Before the next match, a baxkstage issue gets a cameraman hustling into place to find Team 3D has taken out Sean Waltan, with blood all over the floor. Looks like he's finally out of the picture from TNA. Thank the heavens.

TNA Tag Team Championship Match
Matt Morgan(c) and Jesse Neal vs. Team 3D

Good grief, is this a PPV? What's with all the title matches tonight? Anyway,...

Neal starts it off with Devon, who outwrestles him and tags in Brother ray, but before they can get anywhere, Nash comes down with Hall looking furious as Pac's blood can be seen on his hands. Team 3D goes to face them, throwing the match.

Winners: No Contest due to outside interference. Matt Morgan retains the titles.

Morgan is frustrated and blindsides Neal while 3D is busy with The Wolfpac Band. He drags him in the ring and choke slams him, saying he's the best, and Neal will never be a champion!

Neal is finally back on his feet once we return, and he gets on the mic screaming at Morgan. Morgan seems uninterested but Hogan confronts him backstage and forces him to face Jesse.

Neal doesn't give him a chance to even step into the ring, rushing him and delivering a series of headbutts. Morgan is down and begging him not to hit him with title, but he quickly low blows Neal. The lays him out with yet another choke slam. But Shannon Moore rushes to the ring and drills Morgan with a missile drop kick.

Bischoff is finally ready to unveil the ranking system. He says the fans are going to be in control by voting for those who we feel deserve a title shot. It was not specified whether or not this will apply to multiple championships or how often a user will be eligible to vote.

Jay Lethal enters his office, and comically gives his top 10 list consisting of legends such as Andre and One Man Gang, and Eric shakes his head as another round of commercials is forced upon us.

Orlando Jordan is backstage wearing a provocative multi-coloured outfit. He announces he is debuting a new show called "The Ozone" next week and his first guest will be Rob Terry.

We're shown footage from ReAction where Flair talks about Hogan, and says he's offended about Abyss being in possession of his ring. He speaks very candidly, and it sounds like it may have only been partially scripted. Good promo.

The cameraman asks Hall and Nash what's next for The Band, and Nash says he's more worried about his friend right now.

Winner takes both Hall of Fame rings
Abyss vs. Ric Flair

The two lock up and Flair gets overpowered, but he's back up quickly. Flair unloads in the corner, but can't slingshot Abyss. Abyss gets a back body drop and is able to bust open Flair on the outside. Flair thumbs the eye and goes for the turnbuckle, but gets tossed! He's bleeding bad enough now that Taz says he looked like he got hit by a bus! Flair gets splashed and he comes out swinging wildly and missing before falling to the mat. Flair manages to blast him in the face with brass knuckles, and Flair gets the pin!

Winner: Ric Flair

But as Hebner is raising Flair's arm, he accidentally drops the brass knucks, and he decides to restart the match!

Flair lands some chops, but Abyss powers up, sends him to the ropes, and pulls off the Black Hole Slam.

(Final) Winner: Abyss

Hogan stolls down with a grin on his face and says next week he has chosen someone to present Ric's ring to. Flair is shouting in despair as we go off the air.

04-30-2010, 02:58 AM