View Full Version : Shelton Benjamin

05-01-2010, 07:54 PM
Ever since Shelton was released by WWE a week ago, I've heard alot of people claim that Shelton was never given a proper chance to develop himself into a main eventer. Wrong.

Shelton was given a chance in 2004, when he cleanly pinned HHH two weeks in a row. The fact is that Shelton didn't do a good job so WWE moved him back down to the mid-card. People also claim his "Momma" gimmick dragged him down.. Even though it was his idea.

Shelton was given several chances including his role on Smackdown teaming with Hass as a member of Team Angle and then as WGTT. Honestly, It's his fault he didn't progress into a higher and more active spot, not WWEs.

05-03-2010, 02:51 AM
Fair points well made but I still wouldn't agree releasing him was a good move on WWEs part.

A solid mid carder capable of some impressive spots, he'll hopefully go and shine in the X Division