View Full Version : [Chikara] Aniversario Elf Card

05-03-2010, 04:37 AM
This event takes place may 23rd in Union City, and here is the line-up for the card:








05-03-2010, 04:45 AM
I do like Eddie much more. But should be interesting when they meet at the CZW Arena :P

05-03-2010, 05:03 AM
I like both men, and it should be an interesting match no doubt. After looking the the two first matches for this show, I have to say that this looks promising!

05-10-2010, 06:20 PM
Card updated!

05-15-2010, 04:55 PM
Another match added to the card!

Glorious Maxxwell
05-16-2010, 08:33 PM
"Aniversario Elf" – May 23rd – Union City, NJ


Vin Gerard did something unplausible. After he and STIGMA lost to the Osirian Portal back at Wit, Verve, & A Bit O' Nerve, he congratulated the Portal on their win. Vin goes on to explain his actions in a recent CHIKARA blog:

Aniversario is upon us, and as unbelievable as this may seem, it really means a lot to me.

I attended the first CHIKARA show as a fan, and from that point forward, all I wanted was to wrestle for CHIKARA. That, was my goal in wrestling. Obviously, I've accomplished much more than I ever expected.

I also debuted for CHIKARA at the third Aniversario in what should have been the DREAM moment of my life. Instead, it was just full of resentment towards everything and anyone involved with CHIKARA.

Which brings us to now, the eve of the ninth Aniversario...and I'm low, real low. I don't even know what I'm saying or doing anymore, and it's pretty apparent that I just haven't cared. Loss after loss, month after month, what's stopping me from just giving up? That question was answered for me on March 20th when STIGMA and I faced The Osirian Portal.

Maybe I got caught up in the moment, but when's the last time I did a Moonsault?! Or cared so much about impressing someone that instead of resorting to cheating, I tried to out-wrestle them? If that's not enough, when was the last time I extended my hand to someone and actually MEANT IT?! That's why I said what I said to the Portal, they're good and I can learn a lot from them. They've got that one point STIGMA and I have been dying for. That one point we're not ready for yet.

Don't get me wrong, I've actually been trying to change, but...I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to wrap my hands around Jigsaw's throat. I hate him! Nothing will change that. Actually, for that matter, I really don't like any of the tecnicos.

I just haven't been able to get my mind off of that match. The Osirians. I cared. I really did. I want that feeling again. May 23rd, I have my chance.

Amasis, listen to me...everyone knows I like to play mindgames, don't take it personally. When I get in there with you, I only have one thing to prove: that I can hang with the best. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

I expect your A game, you'll have mine.

Amasis was confused, and for good reason. Since he was unveiled in November of 2007, outside of his group, Gerard's been a selfish goon. These actions are completely out of character for him, and at the moment it's difficult to tell whether or not he's sincere. With that said, he's looking to make up for that loss by taking on Amasis in singles competition (much like STIGMA is facing Ophidian the previous night with revenge on his mind). Will Amasis be able to upset Vin once more, or will Gerard's new approach prove to be serviceable?


There is no faster way to accumulate the points necessary to earn a shot at the Campeones de Parejas then to win a Four Team Elimination match. The first team in this match is 3.0, formerly known as 2.0. After a major dry spell of victories (I believe over 9 months long), 2.0 finally won a match as Jagged (now known as Scott "Jagged" Parker) and Shane Matthews. With their confidence in check, 2.0 upgraded themselves to 3.0 and collected their first point by defeating The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple at Dead Men Don't Laugh. When 3.0 claimed they were upgrading, Icarus and Gran Akuma of F.I.S.T. called them jokes and said no matter what, they would be losers. This would be 3.0's chance to earn a title shot and prove them wrong. While Gran Akuma is in this tag match, he will be teaming up with F.I.S.T. stablemate Chuck Taylor, not Icarus. Taylor and Akuma have not teamed together as a duo since September of 2008. And yet, the duo still have TWO points towards title contention. All it takes for them to earn a shot would be to outlast two other teams and score the deciding fall. Helios and Equinox need something to bide their time with since Jigsaw seems busy teaming with Mike Quackenbush. What better way than to score themselves a title match? Between this and their tag match the previous evening, they'll have the opportunity to rack up quite a few points. Finally, the Super Smash Bros. enter as the fourth team.. Player Dos was busy defending his Young Lions Cup, but seemed to have lost his way since losing it to Tim Donst. Player Uno went down with an injury, keeping him out of CHIKARA action since February. Uno and Dos' last effort saw them come out on the losing end of a Four Team Elimination match, meaning they're coming into this with zero points in their name. What better way than to pick up after a two month absence than to earn a title shot right off the bat? Anyone can take this, but only one team can walk out with any points at all. Which team will it be? Dropped off yesterday was a blog from 3.0:

It would seem like it's time to FEEL THE FLOW OF 3.0!!!!

Identity is a very tricky thing. There are many events through one's life that shapes and moulds and changes who you are and what you stand for. The past two years or so have been full of ups and downs for 2.0. Over the course of the last couple of years, we were given the great honour and opportunity to travel the world and represent CHIKARA in California, Germany and Japan. While attaining levels of international success the two young snot nosed kids from Montreal, Quebec, Canada never thought they could reach, something still felt off. On paper, this last run has been, by far, the best of our career, but again something always felt a little off. While we were getting all these international opportunities, things at "home," meaning CHIKARA, were rough. If you go back and check the record books in MARCH 2007 2.0 defeated BLK OUT.

Our next tag team victory wouldn't come until APRIL 2009 when we severely upset the team of Hallowicked and Frightmare. Take a second to look at that. Can you do the math? Don't worry cause we've rolled the numbers in our head over and over again. It comes out to 2 years and 1 month between wins. When we first sat down and talked about that together, it was a real tough pill to swallow. However, we knew we had finally gotten that 1 point that had eluded us for so long, and we felt like things were finally looking up…only to lose that point our next match out. This would be the story of our year. We'd pull things together for a match, or two, we'd get the ball rolling...then the wheels would fall off. Needless to say it didn't do much for our confidence. We knew a serious change was needed.

As Shane explained in Easton back at "Wit, Verve and a bit o' Nerve," we did what any other logical professional wrestler would do, we went to the store, we bought some denim, and we pretended to be bikers. The funny thing is that it actually worked, and we began to consistently win matches!

The funny thing is, even though we were winning at the time, the victories and the points all felt empty. While the job was getting done, we still didn't feel like the engine was running as well as it could, and we knew that unfortunately, the Badd Boyz, while they were an effective band aid so to speak, weren't what we wanted to do and we could tell that it wasn't what you, the CHIKARA fans, wanted from us either. Over our shoulders and on message boards we'd keep hearing people say "wish it was 2.0" or playful calls in our direction of "Feel the Flow!' and "BOOYA!" Now without trying to sound overly cheesy or sappy, that is what started to give us our confidence back. The fact that while we were trying to do this completely different thing, people were still asking for the old us back.

That's when fate kinda lent us a helping hand. Since the whole BDK attack, CHIKARA has been totally flipped upside-down, and while the old Director of Fun Lenny Chikarason seemed to be onto us, the new big man on campus Dieter Von Somethingorother was the one who pulled the trigger and scheduled a "loser leaves CHIKARA" match between The Badd Boyz and 2.0 back in March.

You all know how that one played out. If you don't, you should purchase the DVD (cheap plug! YES!) So here we stand as 3.0. Upgraded! New and improved! While the current version isn't a complete change, it's more of a reinvention of our identity. Like any facet of life, you have to evolve and adapt to your surroundings, which is something Shane and myself failed to do for so long.

It's funny, but we feel a bit of a weird relation to the current events in the NHL playoffs. Our home town team, the Montreal Canadiens, are pulling off things that people never in a million years thought they could do. At the beginning of the playoffs this year, the Habs, who just barely made it into the playoffs, were up against the best team in the league, the Washington Capitals. Everyone figured that Montreal would promptly be swept aside and demolished by the most decorated and established team in the league but fate dictated a different course. While the battle looked like it was just about over for the Canadiens, they kept clawing back into it. The war lasted 7 long games and in the end, the team that everyone thought of as nothing but a joke, beat that top team.

Does any of this sound a little bit familiar?

Who is the most dominant; the most established and decorated team in CHIKARA?

Who were the ones who decided that they were gonna come out and mock us during a proud moment we shared with the fans in Easton?

And who's the little underdog team from Montreal that absolutely NO ONE thinks has a chance?

Who are the ones that are looked down upon by the top dog as nothing more than a joke?

Shane and I believe that this is more than just a simple coincidence. F.I.S.T., you can mock us all you want. You can laugh until tears stream down your ugly faces, but if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate what someone is capable of when their back is against the wall and success is their only option.

Please...keep laughing.


Fire Ant continues his solo adventure, taking on that pesky feline Lince Dorado. As stated before, The Colony dished out the BDK's first non-DQ loss over King of Trios weekend, and the BDK aren't happy. Hoping to prove it's a fluke, Lince will take on the most decorated member of the group. As a former Young Lions Cup tournament winner, Campeone de Parejas, and Tag World Grand Prix 2008 winner, Fire Ant has the one-up on Lince, who was one-third of the 2008 King of Trios and won La Lotería Letal with Jimmy "Equinox" Olsen. This isn't about championships or tournaments though, it's about seeing who's the best. Can Fire Ant hand the BDK another loss, or will Dorado bring the BDK back to their winning ways?


Speaking of the BDK, four of its members (Tursas, Pinkie "Pink Ant" Sanchez, Sara Del Rey, & Daizee Haze) are set for Atomicos action against Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Dasher Hatfield, & Sugar Dunkerton. The only time we've seen the BDK in an Atomicos match was at A World Of Comforting Illusions where Tursas, Sanchez, Lince Dorado, and Tim Donst defeated Quack, Jigsaw, Helios, and Equinox. While the teams have changed, the objective for the Tecnicos is the same: keep the BDK down. They also have a slight advantage, as Dasher and Sugar take on Tursas and Daizee the night before. The Throwbacks will be able to hash out a game plan around those two and bring it to the table, if they choose to do so. Really it's another brawl between CHIKARA and the BDK. Much like the previous night's Atomico, this could be a whole lot of fun.


You know what I didn't know? Yes, The Former Young Lions Cup Secret Society! It's a thing! And it's something Soldier Ant would enjoy being apart of. He'll get the chance, as he challenges Tim Donst for the Young Lions Cup in Jersey. Soldier Ant made Tim Donst submit to the CHIKARA Special, eliminating the second BDK squadron from the tournament. With that victory, Soldier Ant earned himself a shot at the Cup. He made Donst submit once; but can he do it a second time? This will be Donst's third defense of the Cup, and looks to be the toughest of the three.


Claudio Castagnoli & Ares defeated The Colony at Wit, Verve, & A Bit O' Nerve in a semi-controversial fashion, with the BDK using stairs and the other members of the BDK destroying the Colony before the bell rang. In addition, Claudio and Ares teamed up with Tursas to win the entire 2010 King of Trios tournament with the help of Derek Sabato, the official referee for the BDK. Also during King of Trios weekend, Incoherence of Hallowicked & Frightmare collected the three necessary points needed to challenge for the Campeonatos de Parejas in the Tag Gauntlet. Not only that, but they defeated their old rivals (The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple), former Campeones de Parejas (F.I.S.T., who Hallowicked also defeated to win the Campeones de Parejas with Delirious in 2007), and the BDK duo of Sara Del Rey and Daizee Haze. With Incoherence dishing out a loss to the BDK, they look to do it again this time. Claudio and Ares had Incoherence's number last month in a Trios match, but this time around, they can't (legally) hit their devastating "Ragnarok" triple team finisher like they did in that match. Will Incoherence shorten BDK's title run, or will the BDK trounce on?


One of the most surprising moments of King of Trios weekend was Tommy Dreamer's surprise appearance after Eddie Kingston defeated Christopher Daniels. After professing his love for Dragon Dragon, Dreamer told Kingston he was aware of his back story. Kingston, like Dreamer, is from Yonkers, and looked up to Dreamer as a fellow Yonkers wrestler. Dreamer then told Kingston he was going to give him the same opportunity that Terry Funk gave Dreamer; to wrestle his idol. With that said, these Yonkerrs natives will face off for the first time ever minutes from New York City. Both these guys are known for their rougher style, so it will be quite interesting to watch how this match unfolds. Will Eddie Kingston be able to topple to Innovator of Violence, or will Dreamer leave the fans chanting "you still got it?"

Of course, with both these weekends, you have to taken into consideration that Brüderschaft referee Derek Sabato will likely play a pivotal role in the outcome of most of the BDK's matches. It's likely that he will short-change the CHIKARA guys while committing any underhanded tactics to give his BDK buddies the win. You have to wonder what role Sabato will play, and if any officials or CHIKARA wrestlers will have something to say about it.[/CENTER]

Source - 411 Mania...

Dammit, both cards look so fucking great man...

05-26-2010, 01:02 AM
"Aniversario Elf"
5.23.2010 @ The ACE Arena
(Union City, NJ)

1. o Equinox & Helios {W}
(1st Elimination at 10:07 ~ Punch by Equinox on Dos)
(2nd Elimination at 11:36 ~ Frog Splash by Akuma on Parker)
(3rd Elimination at 13:13 ~ Standing Shooting Star Press by Helios on Taylor)
Player Uno & Player Dos, Scott Parker & Shane Matthews, Gran Akuma & Chuck Taylor x

2. x Fire Ant (10:05 ~ Shooting Star Press) Lince Dorado o

3. x Amasis (13:15 ~ Single Leg Cradle) Vin Gerard o

4. o Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw {W} & Dasher Hatfield & Sugar Dunkerton
(14:14 ~ "Jig n' Tonic")
Sara Del Rey & Daizee Haze & Pink Ant {L} & Tursas x

Young Lions Cup Match:
5. x Soldier Ant (11:31 ~ Inverted CHIKARA Special) Tim Donst o

CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas Match:
6. x Hallowicked & Frightmare {L}
(Primera Caida in 0:05 ~ Lateral Press by Castagnoli on Frightmare)
(Segunda Caida in 11:40 ~ Tiger Driver by Ares on Frightmare)
Claudio Castagnoli & Ares {W} o

7. o Eddie Kingston (12:39 ~ Disqualification) Tommy Dreamer