View Full Version : Jim Ross On Austin's Twitters, Tony Atlas, Chris Jericho, What He's Not Going To Do

05-03-2010, 04:40 AM
Jim Ross has posted his latest blog entry today, which you can check out at this link. Some highlights from this entry:

- Yes, it's THE Steve Austin who Twitters at steveaustinBSR. I swear.

- Yes...sad to hear Tony Atlas got 'future endeavored' but it will likely happen to all of us at one time or another. Dislike the term 'future endeavors' as it feels like an empty phase. It's almost become an inside joke with many of the talents. Atlas did get a nice run when it looked as if his WWE days had ended long ago and now perhaps Tony can focus on his art work which is outstanding.

- No...Chris Jericho was not welcomed with open arms in the WWE locker room when he first arrived from WCW. Some thought that Jericho was too short/small to be a big time player but Chris has long proved those naysayers wrong. Professional jealousy isn't an exclusive of pro wrestling as you can take a look at your own workplace or school and see what I mean. However, one of the first things that I saw and learned first hand when I walked in my first locker room in pro wrestling in 1974 was the paranoia and insecure nature that many wrestlers perpetuated. To many wrestlers, then and now, the glass is always or usually half empty rather than half full. Now with there actually being fewer places for wrestlers to work and earn a viable living working full time, one can argue those negative emotions might even be more pronounced which is why these issues always have to be addressed so that the various locker rooms can be more stable thus more productive.

- No...I have not 'reconsidered' doing a 'shoot interview' for the sole purpose of throwing people who I've worked with under a bus. I don't need a payday that badly to compromise my character to make associates past and present look bad and to make others money off my stories that I choose to tell.

- No...I'm not interested in having a TV authority figure role on a wrestling show. None has been offered, by the way, but it isn't something that interests me at this stage of the game. I'm one that believes that the authority figure role on a wrestling TV show is waning and needs to be refreshed and invigorated. I'm not the guy to do that.

- Several emailers have suggested that I just broadcast PPV's for WWE. Again, thanks for the suggestions but that ship has long since sailed. I'm good staying behind and monitoring its voyage.


05-03-2010, 04:43 AM
Thanx for posting Kellie!

05-03-2010, 04:49 AM
Thanks you Kellie.

05-03-2010, 04:51 PM
JR Pretty much confirming he won't be returning to the announcers table then.

Cheers for posting it

05-03-2010, 05:38 PM
thx for posting this its a shame the best wrestling announcer is not announcing anymore just a waste of a great on air talent.

05-03-2010, 09:10 PM
thanks for the post kellie