View Full Version : WWE Superstars 6th May 2010 TV Report

05-07-2010, 06:35 AM
We begin tonight’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.
Match Number One: Carlito with Michael Tarver versus Primo

They circle each other and then they lock up. Primo with a side head lock and shoulder tackle for a near fall. Carlito backs into the corner and the referee checks on him. They lock up again and Primo with another side head lock into a rollup for a near fall. Carlito tries to send Primo to the apron but Primo with a headstand into a head scissors and drop kick. Carlito with a knee and he hesitates before covering Primo. Carlito with a slam and then he connects with an elbow drop and gets a near fall. Carlito with a rear chin lock. Primo with elbows and a springboard cross body for a near fall. Carlito with a kick to the head and then Carlito walks around the ring before picking Primo up. Carlito does not punch Primo and Primo uses that to punch Carlito followed by kicks and a leg drop for a near fall. Primo with a flying back elbow followed by a running back elbow. Primo punches Carlito in the corner but Primo misses a cross body from the top when Carlito moves out of the way. Carlito waits for Primo to get to his feet and he does not hit the lungblower. Carlito refuses to continue the match and demands the mic.

Carlito wants to know if this is really what they want. Do they want to see two brothers tear each other apart. Carlito asks if Primo cares about the fans. He sayst aht the fans don’t care about them. He says that they deserve a lot more. Carlito reminds Primo that they were the first Unified Tag Team Champion. He tells Primo that he can worry about the fans or make an impact with him.

Carlito starts to walk out of the ring and Primo stops him and they shake hands and hug. Carlito and Primo leave the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did you Know that the SummerSlam website won an award.

It is time for the Smackdown brand to take over and your announcers are Todd Grisham and Matt Striker.

Match Number Two: Chavo Guerrero versus Chris Masters

They lock up and Masters backs Chavo into the turnbuckles. Masters with a clean break but Chavo pushes Masters and Masters shows his pectoral dancing ability. Chavo is able to escape a Master Lock attempt by getting to the ropes and he goes to the floor. Masters follows after Chavo but he gets into the ring at the same time as Chavo. Masters with a punch and Chavo goes to the floor again. Masters presses Chavo over his head and returns him to the ring. Chavo with a kick as Masters returns to the ring and Chavo with a drop kick that sends Masters to the floor. Chavo punches Masters and then he hits a slingshot senton back into the ring and gets a near fall. Chavo with a kick to the head and then he connects with a Latino uppercut. Cavho with an arm bar and cross face on Masters and then he takes Masters to the mat going for the leg. Chavo with a side head lock and then he puts Masters in a reverse chin lock. Masters with an elbow and then he drives Chavo into the turnbuckles to get out of the hold. Masters with a clothesline and back elbow followed by a back body drop and Chavo holds his knee. Chavo with a kick but Masters with a back breaker and a side slam for a near fall. Masters jumps which means that it is time for the Master Lock. Chavo with elbows to block it. Chavo with a leaping DDT for a two count. Chavo does the Guerrero shimmy and then he tries for the Three Amigos but Masters blocks on the second one and he applies the Master Lock and Chavo gives up.

Winner: Chris Masters

Kelly Kelly is in the locker room and Michelle and Layla smell something and it turns out to be Kelly. Kelly says that she has the smell of a winner. Vickie Guerrero enters and she smells something too. Vickie says that she is the queen of problem solving and as the executive consultant of Smackdown she will take care of it. Vickie Febreezes her and then Kelly calls Vickie the Official Cow of Smackdown. The attack stops when Beth Phoenix and Tiffany enter.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Three: Beth Phoenix versus Rosa Mendes

Before the match, Rosa introduces herself and she mentions that she has just been drafted to Smackdown and then she says that Beth’s days of being a champion are coming to an end.

Rosa pushes Beth and Beth pushes back. Rosa with a slap and then Beth smiles before she picks up Rosa and drops her on the top turnbuckles. Beth with a kick to the midsection followed by a biel and clothesline followed by a double sledge. Beth sends Rosa into the turnbuckles and then she punches Rosa. Beth runs into the turnbuckles and Rosa with a forearm. Rosa kicks Beth while Beth appears to have injured her knee. Rosa charges and Beth with a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

After the match, Beth is helped to the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Raw Rebound.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Big Show video package showing what he did to Chris Jericho, Edge, and Big Show.

We see highlights from the Strap Match between JTG and Shad at Extreme Rules.

Match Number Four: JTG versus Shad Gaspard

Shad goes after JTG but JTG moves and he connects with punches. Shad runs into boots from JTG and then JTG with a leg lariat from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Shad misses a running boot to JTG and JTG with a drop kick that sends Shad to the floor. JTG with a pescado and we go to commercial.

We are back and Shad is using the ropes to stretch JTG. Shad goes to the floor and he hits a running boot to the head. Shad gets a near fall. Shad with a forearm to the kidney region and then he has JTG in a modified Dragon Choke. JTG with a punch to get out of the hold but Shad drops JTG to the mat. Shad with a clothesline for a near fall. Shad kicks JTG in the head but JTG with punches. JTG with a kick but Shad with an abdominal stretch. Shad stands over JTG and then he returns to an abdominal stretch but JTG fights it off for a moment until Shad can use his size and strength advantage to reapply the hold. Shad uses the ropes for extra leverage but the referee sees it and JTG with a hip toss to get out of the hold. JTG with a rollup for a near fall. Shad with a kick but JTG with a sliding uppercut and a flip shoulder tackle. JTG with a kick and then he drop kicks Shad into the turnbuckles. JTG with the Mug Shot and he gets a near fall. Shad goes to the floor and JTG follows after him and sends Shad into the apron. Shad with a kick as JTG returns to the ring. Shad tries for a splash to the back but JTG is able to turn and Shad is in a bit of pain. JTG with a kick and he tries for the wraparound clothesline but Shad grabs the ropes and hits the STO for the three count.

Winner: Shad Gaspard

We go to credits.