View Full Version : Why aren't the ladies used more?

05-08-2010, 01:00 PM
KK, since it's about WWE and TNA, I figured to post this in this section.

I have to be honest to say that I enjoyed wrestling since I was a kid.
Back in the old days of WWF, the only women that were seen on TV (in Holland when we still had SKY channel) were Wendy Richter and the fabulous Moolah.
Back then women wrestling didn't seem to make that much sense to me, LOL....
But now, after literally a few months of catching up on WWE, TNA, ECW, WCW etc, seeing chicks battle it out does make sense to me:)

The funny thing is, that when you're watching a few Wrestlemania shows in a row, you tend to appreciate the women even more. At least, in my case.
Even in TNA: most of the matches are terribly short, but the "eye-candy" is off the hook!

Where am I going with this?
Easy: When will the creative departments stay off the drugs and use the women a LOT more?!?!?!?!?!?!
Most of the times I find the women giving a waaaaaaaaaay better performance in the ring than the men.
Better moves, faster pace, you name it.
Why the BS promos all the time, when you can have the ladies battle it out?
It may be just me, but I'd rather see Vel-Vel against Angelina Love ANY DAY in stead of sweaty, over-muscular men climbing on top of each other back's, trying to make the underlying man submit:lmao:

Wouldn't it be awesome if they'd incorporate a women's version of NXT for the next season?
In my opinion, the women can show so much more than they can atm.
To me, it's a terrible shame to see them being used as a "fill-up-a-section-of-free-time" in the shows.

I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who feels like this:)

05-22-2010, 04:16 PM
I guess you are the only one who feels this way.

The bottom line is, most of the "divas" have no talent. They're just tits & ass. They've gotten rid of those ones who have talent.

05-22-2010, 04:32 PM
Most of the women in WWE and TNA doesn't have any talent what so ever, they are just eye-candy and that's the whole idea in WWE and TNA I guess.
Besides a couple of course. A women version of NXT would be kinda cool I guess!

I suggest you check out Shimmer, the best womens wrestling out there :wink:

05-22-2010, 05:30 PM
@KeMo: After seeing RAW, SD and Impact! the last few weeks, I have to agree with you I guess...
Madison's finisher against Tara was more than sloppy and the rest was.... nevermind...
I have a good bunch of the good old Chyna, Trish and Lita matches, and most of them are indeed better than the crap we get dished out nowadays...
And yes, most of the ladies are just t&a... When you look at their entrances and then their matches, they kinda don't belong together...

There was a time that women's wrestling was fun to watch, but the last matches haven't been good at all lately...

@Smartmark: thanks for the hint: I will most definately do that :)

05-23-2010, 02:17 AM
Go dig out some of the OVW girls stuff I've posted. If you haven't seen it, go find Mickie James vs. Jillian Hall. Its pretty good.

Victoria aka Tara is awesome. I like watching her and ODB work. Roxie was pretty bad ass too.

05-23-2010, 04:18 AM
If you want to know why they;re used less, ask Mickie & Beth Phoenix. They'll both tell you... Being used more means more chance for injury, which then greatly limits the amount WWE can use them over the following few months. That much use also means you use them in several feuds/types of feuds with several different people, which makes it that much easier to get repetitive if they have long careers (which most hope to in any business).

05-23-2010, 06:44 AM
If you want to know why they;re used less, ask Mickie & Beth Phoenix. They'll both tell you... Being used more means more chance for injury, which then greatly limits the amount WWE can use them over the following few months. That much use also means you use them in several feuds/types of feuds with several different people, which makes it that much easier to get repetitive if they have long careers (which most hope to in any business).

That's part of the gig. They got into the business, they should chance it like everyone else. No excuses.

05-23-2010, 06:46 AM
That's part of the gig. They got into the business, they should chance it like everyone else. No excuses.

They understand that, I'm sure. But the amount they're used is proportionate to the chances of injury, which is why you'd use anyone less.