View Full Version : Jeff Hardy considers himself as a role model - Details

05-10-2010, 07:17 PM
As Jeff Hardy currently stands trial on drug charges in his home state of North Carolina, the official TNA Wrestling website has an article online featuring "Twilight: Eclipse" star Booboo Stewart interviewing Jeff Hardy. Interestingly enough, the first question for Hardy is if he considers himself a role model. Below is his response:

Definitely, yes. I know I am. I never forget where I came from to get where I am today and that’s a huge important thing. Don’t ever forget where you started. Always consider yourself human and remain down to earth. And treat your fans with the respect they deserve and you’ll get all that back in the long run.


05-10-2010, 08:24 PM
wow thats interesting ... thanks john

05-11-2010, 01:18 AM
He is a role model. I bet all the druggies in the world wish they were like him, so they would always be able to do their drugs and not get in trouble. I'm sure druggies everywhere strive to be just like Jeff Hardy.

05-11-2010, 04:26 AM
hardy is such a dickwade he should be in jail already worst role model for kids possible

05-11-2010, 04:46 AM
Wouldn't say worst. Better than Vick or Tiger. That being said I don't think ANY athlete or entertainer should be held out as a role model.

05-11-2010, 03:55 PM
thanks for the post john

05-11-2010, 05:12 PM
Wouldn't say worst. Better than Vick or Tiger. That being said I don't think ANY athlete or entertainer should be held out as a role model.

The bit Ive bolded to an extent is spot on.

It is only natural that people will look up to those who they are a fan of. However having said that, when it is an athlete, actor, musician etc they should only look up to what they do whilst carrying out their profession.

Jeff Hardy is correct. He is a role model for his in ring work and his ability in the wrestling world.

The majority of his fans though do not know him personally and have no right to do so either. Whilst I'm not condoning allegedly pushing drugs etc whatever he does or doesn't do in his personal life is nothing to do with how I view him as a competitor in the ring. And he also doesn't HAVE to be a responsible role model for people outside of wrestling if he doesn't choose to be.

05-12-2010, 04:55 PM
whats your excuse for benoit? they have a responsibility to people inside and outside the ring....

05-12-2010, 09:45 PM
Better than Tiger? So doing drugs is better than cheating? how exactly do you justify that?

05-13-2010, 06:51 AM
Because Tiger actively built up this fake flawless public persona so he could make tons more on endorsements than he could on his winning. If he never had an entire PR firm behind him to make him look like a squeaky clean role model I would agree with you. It is the manufactured innocence when he knew he was a dog that is my biggest objection.

Like I said I don't think athletes and entertainers should be viable role models. I also think "celebrities" should have their privacy and paparazzi should be pushed off a cliff. I couldn't give a damn what these people do in their private lives as long as it doesn't effect me or my family.